Studies Flashcards
Which studies show the behavioural confirmation effect?
Phonecall; Snyder et al. (1977)
Hostility; Snyder & Swann (1978)
Which study shows how people make causal attribution?
Diary; Gilovich & Regan (1986)
Which report compared judgements about the self and others?
Disposition vs. situation; Pronin (2008)
Which study shows the correspondence bias?
Castro’s Cuba; Jones & Harris (1967)
Which studies show the fundamental attribution error?
Mood; Forgas (1988)
Quizmasters & Contestants; Ross et al. (1977)
Which study shows the effect of political attitude on the FAE?
Liberals vs. conservatives; Skitka et al. (2002)
Which report looked at embarrassment and face?
Which report explained the findings of Milgram and Asch?
Disposition; Sabini
Who developed the Theory of Planned Behaviour?
Ajzen, (1988, 1991)
Which study shows attitude-behaviour discrepancy?
Face-to-face norms; LaPiere (1934)
Which studies show the importance of correspondence?
Environment; Weigel & Newman (1976)
Birth Control; Davidson & Jaccard (1979)
Which additional variables were proposed for TPB?
Moral norms; Beck & Ajzen (1991)
Identity-appropriateness; Sparks & Shepherd (1992)
Anticipated regret; Terry, Hogg & White (1999)
Which studies show cognitive dissonance?
Forced compliance; Festinger & Carlsmith (1959)
Grasshopper; Zimbardo et al (1965)
Effort justification; Aronson & Mills (1959)
Which studies show dissonance and arousal?
Memory task; Zanna & Cooper (1974)
Essay; Zanna et al. (1976)
Which study utilised hypocrisy manipulations?
Commitment & Mindfulness; Stone et al. (1994)
Which studies show affirmation-manipulations?
Community project; Steele (1975)
Prejudice; Fein & Spencer (1997)
Consumption; Sivanathan & Pettit (2010)
Which studies show the effects of self-esteem?
Anxiety/dysphoria; Strauman et al. (1993)
Anxiety buffer; Greenberg et al. (1992)
Who developed Terror Management Theory?
Pyszczynski et al. (1997)
Who developed Sociometer Theory?
Leary & Baumeister (2000)
Which report explained positive illusions?
Taylor & Brown (1994)
Which studies show the dark side of self-esteem?
Stability moderator; Kernis et al. (1989)
Narcissism; Bushman & Baumeister (1998)
Threatened egotism; Baumeister et al. (2000)
Which study shows self-regulation and its effects in later life?
The Marshmallow Test; Mischel (1970)
Which studies discuss trait self-control?
Success; DeRidder et al. (2012)
Beneficial; Baumeister & Alquist (2009)
Who developed the model of action phases?
Heckhausen & Gollwitzer (1987)
Which studies suggest how to improve self-control?
Pre-commitment; Arielu et al. (2002)
Self-compassion; Breines & Chen (2012)
Which studies show emotions influencing decisions?
Pantyhose; Nisbett & Wilson (1977)
Suspension Bridge; Dutton & Aron (1974)