Student Questions Flashcards
What are the 4 P’s of management
When making a strategic plan, there are external and internal factors that are examined. Which answer has the correct matching of external and internal factors.
External factors= opportunities and threats
Internal factors= strengths and weaknesses
Which answer contains only external factors?
a. power of the healthcare workforce, competitive rivalry, financial condition
b. strategic performance, competitive rivalry, regulatory environment
c. competitive rivalry, innovations in technology, regulatory environment
The Medicare Orthotic and Prosthetic Improvement Act aims to? A) Generate savings to the Medicare fund B) Decrease fraud and abuse C) Improve the patient quality care D) Enforce existing regulations E) All of the above
Orthotics and Prosthetics is often placed in the same category as? A) DME B) Physical Therapy C) Occupational Therapy D) Physicians
T/F With accordance to the HR Standards, privileged, non-credentialed care providers can practice with direct supervision.
Which of the following is NOT a perk of being accredited by a deemed authority?
Can acquire a Medicare Provider Number
It is the highest public recognition in care centers
You are exempt from annual fees
You can bill Medicare
You are exempt from annual fees
ABC changed the field of orthotics and prosthetics by implementing what in its beginning days?
A. Required residency programs
B. Age restrictions to becoming certified practitioners
C. The name of practitioners to certified orthotists and prosthetists
D. The scope of practice to include pedorthics
What ABC document is the psychometric and legally defensive strategy used to update the credentialing content as well as the overall description of the profession? A. The Scope of Practice B. Practice Analysis C. Code of Professional Responsibilities D. ABC Handbook for Practitioners
Which of the following is not a subtype of functional support? A. instrumental B. informational C. emotional D. structural
Which of the following is not a requirement for being a certified peer visitor A. 8 hour training session B. 3 references C. At least one year post amputation D. High school diploma
Which devices were analyzed in the study spoken about on
a. Upper extremity prosthetics
b. Lower limb prosthetics
c. Spinal orthoses
d. Lower limb orthoses
e. All of the above
Who is affected by the study on
a. Beneficiaries
b. Practitioners
c. Funders
d. Surgeons
e. All of the above
Online health monitoring tools are
a) Automatically linguistically inclusive because they operate on universal hypertext protocol.
b) Currently highly culturally inclusive.
c) Not developed with the needs of vulnerable populations taken into account.
d) Currently support access by persons with disabilities.
African-Americans have a _____ ______ chance of being diagnosed with diabetes compared to the majority population.
a) 35%, lower
b) 50%, higher
c) 77%, higher
d) 77%, lower
At the executive level, many healthcare organizations have been found to hire based ____________?
a) Expected return on salary
b) Talent
c) Who is thought to be a “good fit” to the existing culture of the organization
d) Personal appearance
Why does Medicaid, in most states, not reimburse for cranial helmets used in the treatment of positional plagiocephaly?
A. Medicaid deems this treatment for cosmetic purposes and not medically necessary.
B. Children are not usually covered under Medicaid.
C. There is not much research proving this treatment is effective.
The Medicaid benefit EPSDT stands for.
A. Elderly Patient Senior Discount for Treatment
B. Early and Periodic Screening Diagnostic and Treatment
C. Empirical Prosthetic Survey for Delivery and Treatment
Which of the following is not one of the Kubler-Ross five stages of grief? o Anger o Depression o Guilt o Acceptance
When a patient exhibits signs of depression what is your responsibility as a practitioner?
oCall their parents and their physician
oGive them a pamphlet and/or a self-help book
oTell them you understand what they are going through
oRefer them to a mental health specialist, inform their doctor
How can we help increase self-esteem? oSet reasonable goals oUse person-first language oProvide quality services in a timely manor oAll of the above
T/F: The Native Americans believe that humans consist of three elements: body, mind, and spirit. The body is the most important element, and in order for healing to occur, the body must be the pure focus of treatment and disregard is taken to the mind and spirit.
The Pima Indians of the Gila River Indian Community near Phoenix, Arizona, have the highest rates of diabetes in the world. About what percentage of their population has diabetes? A) 60% B) 50% C) 40% D) 30%
Which of the following questions is least appropriate to ask in dealing with a patient that is culturally different than yourself?
A) To provide the best care for you, what would you like us to know about your culture or your health preferences?
B) How is our medical care different from what you or your family typically use?
C) Why do you or your family consult religious and community leaders for your medical care instead of a doctor?
D) Are we doing anything that you or your family are not comfortable with?
You and a patient have different cultural views and beliefs regarding medical care. A conflict arises, and you are afraid to lose your patient’s business and their doctor as a referral source. What is the first thing you do?
A) Call the doctor to confirm what is essential, and be prepared to compromise everything else
B) Complain to the doctor and say that you don’t want those types of patients referred to you, but you will continue to treat this one even though the patient is noncompliant.
C) Refuse to modify the treatment because you’re the expert, and the doctor prescribed a certain device.
D) Make the resident deal with it so they can learn how to deal with crazy patients.
The EMRAM is a model that is used for:
a. Tracks EMR progression in hospitals
b. CMS incentive program for physicians, healthcare professionals and hospitals
c. Model for O&P practitioners using EMR
The reason for the slow adaption of EMR include all except:
a. High cost of software system
b. Not user friendly
c. Patient privacy
d. Less effective workflow
A(n) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ orthosis is prefabricated and requires substantial modifications. A. custom fitted B. custom C. off the self D. soft goods
True or False. Minimal self-adjustment requires minimal adjustments by the orthotist, like, trimming, bending, or molding of the orthosis.
T/F: Orthotist and Prosthetist notes have never been considered part of the medical record.
H.R.1530 includes provisions to do which of the following?
A. Delay Recoupment from RAC audits
B. Separate O&P from DME
C. Clarify the meaning of “minimal self-adjustment” for OTS Orthoses
D. All of the above
The current wait time for a response from an ALJ is 547 days, the legal limit for this response is: A. 550 days B. 90 Days C. 180 Days D. 365 Days
What are the goals of Medicare’s Competitive Bidding Program?
A. Save Medicare money, decrease beneficiary out-of-pocket expenses, and ensure beneficiary access to quality items and services
B. Save tax payer money and increase Medicare spending
C. Ensure beneficiary access to O&P items and save out-of-pocket expenses
D. Save Medicare money and ensure beneficiary access to quality items and services
What does Medicare’s Competitive Bidding Program replace the currently used DMEPOS fee schedule with?
A. A competitive bid process
B. A financial competition
C. A socialistic bid process
D. Nothing. The Competitive Bidding Program enforces a fee schedule.
Have any O and P items been included in the Competitive Bidding Program rounds?
A. No.
B. Yes
Under what part of the essential health benefits is O and P?
A) Ambulatory patient services
B) preventative services, Wellness services, and Chronic disease treatment
C) Rehabilitative and Habilitative Sevices and devices
D) None of the above
T/F: Are states, within the guide lines of the ACA, allowed to create their own interpretations of the essential health benefits?
Name 3 of the 5 times that using outcome measures are recommended
Before operation Initial fit Delivery of Socket Follow Up Post-Service
Which of the following is not considered in EBP? A) Patient values B) Insurance coverage C) Clinician experience D) Scientific evidence
Which of the following is considered a barrier to the implementation of EBP? A) Language B) Insurance Compliance C) Amount of research available D) Internet Access