STS Flashcards
It is a framework containing all the commonly accepted views about
a subject, conventions about what direction a research should take
and how it should be performed
practices that define a scientific discipline at a certain point in time
contains all the distinct, established patterns, theories, common
methods and standards and standards that allow us to recognize an
experimental result as belonging to a field or not
- historically and culturally bound
- proceeds by accumulating support for hypotheses which in time
become models and theories - “undertaking the most rational path to learning objective reality
coined the the phrase “Paradigm Shift”
Thomas Kuhn
occurs when enough anomalies to the
current paradigm build up, causing scientists to question the foundational principles upon
which their worldview rests.
Paradigm Shift
This period of intense focus on explaining anomalies and developing a
new paradigm is considered “revolutionary science,”
Paradigm Shift
Invented an environment-friendly
and sustainable alternative light
source – SALT lamp.
Aisa Mijeno
It is an environment-friendly and sustainable alternative light source
that runs on saltwater, making it suitable to those who live in coastal areas. It can also
function well in remote barrios.
Salt Lamp
Published “Principia Mathematica” 1686
Isaac Newton
consists in
the comprehension of a diversity of physical phenomena – in particular the motions
of heavenly bodies, together with the motions of sublunary bodies – in few
relatively simple, universally applicable, mathematical laws
Principia Mathematica
In what period does Japanese regime had made
developments in science and technology practically impossible.
Commonwealth Period
What is being declared as the importance and vital role of science and technology for the economic development of the country in Commonwealth period.
“The State shall promote scientific research
and invention…”
They had made
developments in science and technology practically impossible. This is also true when
World War II ended and left Manila, the country’s capital.
Japanese Regime
Using this, it discovered the sunspots
and the rough (uneven and mountainous) surface of the moon.
With this book, Galileo reported
disturbing findings and spread the news across
The Starry Messenger 1611
He was the first to successfully use math to define the workings of the cosmos.
Galileo Galilei
What next book did Galileo publish, which technically did not preach the Copernican theory (which
Galileo believed in), but was only a dialogue presenting both views “equally”
Dialogue on the Great World Systems
She was known for the most notable food inventions, like Soyalac?
Maria Y, Orosa
A powdered preparation of soya-beans, which helped save
the lives of thousands of Filipinos, Americans,
and other nationals who ever held prisoners in
different Japanese concentration camps
during World War II.
What becomes known to them as “magic food”
she invented
“Oroval” and “Clarosa.”
Maria Y. Orosa
known as the Mother of Philippine
Pediatrics, a very great scientist and a symbol of
female empowerment in medicine, both in the
Philippines and abroad.
Fe V. Del Mundo
she was known for making major breakthroughs in immunization and in the
treatment of jaundice
-credited with studies that led to the invention of the incubator and a jaundice relieving device.
Fe V. Del Mundo
It is adding smaller circular orbits
that spun off the main orbits.
seems to
move backwards in what are known as
He was known for his book “Concerning the Revolutions of the Celestial Worlds”,
published in 1543
Nicolas Copernicus
This model positioned the Sun at the center of the Universe, motionless, with Earth and the other planets orbiting around it in circular paths, modified by epicycles, and at uniform speeds.
He was known for the story of being hit on the head by an apple
Isaac Newton
His work also completed the fusion of math promoted by Renaissance humanists, Aristotelian logic pushed by medieval university professors, and experiment to test a hypothesis pioneered by such men as Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo into what we call the scientific method.
Isaac Newton
Earth-Centered Model
Sun-Centered Model
As mathematics flourished in Isalamig Golden Age, their works led to advanced algebra, trigonometry, geometry and Arabic
Jamshid al Kashi
During the his reign, with the
inauguration of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, where scholars from various
parts of the world with different cultural backgrounds were mandated to gather and
translate all of the world’s classical knowledge into the Arabic language and
subsequently development in various fields of sciences began.
Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid (786 to 809)
It is an interdisciplinary course designed to
examine the ways that science and technology shape, and are shaped by, our society,
politics, and culture.
Science Technology, and Society
It explores the conditions under which production, distribution and
utilization of scientific knowledge and technological systems occur; and the effects of
these processes upon the entire society.
Science Technology, and Society
It is an evolving body of knowledge that is based on theoretical expositions
and experimental and empirical activities that generates universal truths.
It is the application of science and creation of systems, processes and
objects designed to help humans in their daily activities.
- It is the sum total of our interactions as humans, including the interactions
that we engage in to understand the nature of things and to create things. - It is also defined
as a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group
sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political
authority and dominant cultural expectations
focuses on Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of R&D
Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness
S4CP composed of 4 programs, such as
(1) Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D (NICER) Program
(2) R&D Leadership
(RDLead) Program
(3) Collaborative R&D to Leverage PH Economy (CRADLE) for RDIs
and Industry Program
(4) Business Innovation through S&T (BIST) for Industry Program.
This is specifically designed to foster collaboration between academe and
local companies to improve competitiveness and catalyze innovation. It aims to improve
the country’s innovation ecosystem by facilitating the smooth transition of new
technologies from universities and research and development institutes (RDI) to
industries - from lab to market.
This aims to levelup the innovation capacity of the Philippine Industrial Sector through R&D by helping
private companies and industries acquire novel and strategic technologies, such as stateof-the-art equipment and machinery, technology licenses and patent rights among others.
Business Innovation through S&T (BIST) for Industry program
This capacitates Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the
regions to make significant improvement in regional research by integrating its
development needs with the existing R&D capabilities and resources.
NICER Program
- This complements the establishment of R&D Centers thru the NICER Program.
- It provides the mechanism to bring in experts and highly skilled professionals with strong leadership, management and innovative policy-making proficiencies to be in charge of strengthening the research capabilities of the HEIs, National Government Agencies (NGAs) and Research Development Institutions (RDIs)
in the regions.
RDLead Program
He is the epitome of the Renaissance man in the Philippine context.
He is a scientist, a doctor, an engineer (he designed and built a water system in Dapitan), a journalist, a novelist, an urban planner and a hero. Being a doctor and scientist, he had
extensive knowledge on medicine and was able to operate his mother’s blinding eye.
Dr. Jose P. Rizal
Rizal designed this system to improve sanitation in the area.
Water System, Dapitan
This period characterized by radical orientation in science.
Also called Age of Reason
Enlightenment Period 1715 AD - 1789 AD
This period is more on reason over superstitions and science over faith.
Enlightenment Period 1715 AD - 1789 AD
These 17th-century key natural philosophers, such as John Locke and Issac Newton were known in this period.
Enlightenment Period 1715 AD - 1789 AD
Modern concepts in mathematics like the first method of counting were first
developed in…
In this civilization developed a vast array of diverse structures and great architectural monuments along the Nile, the largest and most famous of which are the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinxod Giza.
African Civilization
Many advances in metallurgy and tool making were also made across ancient
Africa. (Steam engines, metal chisels, saws, copper and iron tools and weapons,
nail, glue, carbon, steel and bronze weapons and art.)
African Civilization
Plants, whether in terms of legumes, grain, vegetables, tubers, or, wild or
cultivated fruits, also had medicinal implications for Africans
African Plants were NOT used as
anesthetics or pain killers, analgesics for the control of fever, antidotes to counter
poisons, and anthelmints aimed at deworming.
Hoodia gordonii and combrettum caffrum are NOT being integrated within contemporary
pharmaceutical systems
African plants whether in terms of legumes, grain, vegetables, tubers, or, wild or
cultivated fruits were used also in
cardiovascular, gastro-intestinal, and dermatological contexts.
Coffee, the oil palm, fonio
or acha (digitaria exilis), African rice (oryza glabberima), and sorghum (sorghum
bicolor) are examples of African plants adopted in Europe.
In what civilization does the terms of Astronomy, a structure known as African Stonehenge in present-day
Kenya which is constructed around 300 BC was aremarkably accurate calendar.
African Civilization
This formulates objectives for the teaching of
science education at all levels and to recommend
steps that would upgrade the teaching of
National Commitee for Science Education
This committee identified the areas to which improvement efforts
were needed such as integration of science with classroom instruction, acquisition of
more science equipment and tools, coordination of efforts with other agencies,
negotiations for a science institute for teachers, national science talent search and
fellowships, higher salaries of science and mathematics teachers and promotion of
science teachers competence
NCSE was set up in
He was a Polish scholar working at the University of Padua in
northern Italy
Nicolas Copernicus
The first person who started this slow process of dismantling
Aristotle’s cosmology
The second century Greek astronomer, and was the main authority who put order
to and passed this cumbersome system of epicycles to posterity
Focused on the positions and motions of the
planets and other celestial bodies
Tycho Brahe
Only use the naked eye, tracked the entire
orbits of various stars and planets.
Tycho Brahe
His achievement is that it completed
the Copernican revolution initiated three centuries earlier, and thereby radically
changed our conception of the universe and the place of humanity in it
Charles Darwin
He completed the Copernican revolution by drawing out for biology the
notion of nature as a lawful system of matter in motion.
This theory accumulated evidence demonstrating that
organisms evolve and discovered the process, natural selection, by which they
Theory of biological evolution
He was the English theologian in his Natural Theology (1802)
elaborated the argument-from-design as forceful demonstration of the existence of
the Creator.
William Paley
This elaborated the argument-from-design as forceful demonstration of the existence of
the Creator.
Natural Theology 1802
He is a Filipino scientist whose
biological contributions to the
environment and ecosystems have made
him a hero for natural sciences.
Angel Alcala
Alcala was the first Filipino scientist to engage in what comprehensive studies?
Philippine reptiles and amphibians
Minor studies of mammals and birds
father of psychoanalysis
Sigmund Frued
Frued invention that became increasingly popular, psychology and
psychiatry turned away from the search for organic causes and toward the search
for inner psychic conflicts and early childhood traumas.
has had an enormous impact on the practice of psychiatry,
particularly within the United States
contains predictions of solar
eclipses for centuries and a table of predicted positions of Venus.
Dresden Cordex
Contributions of Maya
Paper making
Pictorial script called Maya hieroglyphs
Accurate Calendar
It is used in Maya cicvilization that allowed them to record all
knowledge on long strips of paper folded harmonica-style into books.
Maya hieroglyphs
This civilization y kept their own script and languages but assimilated all they could learn from Maya society.
Their manuscripts describe
how the Maya performed their astronomical observations.
Aztec Civilization
This civilization also understood the need for public sanitation; public
latrines were found along all highways, and to prevent pollution of Lake Texcoco
canoes transported the sewage from Tenochtitlán to the mainland every morning.
Aztec Civilization
provide ONLY recent and knowledge in biological sciences
develop understanding of the conceptual structure of
biological sciences
develop skills and processes of biology among the students
create an opportunity to use inquiry approach
in teaching and learning of chemistry
prepare rich supplementary or support materials to
enrich learning experiences in biological sciences and present current status of biological
Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards
initiated in June 2012 to help
manage risks associated with
natural hazards and disasters
uses the Lidar (light detection and ranging) technology.
Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
Astronomical Service Administration
provides environmental protection
and to utilize scientific knowledge to
ensure the safety of the people
through Presidential Decree No. 78, s.