Structures/ Forms Flashcards
13 couplets- sense of romance and relationships
Half rhyme- sporadicity of war, inflicts confusion
varied line lengths
Rhyme is irregular
Caesuras and punctuation - slow the pace
1st person
Sonnet 43
Sonnet- romantic, theme of love
Rhyme is regular- security of their relationship
1st person
Iambic pentameter
4 stanzas/ 4 quatrains
Rhyme is regular- sense of tedious routine
Consistent iambic pentameter
Irregular punctuation
The soldier
Sonnet- romantic, positive
2 stanzas
Rhyme scheme changes but remains regular- suggests that both life as a soldier and dying as a soldier are positive
She walks in beauty
Regular rhyme- reflects her perfection
Metaphors- her beauty exceeds reality
3 stanzas- each 6 lines
Living space
Varying line lengths- mirror buildings
Lack of punctuation- lack of both emotional and physical support
Stanza 2 squeezed between stanzas 1 + 3
As imperceptibly as grief
No rhyme other than ‘shone’ and ‘gone’
Dashes- create pauses
4 stanzas- mirror the different seasons
Cozy apologia
3 stanzas
Regular structure/ line lengths- suggests their relationship is secure
Brackets (extra personal information)
rhyme scheme goes from regular to irregular in stanzas 2 and 3
Very irregular structure, irregular line lengths, irregular punctuation- suggests love and relationships are insecure
Short lines- create tension
Volta from sweet to violent
A wife in London
Two sections- the tragedy, the irony - suggests heartbreak
4 stanzas
Caesuras- slow the pace, create breaks
regular rhyme
Death of a naturalist
2 stanzas- stanza 1 is innocent, stanza 2 is violent
No rhyme- growing up is unsatisfactory
Stanza 1- enjambment + chatty tone mirrors the voice of a child (innocence)
Hawk roosting
Stanzas are organised and similar line lengths- precision and perfection of the hawk
1st person- personal
No rhyme- sense of gravitas, unfriendly, maturity
To autumn
Punctuation- slows the pace
3 stanzas- mirror summer, autumn, spring
each 11 lines- regular
Rhyme is regular- suggests autumn is perfect
Ode- celebratory praise to Autumn
3 stanzas
No rhyme- unsatisfactory life and relationship
Enjambment between stanzas 2 and 3- disrupts flow, happiness and love seems forced and uncomfortable
similiar line lengths
4 stanzas- stanza 3 is irregular and short
Double sonnet- subverts typical love poems, shocks the reader
Stanza lengths are irregular
Long lines
Rhyme is mainly regular- changes in stanza 3
Combination of enjambments and caesuras- pace is broken and uneven
Sonnet and one stanza- mirrors Ozymandias’s egotistical love for himself
Ellipsis- story telling, fictional, fantastical
Rhyme is irregular- mirrors how life was sporadic under the control of Ramses II
Mametz wood
7 stanzas- 3 lines in each
Different line lengths- could mirror the body of a solider
Mix of enjambment and caesura- pace is broken and uneven
no rhyme
The prelude
One stanza- the oneness of nature
Volta from happy to sad- suggests ageing is bleak
1st person- personal experience
no rhyme