Key quotes Flashcards
Hawk roosting (6)
‘i sit in the top of the wood’
‘the earth’s face upwards for my inspection’
‘i hold creation in my foot’
‘i kill where i please because it is all mine’
‘my manners are tearing off heads’
‘my eye has permitted no change’
Dulce et Decorum est (8)
‘towards our distant rest bean to trudge’
‘all went lame; all blind; drunk with fatigue’
‘gas! gas! quick, boys!’
‘before my helpless sight
he plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning’
‘his hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin’
‘obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud’
‘incurable sores on innocent tongues’
‘the old lie: dulce et decorum est pro patria mori’
Mametz wood (7)
‘a chit of bone, the china plate of a shoulder blade’
‘broken bird’s egg of a skull’
‘they were told to walk, not run’
the wood’s ‘nesting machine guns’
‘broken mosaic of bone’
‘socketed heads’
‘mid-dance macabre’
the ‘notes they had sung’ had ‘slipped from their absent tongues’
To Autumn (8)
seasons of ‘mellow fruitfulness!’
‘summer has o’erbrimmed their clammy cells’
‘fill all fruit with ripeness to the core’
‘warm days will never cease’
‘drows’d with the fume of poppies’
‘last oozing hours by hours’
‘light wind lives or dies’
‘soft- dying day’
afternoons (7)
‘summer is fading’
‘leaves fall in ones and twos’
‘young mothers assemble’
‘swing’ ‘sandpit’ ‘setting free their children’
wedding albums ‘lying near the television’
‘something is pushing them to side of their own lives’
‘their beauty has thickened’
the prelude (7)
‘it was a time of rapture’
‘proud and exulting, like an untir’d horse’
‘shod with steel’
‘pack loud bellowing’
‘not a voice was idle’
‘stars were sparkling clear’
‘the orange sky of evening died away’
Ozymandias (8)
‘two vast and trunkless legs of stone’
‘stand in the desert…’
‘sneer of cold command’
‘the hand that mocked them’
‘my name is ozymandias, king of kings’
‘look on my works, ye mighty, and despair’
‘decay’ remains
‘colossal wreck’
The Manhunt (6)
he let me ‘trace the frozen river which ran through his face’
‘handle and hold the damaged, porcelain bone’
‘punctured lung’
‘feel the hurt of his grazed heart’
‘a sweating, unexploded mine buried deep in his mind’
‘every nerve in his body had tightened and closed’
the soldier (4)
‘if i should die, think only this of me’
‘there shall be in that rich Earth a richer dust concealed’
‘a dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware’
‘in hearts at peace, under an English heaven’
‘a body of England’s, breathing English air’
a wife in london (8)
‘the tragedy’
‘she sits in the tawny vapour’
‘webby fold on fold like a waning taper’
‘a messenger’s knock cracks smartly’
‘he- has fallen- in the far south land…’
‘the postman nears and goes’
‘page full of his hoped return’
-home-planned jaunts’
cozy apologia (8)
‘-for fred’
‘ i could choose any hero’
‘chain mail glinting’
‘one eye smiling, the other firm upon the enemy’
‘this post-post modern age is all business’
‘teenage crushes on worthless boys’
‘kiss you senseless’
‘when has the ordinary ever been news?’
‘to keep me from melancholy (call it blues) i fill this stolen time with you’
valentine (8)
‘not a red rose or a satin heart’
‘i give you an onion, it is a moon wrapped in brown paper’
‘here. it will blind you with tears’
‘it’s fierce kiss will stay on your lips, possessive’
‘take it’
‘ it’s scent will cling to your knife’
sonnet 43 (5)
‘how do i love thee? let me count the ways’
‘i love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach’
she loves thee ‘purely’ and ‘freely’
‘i love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life!’
‘i shall but love thee better after death’
she walks in beauty (5)
‘she walks in beauty, like the night’
‘cloudless climes and starry skies’
‘all that’s best of dark and bright’
‘so soft, so calm, yet eloquent’
‘a heart whose love is innocent!’
london (6)
‘mark in every face i meet marks of weakness, marks of woe’
‘infant’s cry of fear’
‘mind-forg’d manacles i hear’
‘every black’ning church appalls’
‘marriage hearse’
‘the hapless soldier’s sigh runs in blood down Palace walls’
living space (7)
‘beams balance crookedly’
‘thurst off the vertical’
‘the whole structure leans dangerously towards the miraculous’
‘into this rough frame someone has squeezed a living space’
‘fragile curves of white’
‘hung out over the dark edge of a slanted universe’
‘as if they were bright, thin walls of faith’
As imperceptibly as Grief (6)
‘As imperceptibly as Grief’
‘too imperceptible at last to seem like perfidy’
‘nature spending with herself sequestered afternoon’
‘harrowing grace’
‘as guest, that would be gone’
‘our summer made her light escape into the beautiful’
death of a naturalist (6)
‘rotted’ ‘sweltered’ ‘festered’
‘bubbles gargled delicately’
‘daddy frog’ ‘mammy frog’
‘angry frogs invaded the flax-dam’
‘their loose snecks pulsed like snails’
‘the slap and plop were obscene threats’