Structures - Form and Function Flashcards
any small or large object that provides support and has at least one function
basic shape of a structure
purpose of an object or structure
any push or pull acting on a structure that can change the structure’s shape, speed, or direction
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science of designing equipment that people can use more efficiently and safely
structure that is solid all the way through (for the most part)
solid structure
structure that is strong, hollow, and light for its size
shell structure
type of internal force that stretches a structure apart to expand or lengthen it
type of internal force that pushes a structure in opposite directions
structure that is made of parts (structural components) fastened together
frame structure
external force acting on a structure; total load is the sum of the static and dynamic loads
type of internal force that squeezes or presses a structure together
type of internal force that twists a structure
natural force of attraction between two objects
force applied to a structure from the outside (e.g., wind, gravity)
external force
force that one part of a structure exerts on other parts within the same structure (e.g., shear, tension, compression, torsion forces)
internal force
exact location where a force meets a structure
point of application
side of a structure affected by a force
plane of application
effect of gravity on a structure (weight)
static load
dynamic load force that moves or changes while acting on a structure
dynamic load
any device that can detect or measure real- world conditions such as heat, light, pressure, or sound, and changes in the amounts of these things
part of a structure that can add strength to it (e.g., arches, beams, columns)
structural components
effect of all the internal and external forces acting on a structure over a long period of time
structural stress
permanent changes to a structure due to the internal and external forces acting on it
structural fatigue
breakdown of a structure due to the internal and external forces acting on it
structural failure
balanced arrangement on opposite sides of a structure (equal halves)
ability of a structure to maintain or resume its position when an external force has been applied to it
point at which a body’s mass is concentrated; the body is equally balanced in all directions at this point; imaginary point in a structure where the force of gravity acts
centre of gravity
person who buys and uses anything grown or made by producers
model used to test and evaluate a design
company or person who produces and sells products that consumers buy
process in which manufacturers gather and evaluate information about consumers’ likes and dislikes of products
market research
the time from a product’s or structure’s development through its use to its disposal and decomposition