Structure of the LON Flashcards
What were the main organs of the league
1) The general assembly
2) The council
What were the other institutions of the league apart from The General assembly and The Council
- The secretariat
-The permanent court of international Justice
-International labour organization
-Various commissions and committees
What is the general assembly and what was its functions
The main body of the league , each member state could send up to 3 representatives to the meetings
-Its main role was to :
-> Decide general policy ,
-> To deal with the admission of new members
->Handle organisation of finances
What is The Council and what were its functions
-it was a small body which consisted of permanent members ; Britain , France , Italy and Japan.
- The permanent members had veto power
-And non-permanent members which were elected every 3 years by the General assembly. The first non permanent members were; Belgium , Brazil , Greece and Spain.
-Its main function was to settle political disputes between nations
-The decisions taken by the council had to be unanimous.
What is the secretariat and what were its functions
-It carried out the day to day work of the league e.g preparing agenda , publishing reports
-It was headed by a Secretary general which was appointed by the assembly
What is the permanent court of international justice
-Designed to deal with legal disputes between states
-Its often referred to as the world court
What are the disadvantages of the structure of the league
-Limited membership and representation
-Veto power
-Slow decision making process
-Lack of military force
-Ineffective enforcement mechanisms
Explain , Limited membership and representation as a disadvantage of the league
The leagues structure gave excessive power to its permanent members (the council)
- The absence of the USA and the USSR weakened the leagues authority and effectiveness.
- The exclusion of important nations limited the leagues ability to enforce it’s decisions and made it less representative of the global community.
Explain Veto power as a disadvantage of the League
-The permanent members had Veto power meaning any decision could be blocked if one of the major powers disagreed
-This often paralyzed the league because major powers pursued their own interests and were unwilling to compromise e.g the Abyssinian Crisis.
Explain , slow decision making process as a disadvantage of the league
-The leagues decision making process was slow making it ill-equipped to respond swiftly to international crisis.
What are the advantages of the structure of the League
-International Cooperation
-Collective Security
-International court of justice
-Economic and Social Cooperation
-Representation of Small States
Explain international cooperation as an advantage of the structure of the league
-The League aimed to promote cooperation among nations to maintain peace and security. Its structure provided a platform for member states to engage in diplomatic dialogue and negotiation, thereby reducing the likelihood of conflict.
Explain collective security as an advantage of the structure of the league
-The League’s structure emphasized collective security, whereby member states pledged to defend each other against aggression. This principle was enshrined in the League’s Covenant, which obligated members to take action against any aggressor threatening peace.
Explain International court of justice as an advantage of the structure of the league
-The League offered mechanisms for peaceful resolution of disputes through arbitration and mediation. Its structure included a Permanent Court of International Justice, which provided a forum for member states to settle disputes through legal means rather than resorting to war.
Explain Economic and Social Cooperation as an advantage of the league
- In addition to addressing political and military matters, the League promoted economic and social cooperation among member states. Its structure included specialized agencies and commissions focused on issues such as health, labor, and refugees, which facilitated collaboration on common challenges
Explain Representation of Small States as an advantage of the structure of the league
The League’s structure ensured that smaller and less powerful states had a voice in international affairs. By providing equal representation to all member states in its decision-making bodies, the League sought to prevent domination by larger powers and promote a more inclusive international order.