Structure & Function Of The Human Nervous System Flashcards
Human Nervous System
Evolved over 2.74 million years
Adaptation to the external environment
Division of human nervous system
Central nervous system (CNS): up & down
Peripheral nervous system (PNS): in & out
Central nervous system
A. Brain
B. Spinal cord
- Forebrain
Diencephalon - Midbrain
Mesencephalon - Hindbrain
Spinal cord
- Three ascending pathways (tracts)
- Three descending pathways (tracts)
Brain anatomy
2 hemispheres
4 lobes (gyri)
4 ventricles
1 corpus callosum
1400 gms (male) 1300 gms (female)
Brain/body ratio 1:60
Spinal cord anatomy
44 cm (18 inches) long
1 cm (half inch) wide
1 once weight
A hollow, fluid field cylinder
Somatosensory; motor tracts
Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
A. Somatic nervous system (SNS)
1. 12 pairs of cranial nerves
2. 31 pairs of spinal nerves
a. 8 cervical
b.12 thoracic
c.5 lumbar
d.5 sacral
3. N peripheral nerves
Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
- Sympathetic nervous system
a. Thoracolumbar origins
b. Andrenergic fibers - Parasympathetic nervous system
a. Craniosacral origins
b. Cholinergic fibers
Protection & nourishment of the nervous system
Protection bones (living tissues)
Cranium (skull)
- 1200-1500 cc
- Separate plates at birth; fuse overtime
- One foramen magnum
- Numerous foramina
26 separate segments
Meninges (3 layers)
- Dura mater
- Arachnoid layer
- Pia mater
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
- Produced in ventricles (4)
- Clear fluid (plasma)
Carotid arteries: 2 external & 2 internal
- Anterior cerebral artery ( ACA)
- Media cerebral artery (MCA)
Vertebral arteries
2 internal
- Basilar artery
- Posterior cerebral artery (PCA)
Circle of Willis
Found at the base of the brain
- Accompany arteries
- Empty into spaces called sinuses
Blood brain barrier (BBB)
- Filtering system; capillaries aka arterioles
- Safeguards brains chemistry
Cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) strokes
- Hemorrhage-bleeding outside A/V
a. Epidural
b. Subarachnoid - Occlusion-blockage (ischemia)
a. Thrombotic
b. Embolic - Aneurysm- localized ballooning of A/V
Expands-crush cells to death
Cerebrum (central nervous system)
- 2 hemispheres;4 lobes
- 52 areas (Brodmann)
- 2 fissures (Rolando, Sylvian, Medial longitudinal)
- Multiple gyri
1 corpus callosum
- Frontal lobe (with prefrontal): Motor
- Parietal lobe: somatosensory
- Temporal lobe: auditory & memory
- Primary & secondary ( association) cortex
- 52 distintic areas
Brain stem-below cerebrum
- Medulla oblongata: control vitals signs
- Pons bridge cerebrum
- Midbrain: getaway to consciousness
Cerebellum (behind brain stem)
Controls balance
1. Paired hemispheres, folia, 3 layers
2. Cortex (gray) & medulla (white)
3. Coordinates complex movements
A. Telencephalon
1. Cerebral cortex
2. Basal ganglia
3. Limbic system
B. Diencephalon
1. Thalamus
2. Hypothalamus
3. Sub-thalamus
A. Mesencephalon
1. Tectum
2. Tegmentum
3. Peduncles
A. Metencephalon
1. Cerebellum
2. Pons
B. Mylencephalon
1. Medulla oblongata
Cerebral cortex
Three areas of function
1. Primary sensory
2. Primary motor
3. Secondary, association, projection
52 succinct areas (Brodmann,1909)
6 layers aka laminations
Motor areas # 4
A. Primary motor-voluntary movement
1. Locus of epilepsy
2. Contralateral
3. Flaccid paralysis
4. Babinski
5. Upper motor neuron pathway