History Flashcards
Soul, spirit, vital essence
Knowledge / study of
Philip Melanchthon
Theologian that used word appeared in print 1530 CE
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Localization of the “soul”
• 3000 BCE Egyptians: internal viscera
• 2000 BCE Babylonians: liver
• 1000 BCE Hebrews: intestines
• 500 BCE Plato: Brain
• 400 BCE Aristotle: heart
• 310 BCE Hippocrates: brain
• 199 CE Galen: brain
Father of the western medicine
Hippocrates model
300 BCE
Sx: symptom
Dx: diagnose
Tx: treatment
Rx: recipe
Px: prognosis
Theory of the four humors
300BCE Hippocrates
• Blood (bright red) sanguine emotions
•Phlegm (viscous) apathy/slowness
• Black bile (dark red) melancholy/ depressed
• Yellow bile (orange) chloric/ angry
Medical treatment
300 BCE - 1900s Œ
Middle Ages
500 CE - 1200 Œ
Supernatural explanation of Psychological phenomena
1300 - 1500 CE
Renewal of interest in natural science
Rene Descartes
1600 s
Founder physiological Psychology
Mind - body dualism
Mind and body are separated
Interactionism: Descartes
Correlationalism: Malebranche
Belief that everything in the universe consists of matter and energy and that the mind is a phenomenon produced by the workings of the nervous system
Compromise positions
Epiphenomenalisim: Hobbes
Double-Aspect view: Carr