structure / function Flashcards
Medial malleolus
Deltoid ligaments
anterior tibiotalar
posterior tibiotalar
prevents eversion of ankle
Lateral malleolus
Anterior talofibular
posterior talofibular
prevents inversion of the ankle
Calcaneal tuberosity
Gastrocnemius via achilles tendon
ankle plantarflexion, knee flexion
medial tubercle of calcaneus
abductor hallucis - abduction of hallux
abductor digiti minimi - abduction of digits 2-5
Sustentaculum tali
Plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament supports the head of the talus and maintains the medial longitudinal arch
Fibular trochlea
fibularis longus - eversion and plantarflexion
fibularis brevis - eversion of foot
medial tubercle of the talus
posterior tibiotalar - prevents eversion of ankle
navicular tuberosity
tibialis posterior - inversion/ plantarflexion of foot
cuboid groove
fibularis longus - eversion / plantarflexion of ankle
styloid process
fibularis brevis - eversion of ankle
medial cunieform
tibialis posterior - ankle plantarflexion and inversion
base of 1st metatarsal head (dorsal)
tibialis anterior - dorsiflexion / inversion of foot
base of 1st metatarsal head (plantar)
fibularis longus - plantarflexion / eversion
base of 2nd metatarsal
lisfranc ligament - stability to mid and forefoot
base of 1st proximal phalanx
abductor hallucis - abduction of hallux, flexion of 1st metatarsophalangeal (1MTP)
adductor hallucis - adduction of 1MTP
flexor hallucis brevis - flexion of 1MTP
extensor hallucis brevis - extension of 1MTP
Distal 1st phalanx (plantar)
flexor hallucis longus - flexion of hallux
distal 1st phalanx (dorsal)
extensor hallucis longus - extension of hallux