Structure and function of the eye Flashcards
Summarise the bony orbit
Bony Orbit: maxilla, zygomatic, frontal, ethmoid, lacrimal, sphenoid and palatine bones create a pyramidal shaped orbit, with the wide base opening anteriorly to the face
Describe the structure of the bony orbit
Roof: orbital part of the frontal bone
Medial wall: maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoid and sphenoid bones
Floor: orbital part of the maxilla (small contributions from the zygomatic and palatine bones)
Lateral wall: zygomatic bone anteriorly and greater wing of the sphenoid posteriorly
With fissures and foramina so vessels and nerves supplying the orbit can enter and leave
What are the different type of tears that the lacrimal system can produce
– Basal Tears (constant fluid secretion by the lacrimal gland)
– Reflex Tears –in response to irritation • Afferent – Cornea – CN V1 (Ophthalmic Branch of Trigeminal Nerve) • Efferent – Parasympathetic • Neurotransmitter – Acetylcholine
– Crying (Emotional) Tears
Where is the major contributor of tear production located (contributes to the water component of tears)
The lacrimal gland
Which is located supero-laterally to the orbit
Summarise the lacrimal system
– Tear produced by the Lacrimal Gland
– Tear drains through the two puncta, opening on medial lid margin
– Tear flows through the superior and the inferior canaliculi
– Tear gathers in the Tear Sac
– Tear exits the Tear Sac through the tear duct into the nose cavity
Describe the drainage of tears
basal tears move across the eyeball as the eyelids blink, accumulating medially in the lacrimal lake
Tears are drained into two puncta via two tiny holes in the upper and lower medial lid margins
It then drains into superior and inferior canaliculi à common canaliculus à tear sac
Tear sac then drains through the nasolacrimal duct, which opens up in the inferior meatu
Summarise the functions of the tear film
- Tear film maintains smooth cornea-air surface
- Oxygen Supply to Cornea – Normal cornea has no blood vessels
- Removal of Debris (Tear film and Blinking)
- Bactericide
Describe the components of the tear film
– Superficial Oily Layer to reduce tear film evaporation (produced by a row of MeibomianGlands along the lid margins) - tiny amounts secreted every time you blink- upper eyelids and head
– Aqueous Tear Film (Tear Gland)
– Mucinous Layer on the Corneal Surface to maintain surface wetting- goblet cells of cornea
What are the roles of each of these three layers?
Superficial Oily Layer
· Reduces tear film evaporation
Aqueous Tear Film
· Oxygen and nutrients
· Bactericide
Mucinous Layer
· Ensures that tear film sticks to the eye
· Conjunctiva is a transparent layer above the cornea that is very vascular
· The conjunctiva has goblet cells that produce mucin
What is the ultimate role of the tear film
Maintains clear vision and removes surface debris
Which layer in the tear film protects the tear film from rapid evaporation?
Lipid layer (oily layer)
Summarise the conjunctiva
The conjunctiva is the thin, elastic and transparent tissue that covers the outer surface of the eye.
§ It begins at the outer edge of the cornea, covers the visible part of the eye, and lines the inside of the eyelids.
§ It is nourished by tiny blood vessels that are nearly invisible to the naked eye.
Describe the formation of the conjunctival sac
This membrane covers the full extent of the posterior surface of the eyelid before reflecting onto the outer surface (sclera) of the eyeball. With this membrane in place, a conjunctival sac is formed when the eyelids are closed, and the upper and lower extensions of the sac are the superior and inferior conjunctival fornices.
If you were to place something between the eye and eyelid- the conjunctiva will prevent it from reaching the back of the eye
When will the vessels of the conjunctiva become visible
Uveitis- inflammation of uvea and iris
Conjunctival hyperaemia- specific (diffuse redness of eye is related to conjunctivitis)
Uveitis- red ring around cornea
Summarise the choroid
Layer that sits just outside the retina- full of blood vessels
What is the role of the vitreous
Give shape to the eye
What is the average anterior-posterior diameter of the orbit
What are the three layers of the eye? Describe their properties and function.
Sclera · Hard and opaque · Maintains the shape of the eye Choroid · Pigmented and vascular · Provides circulation to the eye · Shields out unwanted scattered light Retina · Neurosensory · Converts light into neurological impulses
3 concentric layers
Why is it important that the retina is transparent
So that the incoming light can pass through it and reach the receptors
Describe the sclera
§ The sclera, commonly known as “the white of the eye,” is the tough, opaque tissue that serves as the eye’s protective outer coat. § High water content
Tough, white, fibrous tissue