Sound transduction Flashcards
What is a caveat in the hypothesis regarding the active work of the outer hair cells
Caveat: otoacoustic emissions in animals without OHCs.
Describe the transmission of nerve fibres to the cochlear nucleus
Hair cells form synapses with sensory neurons in the cochlear ganglion (spiral ganglion). Each ganglion cell responds best to stimulations at a particular frequency. The tonotopic (sound-location) map continues.
Ganglion cells in a particular area of the spiral ganglion respond best to the resonant frequency of the basilar membrane in that same area.
Parallel nerve fibres from each inner hair cell going to a ganglion- one damaged- can still detect frequency through other fibres
Summarise what is meant by sensorineural deafness
We talk about sensorineural hearing loss when the problem is rooted in the sensory apparatus of the Inner ear or in the vestibulocochlear nerve (retrocochlear hearing loss).This is the most widespread type of hearing loss by a large margin.
Sensorineural – caused by a failure at the level of the cochlea or more centrally.
List the causes of sensorineural deafness
- Loud noises, headphones at high volume can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss (Club: ~100 dB, Rock concert: ~120 dB)
- Many genetics mutations affect the Organ of Corti
- Aminoglycoside antibiotics are toxic for hair cells
- Congenital diseases (rubella, toxoplasmosis)
- Acoustic neuroma (tumor on the cochlear nerve)
- Ageing (presbycusis)- death of hair cells in normal ageing
Where can lesions occur in sensorineural deafness
Lesions within the cochlea itself
Lesions within the petrous temporal bone (trauma, complications of middle ear infection, tumours)
Lesions at the cerebellopontine angle (particularly acoustic neuromas, but also meningiomas and inflammatory damage such as meningitis)
Cortical or pontine lesions causing deafness are rare.
Describe the role of antibiotics in causing sensorineural deafness
Excessive exposure to some ototoxic drugs, e.g. streptomycin and aminoglycosides (especially gentamicin) can cause sensorineural deafness. These antibiotics exclusively damage the outer hair cells in the cochlea.
Describe Menier’s disease
This is a disease of uncertain aetiology – probably due to a build-up of endolymph. Characteristic symptoms are:
Sensorineural deafness
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Vertigo with vomiting, balance disturbance and nystagmus.
It tends to be a recurrent disease and the vertigo, in particular, may be disabling.
Management includes rest, antipsychotic drugs for the acute attack (prochlorperazine) and histamine analogues for prophylaxis (e.g. betahistine). Ultimately, surgical drainage of endolymph, destruction of the labyrinth or section of the vestibular nerve may be required.
What is sensorineural deafness and what is it caused by
When the cochlea or cochlear nerve get damaged, the signal transmitted to the primary auditory cortex is reduced or lost
It can be caused by acoustic schwannoma (tumour of the cochlear nerve) or cerebellar tumours expanding and putting pressure on the cochlear nerve
Describe the role of cochlear implants
Hearing loss is primarily due to the loss of hair cells. These do not regenerate in mammals. One solution is to bypass the dead cells and stimulate the nerve fibres directly: detect sounds, break them down into their constituent frequencies and send the signal directly to the auditory nerve via antennas.
An elongated coil is inserted into the cochlea with pairs of electrodes corresponding to single frequencies.
Early models: 4 channels.You need 20 channels to understand speech well.
We want to stimulate the cochlear nerve directly
obviously cannot replace all the hair cells- so won’t pick up every frequency
- Describe the auditory pathway from the cochlea to the primary auditory cortex.
Spiral ganglion cochlear nuclei superior olive inferior colliculus medial geniculate nucleus(in thalamus) primary auditory cortex
How is information. from the cochlear (spinal) ganglion transmitted to the cochlear nuclei
Cochlear nerve: axons transmit information to cochlear nucleus (with each axon responsive to a single frequency)
Describe the cochlear ganglion
Cochlear ganglion: IHCs synapse with sensory neurones in cochlear ganglion, with constant NT release at rest but rate adjusted in response to change in presynaptic voltage (due to MT gating)
Describe what happens to the cholera nerve fibre within the choclear nucleus
Each auditory nerve fibre branches, sending an ascending branch to the anteroventral nucleus and a descending branch to the posteroventral nucleus and the dorsal choclear nucleus.
Nerve fibres convey information to the cochlear nucleus where different kinds of neurons are arranged tonotopically (low frequencies ventrally, high frequencies dorsally).
Cochlear nucleus is found in the rostral medulla
Where do fibres from the dorsal cholear nucleus pass to
Fibres from the dorsal cochlear nucleus pass in the dorsal acoustic stria, then cross to the opposite side to join the lateral lemniscus and terminate in the contralateral inferior colliculus.
Cross at the level of the pons
Where do fibres from the ventral cochlear nucleus pass to
Most fibres from the ventral cochlear nucleus pass ventrally and cross to the opposite side in the trapezoid body. Some fibres end in the superior olivary complex on both sides. Others continue upwards in the lateral lemniscus to the contralateral inferior colliculus. The medial part of the superior olive receives information from both ears. This is believed to be important for sound localization. Fibres from the superior olive project to the inferior colliculi, on both sides, via the lateral lemnisci.
Where do fibres from the inferior colliculus (in the midbrain pass to)
Fibres from the inferior colliculus project, bilaterally, to the medial geniculate nuclei of the thalamus and, from there, to the ipsilateral primary auditory cortex, on the superomedial aspect of the temporal lobe.
- Up to what point is the auditory pathway from one ear ipsilateral?
Cochlear nuclei
Beyond this point there is bilateral representation
Describe the clinical relevance of the bilateral connectivity of the ascending pathways
Damage to one side of the central auditory pathway at any level (other than the cochlear nerve) will not result in deafness in one ear. This is because of the bilateral projections to the auditory cortex, both directly and by communication between pathways.
Indeed, a monaural hearing loss strongly implicates unilateral peripheral damage, either to the middle or inner ear or to the auditory nerve itself.
Describe spectral cues
The dorsal cochlear nucleus locates sounds in the vertical plane
Sounds of high frequencies produce intensity differences between the two ears. High-frequency sounds (wavelengths ~ size of the head and ears) produce interference with the body.The ears detect and affect differently sounds coming from different directions due to their asymmetrical shape.We call these spectral cues.
whereby high frequency sounds can produce constructive or destructive interference depending on site of origin, allowing ears to detect sound location via asymmetry of waves
Describe the role of stellate cells and bushy cells
T-Stellate cells: encode sound frequency and intensity of narrowband stimuli
Bushy cells: produce more sharp but less temporally precise versions of cochlear nerve fibres to allow encoding of relative time of arrival of inputs to two ears
Summarise the role of the superior oilvary complex in the pons
The SOC compares the bilateral activity of the cochlear nuclei.
Compares interaural time differences (below 3kHz)
Compares interaural intensity differences (above 2kHz) to localise sound
Summarise the role of the medial superior olive
Here the interaural time difference is computed: sounds are first detected at the nearest ear before they reach the other one. A map of interaural delay can be formed due to delay lines.
Describe how the interaural time difference is computed
Biaural inputs to the medial superior olive
The neurones of the MSO work as conincidence detectors, responding when both excitatory signals arrive at the same time.
For a coincidence mechanism to be useful in localising sound, different neurones must be maximally sensitive to different interaural time delays. The axons that project from the anteroventral cochlear nucleus evidently vary systematically in length to create delay lines.
These anatomical differences compensate for sounds arriving at slightly different times in the two ears, so that the resultant neural impulses arrive at a particular MSO neurones silmutaneously, making each cell sensitive to sound sources in a different place.
What is a typical time delay between the two ears
Head is 18cm
Sound travels at 330m.s
Summarise the role of the lateral superior olive
The LSO detects differences in intensity between the two ears (>2 kHz in humans due to head size). Interaural level difference is computed to localise sounds in the horizontal plane.
The human head begins to act as an acoustic obstacle, because the wavelengths of sound are too short to bend around it
As a result, when high-frequency sounds are directed towards one side of the head, an acoustical ‘shadow’ of lower intensity is created in the far ear.
These intensity differences provide a second cue about the location of sound
Describe how the lateral superior olive computes interaural intensity differences
Excitatory axons project directly from the ipsilateral anteroventral cochlear nucleus to the LSO. Note that the LSO also recieves inhibitory input from the contralateral ear via an inhibitory neuron in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body.
This excitatory-inhibitory interaction results in net excitation of the LSO on the same side of the head as there sound source.
For sounds arising in the midline or the opposite side, inhibiton from neurones from the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body is enough to completely silence the excitatory ipsilateral neurones to the LSO
What is important to remember about the excitatory and inhibitory neurones
Excitation that arrives ipsilaterally must arrive at the same time as inhibition from the contralateral side.
The contralateral inhibitory signal is carried out via large axons with large synapses (the large calyces of Held). The axons that carry ipsilateral excitations are smaller and conduct more slowly.
Describe the feedback from the superior olivary complex (particularly the lateral superior olive)
SOC neurons send feedback to the hair cells. Activity in these efferent fibres increases the representation of signals in noise and protects it from damage by loud sounds.
he feedback is used to balance the responses from the two ears, but also to reduce the sensitivity of the cochlea.
Feedback is to inner hair cells and afferent fibres to spinal ganglia
MSO: to inner hair cells bilaterally
LSO: to outer hair cells ipsilaterally
What else can sensorineural hearing loss be due to
Hearing loss can be due to the malfunctioning of the auditory pathway in the brain.
• Demyelination = loss of myelin (can be due to inflammation or viral). Most common in multiple sclerosis MS.- inhibits feedback and control of amplification in the cochlea.
• Blast injuries can cause disruption in the balance between inhibition and excitation (leading to tinitus and inability to localise sound- can’t detect intensity differences)
Myelinated (from the SOC bilaterally) Unmyelinated (from the SOC ipsilaterally)
Summarise the inferior colliculus in the caudal midbrain
In mammals: central nucleus, dorsal cortex and external cortex. Only central nucleus is tonotopically organised.
In the IC many carry information about sound localisation. Precedence effect.
Here the neurones are hard to identify- do a mixture of roles- integrate interaural time and level differences as well as vertical cues to localise the location of sound- essentially an integration centre
All ascending auditory pathways in vertebrate converge here.
Describe the precedence effect
Unless the sound is in the echo zone (30-50ms after the original sound)- the inferior colliculus will filter the sound out- considered to be useless
When a sound is followed by another sound separated by a sufficiently short time delay (below the listener’s echo threshold), listeners perceive a single auditory event; its perceived spatial location is dominated by the location of the first-arriving sound (the first wave front).
Summarise the superior colliculus
Information from the IC forms a map of sounds in the superior colliculus.
Here auditory and visual maps merge. Neurons are tuned to respond to stimuli with specific sound directions ( different neurones in different relative angles to identify the location of sound in the 3D world)
The auditory map here created is fundamental for reflexes in orienting the head and eyes to acoustic stimuli.
This is where localisation really happens
Summarise cochlear nuclei in the medulla
Cochlear nuclei in Medulla (VERTICAL PLANE LOCATION): receives glossopharyngeal input from ears and interpret spectral cues - whereby high frequency sounds can produce constructive or destructive interference depending on site of origin, allowing ears to detect sound location via asymmetry of waves
Summarise the primary auditory cortex
In the auditory cortex neurons respond to complex sounds.
figure: The Principles of Neural Science, Mc Graw Hill
The primary auditory cortex A1 is located in the superior bank of the temporal lobe. This is the central area of the AC and it is tonotopically mapped. Loudness, rate and frequency modulation also seem to be mapped in A1.
Related to gaze control in response to complex tasks.
A1 can be trained.
Tonotopically mapped as it is in the basillar membrane.
Describe the superior auditory cortex
In the visual system the outputs of the primary visual cortex are segregated. We can identify a “What” and “Where” stream in the auditory system (primates). In the visual pathway this is clearly defined.
Ventral- what
dorsal- where