Structural patterns Flashcards
Pattern of supports
-Vertical supporting beams
-Bearing walls
-Series of columns
-column and beam frames
Pattern of spanning systems
-one way
-two way
Pattern of lateral force resisting elements
-braced frames
-moment-resisting frames
-shear walls
-horizontal diaphragms
Pattern of supports definition
A structural unit is a discrete assembly of structural members capable of forming or marking the boundaries of a single spatial volume
Spanning systems
bridge the space between support systems
One way spanning systems
Transfer applied forces to a pair of more or less parallel supporting planes
two-way spanning systems
transfer applied forces in two directions, requiring two sets of supporting planes, more or less perpendicular to each other
structural grid definition
a system of lines and points for locating and regulating the position of major structural elements
-generally a plan device but can be extended into the third dimension to regulate the height and location of floor and roof structures -Principle vertical supports mark and define a series of structural bays
Structural grid characteristics
direction of span - affects nature of spatial composition, the qualities of the spaces defined and the economics of construction
Span lengths - affects the choice of materials and the type of spanning system employed
◦ The greater the span, the deeper the spanning system
Regular Grids
Regular grids define equal spans, allow the use of repetitive structural elements, and offer the
efficiency of structural continuity across a number of bays
Square grids
-one way or two way
-allows continuity in only one direction
Rectangular Grids
-One-way spanning systems work best
-Collector beams are primary beams or girders that support
one or more secondary (feeder) joists and beams
-Keep the spans of major collector beams and girders as short
as possible
Radial grids
-Vertical supports arranged in a radial pattern about a real or
implied center
-Direction of the span is influenced by the support spacing,
measured both radially and circumferentially
-One-way or two-way systems
-Typically collector beams or girders of constant length span in
a radial pattern with feeder beams or joists having varying
span lengths
-If collector beams or girders span in a circumferential manner,
their spans will vary while the feeder beams or joists will have
constant span lengths
Transitional Patterns - Corners
Equivalent Sides – two-way corner bay or one-way with additional column
◦ One Side Dominant – two-way corner bay or dominance in the one-way framing system and length
◦ Corner Emphasized
◦ Significant size
◦ Contrasting orientation
◦ Distinctive shape
◦ Curved Corner – reduced wedge-shaped spans or increased radius
◦ Corner as a Void – wings become independent
Patterns in Context -
Building on Slopes
Pile foundations and retaining walls are the primary
means of support
Grade beams can sometimes be used for small projects
not needing excavation into the sloping site
Stepped foundation walls perpendicular to the slope are
another solution
Patterns in
Context -
Primary function = support and
anchor the superstructure above
and transmit its loads safely into
the earth
Foundation pattern of supports
must be designed for the form and
layout of the superstructure above
and respond to the varying
conditions of the supporting soil