Structural Geology Flashcards
Structural Geology
Study of how rocks deform in response to stresses in the Earth
Types of Earth Stressors?
1.) Compression : contraction/shortening of rock or fossil (pushed together); common at convergent boundaries
2.)Normal Stresses: Act at right angles to a surface (Common at all 3 tectonic settings)
-small area=high stress
-large area= low stress
3.) Tension: elongation/stretching (pulled apart); common at divergent boundaries
4.) Shear
Tectonic Setting of Compression
Convergent Boundary
Tectonic Setting of Tension
Divergent Boundary
Tectonic Setting of Shear Stress
Transform, Divergent, Convergent
Brittle Deformation
Fracture of rock due to stress
Ductile Deformation
Bend and Flow of rock due to stress (w/out brittle fracture)
*Pliable not Brittle
Brittle-Ductile Transition
-> depth of deformation?
->Factors that determine how a rock Deforms?
-Rocks deform ductiley ~300-400 °C
-10-15km depth (ie; pressure)
-ductile-brittle transition is dependent on rock type
*Below brittle-ductile transition ; faults = shear zones due to no fracture in the rock
2.) Deformation Rate:
-slow deformation=ductile
-fast deformation=brittle
3.) Rock Type
Brittle Faults Settings
1.) Normal
2.) Reverse
3.) Strike-Slip
Normal Faults
Hanging wall is down relative to footwall
occur @ Divergent Boundaries:
-continental expansion settings (ex: Nevada Basin and Range)
-Mid-Ocean Ridges
Reverse Faults
Hanging wall up, footwall down
@Convergent Boundaries
-subduction plate=footwall
-overriding plate=hanging wall
Low angle reverse faults=thrust faults
Vertical fault, lateral displacement
ex; San Andreas, Alpine Fault
Restraining Bend
Bend within strike-slip fault which causes compression across the straining bend
ex: Santa barbs and Mt. Denali
Ductile Fault Settings
Shear zones
slip between two rocks along brittle fracture
Rotations of rock layers due to stress
Bending of rock layers due to stress
Joint Formation
Brittle fractures with no displacement (naturally formed cracks in rock)
Types of Folding (2)
1.) Anticline
2.) Syncline
Concave down
Type of folding
Concave up
Deformation in Santa Barbara
Resistant band along the San Andreas Fault causes compression and uplifting wave-cut terraces and the Santa Ynez Mts.
-Folding under Santa Barbs