Structural Empowerment (SE) Flashcards
Two examples are required (one example must be from ambulatory care setting, if applicable):
a. Provide two examples, with supporting evidence, of an improved patient outcome-associated with the participation of clinical nurse(s) serving as a member(s) of an organization-level interprofessional decision-making group.
- Patient outcome data must be submitted in the form of a graph with a data table.
a. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of an improved patient outcome associated with an evidence-based change in nursing practice that occurred due to a clinical nurse’s or clinical nurses’ affiliation with a professional organization.
- Patient outcome data must be submitted in the form of a graph with a data table.
b. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of an improved patient outcome associated with the application of nursing standards of practice implemented due to a clinical nurse’s or clinical nurses’ participation in a nursing professional organization.
- Patient outcome data must be submitted in the form of a graph with a data table.
a. Provide a description and supporting evidence of the organization’s action plan for registered nurses’ progress toward obtaining professional certification.
- How the target was established.
- What strategies were utilized to achieve or maintain target (> 51%).
- How the nurses are supported to achieve or maintain certification.
a. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, demonstrating nursing has met a targeted goal at the organizational level, for improvement in professional nursing certification. Supporting evidence must be submitted in the form of a graph with a data table of three years of data to demonstrate that the goal was met, maintained, or exceeded.
b. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, demonstrating nursing has met a targeted goal for improvement in professional nursing certification by unit or division.
- Supporting evidence must be submitted in the form of a graph with a data table three years of data to demonstrate that the goal was met, maintained, or exceeded.
a. Provide a description with supporting evidence of the organization’s action plan for RNs obtaining a baccalaureate or higher degree in nursing.
- How the target was established.
- What strategies were utilized to achieve or maintain target (>80%).
- How the nurses are supported to achieve a baccalaureate or higher degree in nursing.
a. Provide evidence of the organization progressing toward (or maintaining) >80% of professional registered nurses who have earned a baccalaureate or higher degree in nursing.
Outcome data must be submitted in the form of a graph with a data table including:
- Stated goal (percentage) for improvement in professional registered nurses obtaining a baccalaureate or higher degree in nursing.
- Three years of data to demonstrate that the goal was met, maintained, or exceeded.
a. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of an improved patient outcome associated with knowledge gained from a nurse’s or nurses’ participation in a professional development activity.
- Patient outcome data must be submitted in the form of a graph with a data table.
Two examples are required (one example must be from ambulatory care setting, if applicable):
- Provide two examples, with supporting evidence of an improved patient outcome associated with a nursing continuing education assessment and related implementation plan.
- Patient outcome data must be submitted in the form of a graph with a data table.
- The initiative and data must be provided at the clinic, unit or division level.
- Copy of the assessment and implementation plan associated with the example must be provided.
a. Provide evidence of a nationally accredited transition to practice program. A copy of the certificate awarded by the nationally accredited program is sufficient evidence.
Select three examples; for each example include the six elements of the transition program:
b. Provide one example, with supporting evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of the transition to practice program for new graduate nurse(s).
- Include a description and evidence of the six elements of the transition to practice program.
c. Provide one example, with supporting evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of the transition to practice program of a newly hired experienced nurse into the nursing practice environment.
- Include a description and evidence of the six elements of the transition to practice program.
d. Provide one example, with supporting evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of the transition to practice program of a nurse transferring within the organization to a new nurse practice environment.
- Include a description and evidence of the six elements of the transition to practice program.
e. Provide one example, with supporting evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of the transition to practice program of an APRN into the practice environment.
- Include a description and evidence of the six elements of the transition to practice program.
f. Provide one example, with supporting evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of the transition to practice program of nurse managers into the new role.
- Include a description and evidence of the six elements of the transition to practice program.
a. Provide on example, with supporting evidence, of the organization’s support of a nurse or nurses who volunteer(s) in a local or regional community healthcare initiative which aligns with Healthy People 2020, Healthy People 2030, or the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
b. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of the organization’s support of a clinical nurse or clinical nurses who volunteer(s) in a population health outreach initiative, either local or global.
a. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of a nurse or group of nurses delivering culturally and socially sensitive care.
a. Provide one example, of supporting evidence, of the organization’s recognition of a clinical nurse for their contribution(s) in addressing the strategic priorities of the organization.
b. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of recognition of a group of nurses for their contribution(s) in addressing strategic priorities of the organization.
a. Provide one example, with supporting evidence, of the organization’s recognition of an interprofessional group (inclusive of nursing) for their contribution(s) in influencing the clinical care of patients.