Structural Assessment and Balance Flashcards
What is a subluxation?
A vertebra misaligned adjacent to another vertebra causing pinching of the spinal nerve(s) in between.
The purpose of a chiropractor adjustment is to _____
Restore joint function
What is the static palpation test?
Place your fingers between the traverse processes of the atlas and the mandible of the jaw and see if the space on each side is equal
To eliminate the question you have a misaligned atlas or a misalignment of the mandible which test should you perform?
Motion Palpation Test
Problems with the occiput would include
Upper cervical, nervous system, cranial nerves, TMJ issues, headaches
Problems with the C1 would include
back of the head, nervous system problems.
Problems with the C3 would include
Side and front of neck
Problems with the C2 would include
various areas of the head, stomach issues
Problems with the C4 would include
Upper back of neck
Problems with the C5 would include
Middle of neck and upper part of front legs
Problems with the C6 would include
Lower part of neck, front of legs and elbows,
Problems with C7 would include
Lower part of legs, shoulders
Problems with T1 would include
Lower front leg, knee, deep flexor mm and thyroid, shoulders,
Problems with T2 would include
Heart, valves and coronary arteries, lung and shoulders,
Problems with T3 would include
Heart, lung, shoulders.
Problems with T4 and T5 would include
Upper Ribs
Problems with T6 would include
Problems with T7 would include
Liver, Solar Plexus, Bile Duct
Problems with T8 and T9 would include
Problems with T10 would include
Mid Back
Problems with T11 would include
Pancreas, Duodenum
Problems with T12 would include
Spleen, Duodenum, lower back, small intestine
Problems with T13 would include
Small intestine
Problems with T14 and T15 would include
Problems with T16 ad T17 would include
Problems with T18 would include
Abdominals, kidneys, ureters, large intestine
Problems with L1 would include
L1-L4, abdominals, large intestine
Problems with L2 would include
L2-L3, flank
Problems with L3 would include
L3-L4, psoas, genitalia
Problems with L4 would include
L4-L6, quadriceps, psoas, adductors, prostate
Problems with L5 would include
L4-L6, medial thigh, stifle
Problems with L6 would include
L6-S2, ishiatic (sciatic) nerve, lower hind legs, hind mm, ovaries, testes
Problems with Sacrum would include
Hip bones, muscles and genitalia, ovaries, testes
Problems with Coccyx would include
rectum, anus
What part of your hand do you use to perform the thrust?
What is the thrust called?
High Velocity, Low Amplitude Thrust
The joint between the occiput and the first cervical vertebra is called the _____.
Atlantooccipital Joint
What are ways to adjust the Atlas?
Dorsal Arch Move, Ventral Wing Move, Cranial Wing Move, Toggle Recoil Move
The joint between the first cervical and the second cervical vertebra is called the _____.
Atlantoaxial Joint
What is a facet?
Between each vertebra there are facets which are the flat surfaces that allow the articulation or movement. This is called a zygapophyseal joint.
To check for misalignment of the cervical spine below the atlas, perform a _____.
Lateral Flexion Test. (cookie test)
If one side has less ROM than the other it means there is a misalignment on that side. True or False
If there is a misalignment on one side, it means a least one of the vertebrae in the neck, below the atlas will be low on that side. True or False
False, it will be high.
What are the angles of the spinous processes of T1-L6?
T1-T15 are angled toward the back of the horse.
T16 is the first vertebra where the SP is angled straight up. (this junction is called the anitclinal)
From T16 back to L6 the SP are angled forward.
When assessing the thoracic spine, the spinous process of that vertebra will be pulled to the ____ side as the muscle spasm.