O, I, A's Flashcards
Biceps Brachii
O cranial scapula
I cranial radius (& tendon of extensor Capri radials)
A extend shoulder and carpus, flex elbow via tendon of extensor Capri radial is
Ascending pectoral
O sternum
I medial humerus
A retract and adduct limb
O humerus
I radius
A flex elbow
Brachiocephalicus (horse moving)
O mastoid process
I cranial border of humerus
A protracts limb also extends shoulder
Brachiocephalicus (horse standing)
O cranial border of humerus
I mastoid process
A extends head and neck (also turns head toward the same side)
O spine of scapula
I (deltoid tuberosity) lateral humerus
A flex shoulder (abductor)
O infraspinous fossa (scapula)
I humerus
A stabilize shoulder joint and abduct limb
Superficial pectoral
O sternum
I cranial surface of humerus
A adduct limb and extend shoulder
Serratus cervical horse standing
O serrated face of scapula
I TPs of c3 - c7
A contraction of both sides raises neck
Serrated cervical horse moving
O TPs of c3-c7
I serrated face of scapula
A rotates scapula cranially
Serratus thoracic horse standing
O serrated face of scapula
I 1St 8 or 9 ribs
A contraction of both sides raises thorax
Serratus thoracic horse moving
O 1st 8-9 ribs
I serrated face of scapula
A rotates scapula caudally
O sternum
I scapular fascia
A adducts the limb
O subscapular fossa
I humerus
A adduct limb and extend shoulder
O supraspinous fossa (scapula)
I humerus
A stabilize and extend shoulder
Teres Minor
O cranial border of scapula
I lateral humerus
A flex shoulder
Trapezius cervical
O nuchal ligament c2-t3
I spine of scapula
A elevates shoulder
Trapezius thoracic
O spinaspinous ligament t3-t10
I spine of scapula
A elevates shoulder
Triceps Brachii long head
O caudal border of scapula
I olecranon
A extend elbow and flex shoulder
Triceps Brachii lateral head
O lateral humerus
I olecranon
A extend elbow
Triceps Brachii medial head
O medial humerus
I olecranon
A extend elbow
O ventral surface of pelvis
I femur
A adduct limb
Biceps femoris
O gluteal fascia, ishium
I lateral femur, cranial border of tibia, calcaneal tuber
A extend and abduct limb
O distocaudal surface of femur
I calcaneum
A extends tarsus and flex stifle
O pelvic symphysis
I medial side of stifle
A adduct limb
O wing of ilium
I medial femur
A flexes hip
Middle gluteal
O gluteal fascia and ileum
I greater trochanter of femur
A extends hip joint
O TP’s of lumbar vertebrae and last two ribs
I medial femur
A flexs hip
Quadriceps Femoris Rectus femoris
O ilium
I patella and tibia
A flex hip and extend stifle
Quadriceps Femoris vastus lateralis
O proximal lateral femur
I patella and tibia
A extend stifle
Quadriceps Femoris vastus medialis
O proximal medial femur
I patella and tibia
A extend stifle
Quadriceps Femoris vastus intermedius
O proximal femur
I patella and tibia
A extend stifle
O ilium
I medial side of stifle
A flex hip and stifle
O ishium
I medial border of femur
A extend hip and adduct the limb
O caudal sacrum and cd 1&2
I tibia and calcaneal tuberosity
A extend the hip
Superficial Gluteal
O tuber coxae, lateral ilium and gluteal fascia
I lateral femur
A flex and abduct limb
Tensor fasciae latae
O tuber coxae
I fascia and lateral patellar ligament
A flexes the hip
Externus Abdominal Obliques
O 5th-18th ribs and thoracolumbar fascia
I cranial pubic ligament, tuber coxae, body of ilium
A flexes the spine
Internus Abdominal Obliques
O cartilages of ribs 14-18, cranial pubic ligament
I tuber coxae
A flex the spine
Caudal Dorsal Serrated
O thoracolumbar fascia
I last 7 or 8 ribs
A draws ribs caudally
O thoracolumbar fascia and ribs 4-18
I TP’s of C7
A depress and retract ribs
O and I are between the ribs
A aids in both inspiration and expiration
Latissimus Dorsi
O Thoracolumbar Fascia
I Medial Humerus
A Flex the shoulder
Longest Dorsal
O Spines of thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebrae, coxal tuber and supraspinous ligament
I TP’s of lumbar, thoracic and last 4 cervical vertebrae
A extend the back and neck
Rectus Abdominus
O Sternum
I Cranial Pubic ligament
A flex the spine
Transverse Abdominus
O TP’s of lumbar vertebrae
I xiphoid cartilage
A compress the abdomen
What are the three flexors of the neck?
Scalene, longus capitis, rectus capitis
O 1st rib
I TP’s of last 4 cervical vertebrae
A Flexes the neck
Longus Capitis
O TP’s of C3-5
I Occiput
A Flexes the head
Rectus Capitis Lateralis
O Atlas
I Occiput
A Flexes the Atlanto-Occipital Joint
Splenius (extensor)
O Spines of T3-5
I TP’s of C3-5, Atlas and Mastoid
A Elevates head and neck
Longest Capital (extensor)
O TP’s of T1-2
I Mastoid Process
A Extend Head and Neck
Longest Atlantal (extensor)
O Articular Processes of C2-7
I Caudal Wing of Atlas
A Extend Head and Neck
Rhomboid Cervical (extensor)
O Nuchal Ligament C2-T2
I Scapular Cartilage
A Draws Scapular Dorsal and Cranial
Rhomboid Thoracic (extensor)
O Dorsal Scapular Ligament T2-7
I Scapular Cartilage
A Draws Scapula Dorsal and Caudal
Large Complex (extensor)
O TP’s and AP’s of Thoracic and Cervical Vertebrae
I Occiput
A Extends Head and Neck
Longus Colli
O Tp’s of Cervical and T1-6
I Atlas and Bodies of C spine and TP’s of C6-7
A Flexes the neck
Multidus Cervicis
O TP’s of Cervical Vertebrae
I SP’s of Cervical Vertebrae
A Stabilize Joints/Rotation Etc.
O TP of Adjacent Vertebrae
I Between TP’s of Adjacent Vertebrae
A Lateral Flexion and Cervical Rotation
Read the muscles of mastication in year one book
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