What body system is responsible for adaptive immunity and some aspects of innate immunity?
Lymphatic system
What does the lymphatic system consist of ?
- lymph
- lymphatic vessels
- structures and organs containing lymphatic tissue
- red bone marrow
What is a specialized form of reticular connective tissue that contains a large number of lymphocytes ?
lymphatic tissue
What is interstitial fluid called once it passes into lymphatic vessels?
What is the main difference between interstitial fluid, lymph, and blood plasma?
interstitial fluid and lymph contain less protein
How many liters of fluid a day filter from blood into tissue spaces?
20 liters
How many liters of fluid are filtered daily from the arterial end of blood capillaries and return to the blood directly by reabsorption at the venous end of the capillaries?
17 liters
How many liters of fluid per day pass first into lymphatic vessels and are then returned to the blood?
3 liters
Lymphatic system three primary functions
- drains excess interstitial fluid
- transports dietary lipids
- carries out immune responses
What do lymphatic vessels begin as?
lymphatic capillaries
What tiny vessels are closed at one and and are located in the spaces between cells?
lymphatic capillaries
True or False
Blood capillaries are larger than lymphatic capillaries
Lymphatic capillaries are slightly larger
When pressure is greater in interstitial fluid than in lymph, the cells separate slightly, allowing what to happen?
allows interstitial fluid to enter the lymphatic capillary
What are the differences between lymphatic vessels and blood veins?
lymphatic vessels have thinner walls and more valves
What is located at intervals along lymphatic vessels ?
Lymph nodes
What are lymph nodes?
masses of T cells and B cells surrounded by a capsule
What flows through lymph nodes?
From the lymphatic vessels lymph passes into one of two main channels, what are they?
- The thoracic duct
2. The right lymphatic duct
What is the main lymph collecting duct?
The thoracic duct
What duct receives lymph from the left side of the head, neck, and chest; the left upper limb; and the entire body below the ribs?
The thoracic duct
What drains lymph from the upper right side of the body?
The right lymphatic duct
What veins does the thoracic duct empty its lymph into?
junction of the left internal jugular and the left subclavian veins
The right lymphatic duct empties its lymph into what veins?
the junction of the right internal jugular and the right subclavian veins
What two pumps aid the return of venous blood to the heart to maintain the flow of lymph?
- skeletal muscle pump
2. respiratory pump