Strong Feelings In Romance Flashcards
Both “Farmer’s Bride” and “Porphyria’s Lover” present strong feelings of power and control within romantic relationships.
Both poems convey the male speaker speaker as having strong feelings of power within their relationships.
“at last … she worshipped me” PL
L = religious verb - connotations of god like figure or superiority C = Ironic - as the poet is an atheist
“mine … mine” PL
L = repetition = shows he wants to control her L = possessive pronoun = emphasizes how she belongs to him
“I chose a maid” FB
“like a mouse”
L = verb = "chose" = shows how the wife did not get a choice L = simile = "mouse" = shows she is timid and vulnerable like prey
“we caught her” FB
L = verb = "caught" = she is just a possession to him D = being hunted like a wild animal - she is not suited to domestic life C = legally when married everything a woman owned went to the man - even herself
In both poems despite strong feelings of power and dominance by the male speakers in the relationship, the women hold the emotional power and control over their partners feelings.
“made my heart swell” PL
L = verb = “swell” = shows her finally giving herself to him has satisfied him
“heart fit to break” PL
I = 1) he loves her but is not sure if the love is requited
2) he anticipates the event before it happens - he knows he may kill her
TITLE “ Porphyria’s Lover”
L = possessive pronoun - shows he was the one loving her and that it was a one sided relationship
“glided” “kneeled” PL
L = verb = “glided”- sees her as angelic
L = list of verbs = portray her as active C = inverts the cultural gendering of women being passive - shows she has the power over him
” she sleeps up in the attic … alone” FB
L = adj = “alone” shows how she decides not to be intimate and has control of their relationship and make the farmer long for intimacy.
” some other in the house than we” FB
he longs to have children - bride controls his future and happiness
“her eyes, her hair, her hair!” FB
L = broken syntax D = shows he may not be able to control his thoughts and feelings towards her
Both poems use form and structure in order to emphasize the speakers strong feelings of power within their romantic relationship but also convey a sense of emotional instability.
Form PL
dramatic monologue
unnerving + deeply uncomfortable as it only presents his own thoughts
C = sensation fiction was loved by the Vict. people
Structure PL
asymmetrical rhyme scheme
presents speaker has having lost control of his power he crave so badly
Form FB
monologue - only displays his own thoughts
Rhyme FB
concentration of rhyming emphasizes the claustrophobia and containment of the bride, which emphasizes his abuse of power