Stroke Flashcards
TIA vs Stroke
-FND < 24 hr without acute infarction
-FND > 24 hr
-Confusion, trouble speaking/seeing
-Balance loss
-Severe headache
NIH Stroke Scale
Supportive Care, Emergency Tx
- Oxygen
- BP management
- Temp
- Blood glucose
- IV fibirnolytics
- Thrombectomy
-AP, AC, statins, BP control
Alteplase (TPA): CFU
Criteria for Use
-NIHSS > 5
-CT (-) for bleed
-Glucose 50-400
-BP < 185/110
-Onset < 4.5 hr
Door to needle time: 60 minutes
Alteplase: CI
-Intra/subcranial hemorrhage
-Previous stroke, cranial/spinal surgery, head trauma
-GI bleeding/mal
-Uncontrolled HTN
-LMWH in 24 hr
-DOAC (48+ fine)
-Endocarditis, AD
-Internal bleeding
Alteplase: dose, ae, monitoring
0.9 mg/kg (max 90 mg)
-bolus 0.09 over 1 min
-infusion 0.81 over 1 hr
-actual bw
-bleeding, angioedema
-Neuro exam, BP, bleeding, head CT
Management of ICH w/in 24 hours after IV alteplase
-Stop alteplase infusion
-Do labs, CT
-Cryoprecipitate 10 units IV
-Tranexamic acid or Aminocaproic acid
*help reverse altepase
AIS: BP Meds
-Lower to <185, <110 (before alteplase)
-Maintain <180/105 (for 24 hours after alt)
-<= 220/110 = leave alone
-> 220/110 = lower 15%
Nicardipine, 5 mg/hr, (max 15 mg/hr) (PRIMARY USED)
Clevidipine, max 21 mg/hr
Labetalol, max 300 mg/day
AIS Summary
- Control BP
- AP vs AC
- Statins
- Supportive care
AIS Secondary Prevention: NONCARDIOEMBOLIC
Antiplatelets recommended in all patients with NON-CARDIOembolic ischemic stroke
- Aspirin 81-325
(no tpa = start within 48 hr, tpa = start 24-48 after tpa) - Aggrenox - Dipyridamole ER (200) + Aspirin (25): 1 capsule BID
-AE: HA, less bleeding - Clopidogrel 75 mg QD
-AE: diarrhea, rash, thrombocytopenia
-no tpa, major: Tica 180 load, 90 BID (30 days)
-no tpa, minor: Clop 75 + asp
AIS Secondary Prevention: CARDIOEMBOLIC
Anitcoag recommended for CARDIOembolic ischemic stroke
-OACs for patients with A fib and CHADS 2/3+ (MW)
*4-14 days after onset
-Exception = VALVULAR = only use warfarin in mod-sev mitral stenosis or mechanical heart valves
AIS: Secondary Prevention: Lipids
High intensity for stroke
-Atorvastatin 40-80
-Rosuvastatin 20-40 (< 30 use 5-10)
*CI: acute liver disease, pregnancy/BF
then +ezetimibe, +PCSK9
Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH)
-High BP
-Altered consciousness
ICH: Reversal of Warfarin
- hold warfarin therapy
- give one dose of Kcentra
a. INR 2-3.9: 25 u
b. INR 4-6: 35 u
c. INR > 6: 50 u - give IV Vitamin K (5-10 mg / 50 mL NS)
- FFP 10-15 ml/kg
ICH: Dabigatran Induced
Idarucizumab, Praxbind
2.5 g / 50 mL IV bolus over 6 min x 2 doses (total 5 g)
AE: Hypokalemia, delirium, constipation
ICH: Rivaroxaban, Apixaban Induced
Andexant alfa, Andexxa
-Infusion related
-TE events, ischemic events (MI/IS), cardiac arrest, death
Andexanet Reversal Dosing
-Over 5 mg and < 8 hours = 800 mg bolus, 8 mg/min infusion
-All others = 400 mg bolus, 4 mg/min infusion
-Over 10 mg and < 8 hours = 800/8
-All others = 400/4
ICH: Secondary Prevention
-Initially, hold all blood thinners
*VTE prophylaxis within 1-4 days
*AP for 1-2 wk, AC for 4 wk
-BP < 130/80
-Avoid alcohol/tobacco
-Give IVs to lower if 220+
ICH: Summary
- Stop bleeding = antidotes
- Supportive care
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
-Worst headache ever
-Stiff neck, NV
*Vasospasm prophylaxis
-AE: low bp, dizzy, flushing, HA, nausea, swollen ankles
-60 mg Q4h x 21 days - Mg (can add to nimodipine), unclear
-AE: cns dep, mw, low bp, sweat, flush
-0.5-1 g/hr