Street Hypnosis Deck Flashcards
You really should _______
You really should take your time to relax. You should begin by relaxing completely to the the point that you feel comfortable now. As you should be feeling comfortable now, you really should notice your focus increasing.
I want you to _____
I want you to experience trance comfortably and I want you to go only as quickly into trance as you feel comfort in your body. I want you to focus your mind on what feels best to you now.
I know you want to _____
I know you want to learn how to go into hypnosis and I know you want to let your body relax fully. As you want to let go, I want you to let go as fully as will make you feel comfortable now.
You should remember _____
You should remember that you can go into trance now or later. You should remember that trance can happen at anytime that feels good. You should remember that trance opens up new possibilities for you.
You really should discover for yourself that _____
You really should discover for yourself that you can go into a deep trance now because as you discover for yourself that trance is easy, you will learn to love trance even more, won’t you?
I need to tell you _____
I need to tell you that hypnosis is the most natural of states for you mind and body to relax into and I need to tell you that you can go into hypnosis at anytime you want… even now.
You must _____
You must be feeling relaxed in some place now because you must be going into a trance of some sort by now. You must not only allow the trance to move freely inside of you but you must allow it to flow slowly to where it feels best.
What would it be like if _____
What would it be like if your mind relaxed deeply and easily now. Would you find that even more enjoyable and what would it be like if you found yourself in a wonderful memory that made you smile so very big now.
It’s as if _____
It’s as if you can go into trance anytime you want because trance is your door way into relaxation. It’s as if trance is coming on now, isn’t it? because as you talk about trance it’s as if trance is happening right now, isn’t it?
Suppose _____
Suppose you could go into trance right now. Suppose that it happened easily and naturally and suppose that you might even know that it is happening now. What that like to suppose that it all can be happening right now.
And you can experience _____ as if _____
And you can experience relaxation as if you are feeling a warm hug around you. And you can experience that warm hug around you as if it is just what you need to let go even more now. And you can experience that letting go as if it’s exactly what you need right now.
What’s it like when _____
What’s it like when you have a really good trance experience? And what’s it like when you find yourself wanting even more trance experiences like that? Do you find yourself seeking out more trance experiences?
Just pretend _____
Just pretend that you are already in trance and that you already can feel your whole body relaxing at the rate and speed that feels best to you and just pretend that you can’t even control how many good sensations you feel. Just pretend it is happening automatically.
Imagine _____
Imagine how easily you will be using these langauage patterns as you practice them daily. Image what kind of positive experiences you can create with this simple language patterns. See all of the possibilities that you can envision with these simple patterns.
You might _____
You might find that it is easier to go into trance when you allow your mind to open to my suggestions. You might find that it feels more relaxing and comfortable because you might find it easier to let go of control and allow your mind to have the experience.
Would you _____
Would you like to go into trance now or later? It’s like would you rather relax now or in a moment because as you allow your body to relax now, you can discover peace in that relaxation. Would like to experience that peace?
Allow _____
Allow my words to wash over you as the waves wash over the sand. As you allow my voice to wash over you, allow your mind to relax only to the point that takes you beyond the relaxation you thought was possible.
Now _____
Now, allow your mind to open to whatever feels best to you now. Only at the rate and speed that you now feel comfortable with my voice guiding your thoughts to comfort and peace.
Fully _____
Fully allow your mind to clear so that my suggestions can because easily accessible to your unconscious mind. Fully recognize that the degree to which you completely let go of guiding the experience, is the exact degree to which this experience will relax and free you to be so much more.
Instantly _____
You might find that you instantly let your mind and body become more relax than you thought these muscles could relax. Instantly become aware of what feels more comfortable to you now.
Suddenly _____
You may suddenly discover just how easy it is for you to integrate these language patterns into your conversations because as you suddenly realize that they are only normal to say and easy to use.
_____ at once
You can go into trance all at once, when you realize that trance is naturally occurring all the time. Now you may notice all at once that you are in trance or it may be noticed bit by bit.
Rapidly _____
You can rapidly discover changes in your behavior when you apply these language patterns to yourself and when you rapidly notice these changes it will only be proof to you that you are rapidly changing.
Immediately _____
Immediately allow your mind to gradually become more and more focused on my words because as you feel that focus immediately becoming clearly focused on my words you will immediately notice comfort developing in your body.