MBL Deck 3 Flashcards
See _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Hear _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Feel _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Notice _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Sense _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Consider _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Think about _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Remember _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Experience _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Discover _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Focus on _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Appreciate _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Pay attention to _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Recall _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Tune into _______________
Switch perceptions by switching to another sense. You can cycle through the 3 main senses (sight, sound & touch), sometime the 2 minor senses (taste & smell) are appropriate too. On top of these, you have self talk, memories, thought, pure awareness and imagination.
Who are you _______________
Tense: The simple present
Effect: The experience is brought to life now. The person is associated. The experience is completed, permanent and unchanging – so has more reality.
Where are you being _______________
Tense: The present continuous
Effect: The experience is more immediate. The person is even more associated. The experience is fleeting, so might end any time. It is more fragile so less real.
When were you _______________
Tense: The simple past
Effect: The experience is not fully experienced so it’s mildly dissociated. The experience was completed, so has stronger reality. It allows for just one experience at a time.
How were you being _______________
Tense: The past continuous
Effect: Mild dissociation. Allows for several experiences to co-exist. It’s fleeting, so can end any time. The experience may not have been completed. Slightly less “real”.
What have you been _______________
Tense: The simple perfect
Effect: Emphasizes the effect. The experience is completed and probably over now, but it probably still influences the present somehow. Single experience. More dissociated
Who have you been being _______________
Tense: The perfect continuous
Effect: The experience is more fleeting, so open to change. The experience was recent (usually runs up to the present) and is still influencing the now. Less dissociated than simple perfect.
Where had you been _______________
Tense: The simple pluperfect (past perfect)
Effect: Moves things further back in time. The experience is completed (so less likely to be changed.) Largest amount of dissociation (for time.)
When had you been being _______________
Tense: The pluperfect (past perfect) continuous
Effect: Moves things further back in time. Experience is fleeting (so open to change.) A lot of dissociation through time.Tense: The pluperfect (past perfect) continuous
Effect: Moves things further back in time. Experience is fleeting (so open to change.) A lot of dissociation through time.
How will you be _______________
Tense: The simple future
Effect: Future action that is completed (so hard to change.) Builds future memory. Slight dissociation. Implies a promise (I will do X.)