STREAM Flashcards
Boatswain’s Mate
FAKE - Actus disponendi lineam, filum vel catenam ponendo eam in bigis longis et planis
unum e regione posuit. Quisque quis venenatis ex.
FAKE - The act of disposing of a line, wire, or chain by laying it out in long, flat bights
laid one alongside the other. One of the bights.
Boatswain’s Mate
BIGHT - fascia funis, lineae, seu catenae
BIGHT - A loop of rope, line, or chain
Catechism: Prologue
1: Vita Hominis - Deum Cognoscere Illumque Amare
The Life of Man - To know God and to love Him
Catechism, Prologue 2: De Fida Transmittenda - De Catechesi
Handing on the Faith: Catechesis
Widerstand ist Elektrische _________ . Reaktanz Elektrische ist __________ .
Reibung, Energiespeicherung