Stravinsky - Vivo from Pulcinella Flashcards
What is ‘Point 1’ to be made about structure in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
It is in Rounded Binary form
What is ‘Point 2’ to be made about structure in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
The piece includes a ‘false start’ in the home key when it should be in the dominant in the section half of the A section.
What is ‘Point 3’ to be made about structure in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
A modulating sequence is used as a transition passage to return to the home key of F Major
What is ‘Point 4’ to be made about structure in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
There is a ‘mournful’ version of the theme in Fm (Parallel minor) in bar 42
What is ‘Point 5’ to be made about structure in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
A new comedic cadence phrase with an inversion of the original glissando idea completes the movement.
What is ‘Point 1’ to be made about harmony and tonality in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
Stravinsky took the traditional tonality of the original musical material from Pergolesi and spiced it up with frequent added note dissonances.
What is ‘Point 2’ to be made about harmony and tonality in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
The underlying harmonies are often very simple, mainly root and first inversion chords, reflecting the origins of the piece.
What is ‘Point 3’ to be made about harmony and tonality in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
The harmonies throughout illustrate Stravinsky’s enjoyment of using 7th chords
What is ‘Point 4’ to be made about harmony and tonality in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
Sometimes, the harmonies are quite bare. At the beginning, you might expect alternating tonic and dominant chords in F. Instead, the accompanying instruments just play the root notes of the chord in unison and octaves. It is left to the solo parts to fill in a few of the other chordal notes.
What is ‘Point 5’ to be made about harmony and tonality in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
Suspensions are occasionally found. In the solo cello part in the Sinfonia, bars 7-9, the long held notes end in a suspension which resolves ornamentally.
What is ‘Point 1’ to be made about melody and rhythm in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
Stravinsky’s melody lines tend to follow the eighteenth-century original pieces that he borrowed from.
What is ‘Point 2’ to be made about melody and rhythm in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
Simple balanced phrase structure is often apparent.
What is ‘Point 3’ to be made about melody and rhythm in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
Ornamentation is common used in a similar to what would be found in the eighteenth-century.
What is ‘Point 4’ to be made about melody and rhythm in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
Phrases often feature passages in conjunct style (stepwise melodic movement) followed by a large leap.
What is ‘Point 5’ to be made about melody and rhythm in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
Other ornamentation includes grace notes, e.g. bar 5, beat 2. This kind of group of grace notes is often called gruppetti (literally ‘little groups’).
What is ‘Point 1’ to be made about texture and sonority in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
One of the most prominent textural characteristics is the rapid alternation between loud tutti sections and quieter, mainly solo passages.
What is ‘Point 2’ to be made about texture and sonority in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
The double bass solo often doubles the trombone part, an octave lower - as seen at the beginning.
What is ‘Point 3’ to be made about texture and sonority in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
There is heterophony at bar 38. The flutes play the double bass tune at the same time, with a more elaborate version three octaves higher than the sounding pitch of the double bass.
What is ‘Point 4’ to be made about texture and sonority in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
Use of a monophonic passage in the strings in bar 21.
What is ‘Point 5’ to be made about texture and sonority in Stravinsky’s Vivo?
There is a call and response (antiphonal) section between the woodwinds and brass, against the trombone in bar 31.