Stratification and Inequality Flashcards
- Apply theoretical conceptions of class
o Karl Marx
Bourgeoisie and proletariat
o Max Weber
Power, prestige, property/wealth
- Define social mobility
o Horizontal and vertical mobility
o Inter-generational and intra-generational
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Define social stratification.
- A system in which groups of people are divided into layers according to their relative power, property and prestige
- does not refer to individuals
- groups are ranked into hierarchies
- has impact on our lives (life chances)
Result :
evaluation-ranking-reward system
What are the four general systems of stratification?
- Slavery
- Castes
- Estates
- Social classes
Elaborate on Systems of Stratification: Slavery
Individuals owned by other people who treat them as property
Elaborate on Systems of Stratification: Castes
Hereditary ranks usually religiously dictated and tend to be fixed and immobile.
Rank determined at birth
Ascribed status
Determines a person’s prestige, occupation, residence, and nature of social relationships
Elaborate on Systems of Stratification: Estates (feudalism)
Peasants worked land leased to them in exchange for military protection and other services
Person’s place is determined at birth (ascribed)
Contact between members permitted (generally impersonal)
Marriage between people of different estate - forbidden by law
Elaborate on Systems of Stratification: Class System (social classes)
Social ranking based primarily on economic position in which achieved characteristics can influence social mobility
Made possible by industrialisation and urbanisation
Belief: Best people work their own way into the highest rank
Fair and just stratification
Elaborate on legitimating rationales of the systems of stratification.
Widely accepted beliefs that the inequalities that exist in a particular society are essentially right and reasonable
Legitimate stratification - systems reflect people’s beliefs about
- Why some people are ranked higher than others
- Why this is fair
Explain legitimating rationale for estate systems
Belief: God placed the best people in the highest ranks
Explain legitimating rationale for caste systems
Hindu religion
- Transmigration / reincarnation
Belief: each person is born into a particular caste as a result of their actions and thoughts in a previous life
According to Hindu religion, there are four varnas, (colours or “grades of being”)
Elaborate on Karl Marx: Class Differentiation
Social relations depend on who controls the primary mode of production
- means of production held largely in private hands
main incentive for economic activity is accumulation of profits
- capitalist class; owns the means of production
- working class; sell their labour
What is the difference between class consciousness and false consciousness in Karl Marx’s class differentiation?
Class Consciousness
- subjective awareness of common vested interests and the need for collective political action to bring about change
False Consciousness - attitude held by members of class that does not accurately reflect their objective position
Elaborate more on Max Weber: Theoretical Concepts on Class.
Where person stands in the market situation (salary, purchasing power, lifestyle)
The dynamics of power
- The ability to carry out one’s will, despite resistance.
The status/prestige in society
- Level of esteem associated with our status and social standing
Elaborate on Marx Weber view on Stratification
No single characteristic totally defines a person’s position within the stratification system
- group of people who have similar level of wealth and income
Status group
- people who have the same prestige or lifestyle
- ability to exercise one’s will over others
Define social mobility
Movement of individuals or groups from one position in society’s stratification system to another
What is the difference between horizontal and vertical mobility?
Horizontal mobility
- Movement from one occupation to another in the same stratum (within same prestige)
Vertical mobility
- Movement up or down in a stratification system
(from one position to another of a different rank)
What is the difference between intergenerational mobility and intragenerational mobility?
Intergenerational mobility
- Changes in position in the stratification system by different generations of family members (in children’s position relative to their parents)
- Example: a daughter attains a higher (or lower) class than his father
Intragenerational mobility
- Mobility that occurs in a person’s lifetime (social position changes within person’s adult life)
- Example: a person who is born in poverty and grows up to be a marine engineer.
What is the difference between open and closed system of stratification?
- positions within system achieved
- opportunity to change rank exist
- Law on marriage: permits exogamy; informal norms promote endogamy
- positions within ascribed
- opportunity to change rank do not exist
- Law on marriage: requires endogamy