stratergies of food production Flashcards
fungal disease in plants
viral disease in plants
bacterial disease
red rot of sugercane,brown rust of wheat,,late blight of potato
trupin mosic,tobacco mossic,curly top virus
black rot of crusifers,
amont of loss due to disease in tropical areas can be
20-30percent or even total
dipendence of what can be reduced withdeveloping disease resictance breeds
fungiside,bacterioside,not viroside
things to keep in mind while breading disease resistance plant
causitive agent,mode of transmisiion
wbc ka cc trick
hill bunt, leaf and stripe rust
pusha swarnim (karan rai)
white rust
trick karan ka golden armour
pe white rust
cauli flower
pusha snownball k1
pusha subhra
black rot and curl
blight black rot
pusha komal
bacterial blight
pusha sadabahar
tmv,cmv,leaf curl
methods for development of disease resistance plants
conventional breeding
mutational breeding(gene sequence mutayion)-mong bean resistance to yellow mosciac virus and powedery meldow
selection among somacolne
genetic engineging
bhindi has resistance to yellow mosic virus due to
cross with wild varity and formed prabhar kranti(a.esclanthus)
transfer of diseasse resistance is done by
sexual hybridiastion in same species or related wild species between target and source plant followed by selection
pest resistance can be due to
morphological ,biological,physiological charecters
hairy leafes are associated with____ also give examples
resistance to pest
1) jassid resistance to cotton
2)cereal leaf beetal resistance in wheat
solid stem in what non preference by what
solid stem in wheat lead to non preference by stem saw fly