term given by
pure line
basis of inheritance
basis of heridity
base number also called
genotype controle phenotype and vise versa
father of modern genetics
factors/chormosome/gene(physical baisis of inheritance)/dna(chemical basis )/
no of chormosome in a set (x)
also called monoploid
atavisims also called reversimss
viseversa not true
willium bateson experimet on sweet pea
what is a gene
mendel experiment
the segement of dna which expreses the charecter — code for charecter
slightly different foe=rms of a different gene present on same loci on the homologous chromosome– code for tall/short
like xy chromrosome in humans
extensuion of hybridization experiment of knoght and groose
chromosome terme given by
what is genome
alleleic and non allelic gene pair
haploid set of the chromosomes
i.e. 2 genome in human each contain 23 chromosomes
allelic aa/Aa
non alleleic AB
homozygous means
write o a paper
homoxygous means only one gamete prtoduced by them
premendel law
law of genmplasm
somatoplasm and germplasms
only gene of germplanst is passed to progeny i.e.
by wieseman by rat tail experiment
medndel conducted artificial and cross ussing
initially selecterd how many varities
how many traits/allele/charecter/gene/plants
dominant trait in flower colour
s.blixit distribution
punnite square
hugo di varie publiched mendel work in flora
true / pure breeding line- which have gone through selfing for several generatuion
initailally 34- then 22 then 14
14 trait
14 plants/allele
7 charecter/gene
1-flower colour , seed colour
4-flowerposition,stem height ,pod shape
5-pod colour
7-seed shape
all possoble genotype writteen in squares only
recipocal cross in necular and cytoplasmic inheritance
bynominal equation
who gave shape to these laws
make female genotype male nad male genotype is made female
nuclear me same results and cytoplasmic me female is domionant as most of the chromomosome are from femal there is no 50/50 ration
exception to mendelisms (i gene one charecter out of which one is dominat and other is ressisove)
universal law among the three
back cross(different from recipocal cross)
test cross ration
incomplete dominance
co dominance
multiple allilisms
polygenetic inheritance
2nd law is universal law of segegration and purity of gammete s
test and out cross of f2 generation with f1 genetation
1:1 (monohybrid) 1:1:1:1 (dyhybrid cross)
incomplete dominance and co dominance
moslty domonant gene are always the modfifed genes
incomplete -dont resembel any of the parents (quantatitive way)
ex . antirrhinimu,dog flower , snapdragon ,miriblis jalapa (4 o clock flower),starch grain in pisum
co domonance resimble both of the parents
ex sickel cell anemia,abo blood grp,hair colour in cattle
modifed allele can be domonamnt or resccive
but mostly mutation lead to normal/less efficent genes which also code for dominant
some times reccesive gene can also be wild /original true /flase
other examoke od abo blood group
yes abo blood grp o allele is reccisive and wild also
raddit coat,ey ecolour in dorsoplilia,self incomplatiblity on maize and tobacco
pleotropy of pea seed is
absolute , sub, delayed letality exaple
incomplete domonance for intermediate size of seed on complete dominace on
absolute -embryo death .yellow mouse ,haemophilic female
sub lethality- sickel cell anemia
delayed lethality -huntingtons dissise
more no of recomninat/parental in f2 genetation
product rule is also called , based on
interaction of one gene = intragenic/interalliic
inter genic interiaction non allicic
law of independent assortment based on dihybrid cross , rest 2 are based on mono hybrid cross
non allilic inter genic interaction
supplimentary gene -when both dominant then only fully charecter expressed (purple) complementaary also
batson and punnete sweetpea
duplicate gene - capsella / shephard purse when any othe two is dominant ek
top shaped when both reccisive and tringula shaped when any of them is dominant
dominant episatis ka example is cucurbitta pipo flower and summer squash 12:3:1
Wy white
wy green
kernel colour in what , colour of wheat variation
how many polygene
what is the ratio
kernal colour discovered by nilson ehle
also discovered the tobacco height variation
2 pair of polygene
1;4;6;4;1 —– 15:1 red and whight
in f2 intermediate are more thean parental (parental are pure red and pure white)
davanport brothers discovered the human colour varitation