Strategies To Promote Development In Two Or More Countries Flashcards
How has economic planning been employed in Ethiopia?
- Roads account for 4.2% GDP (Education 4%, health 1.2%)
- Absolute poverty declined from 45% to 26%
- GDP increased by more than 10% per annum for last 5 years
- Over next decade, spending on infrastructure needs to be sustained to maintain it
What investments has China made in Ethiopia?
- Payed for road, railway and social development
- Top 5 recipient for FDI (46% rise in 2016)
- East Africa’s largest economy
What is Hawassa Park, Ethiopia?
- Employs over 100,000 (Soon to be largest job provider in Africa)
- 1.3 million m²
- Attracted investment from Europe, USA and China (16 major MNCs)
- State of the art residential compound for workers
What is the ‘Top down approach’ by aid agencies?
- Large scale aid give directly to government
- Effective in large project
- Corruption sees money siphoned off
What is the ‘Bottom up approach’ by aid agencies?
- Small scale aid given directly to people who need it
- Digging of wells or small scale agricultural projects
Give an example of ‘Top down’ aid
British spending on Nigerian education:
- $160 given to Nigerian education between 2010-15
- Many funds go to rich, private schools in South
- 80-100 in a class in North (Chalk and talk education)
What are NGOs?
Non-profit organisation that operates independently of any government e.g. Oxfam
What are micro-finance projects?
Low cost loans with aim to increase productivity and stimulate development
Give an example of a successful and unsuccessful micro-finance project
Sierra Leone;
- E.L.A. provides financial support and advice
- Stimulate growth in local economy
- Banks gone bust due to overloading to risk businesses
- Resulted in suicides and reverse development
What is the World Bank?
- International organisation owned by 184 countries
- Goal to reduce poverty and improve living standards in LICs
Name 2 World Bank agencies
- International Development Association
- International Finance Corporation
How is World Bank support provided?
Through project or policy-based loans and grants
Give an example of an area that has received World Bank investment
Great Lakes region:
- $1bn to help development in 4 countries (DRC, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda)
- Mainly $490m to HEP projects, $180m to infrastructure and $165m to road construction
What is the purpose of the IMF?
Ensure stability of international monetary system through providing financial assistance to countries experiencing balance-of-payment problems
What are the main 3 strands of the IMF?
1) Policy advice
2) Lending
3) Knowledge sharing
Give an example of an area that has received IMF funding?
Mozambique cashew industry