Strategies to manage environments to ensure sustainability Flashcards
Restricting use
imposes limits on the number of visitors accessing sites at any one time, charging entrance fees and temporary closures
problem: may result in overcrowding at other times
limiting different human activities to specific spaces/times. e.g. one site for conservation/honeypot
problem: people may miss out leading them to visit another site. put pressure on one site
visitor codes
establishing visitor codes of conduct e.g. prohibiting removal of plants
problem: codes are difficult to enforce and monitor
planning controls
proposed new developments in areas of high value landscape are subject to submit planning controls. buildings may be designed and built in materials that blend in with natural surroundings.
problem: physical carrying capactiy is measured by carpark spaces…but could park somewhere else
sustainable development
e. g. ecotourism, helping locals to improve their farming methods so soils aren’t degraded
problem: costly method