Strategies & Standards Flashcards
What are the requirements for Diverse Uses?
Building’s main entrance should be within 1/2 mile walking distance of 4 or more existing and publicly available diverse uses
What are strategies for Construction Waste Management?
1) Recycle: designate area for recyclables and identify recycler/hauler
2) Donate (i.e. Habitat for Humanity)
3) Reuse on site
Note: Diverting hazardous materials and excavated land/soil does not count
What are the requirements for Cooling Tower Management?
1) Chemical management
2) Non-potable water resource
What are the standards referenced in IEQ Credit Enhanced Indoor Air Quality Strategies?
1) Mechanical Ventilation: ASHRAE 62.1
2) Natural Ventilation:
a) Carbon Good Trust Practice Guide
b) CISBE Manuals OR ASHRAE 62.1
3) ASHRAE 52.2
4) CEN Standard 779
What are the requirements for Indoor Air Quality Assessment?
1) Flush Out: 14,000 cubic feet of air per square foot before occupancy, or 3,500 before and
14,000 after occupancy
2) Air Testing: EPA Compendium of Methods for Determination of Pollutants in Indoor Air
What are the standards referenced in the Low Emitting Materials credit, and what do they refer to?
1) South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD): adhesives, sealants, finishes, coatings, stains and sealers
2) California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Standard Method, Testing
3) Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA), Furniture
What are the requirements for Rainwater Management?
1) Use Low Impact Development Strategies to manage on-site runoff of local rainfall to 95th / 98th percentile and 85th percentile for zero lot line projects
What are Commissioned Systems?
1) HVAC and Refrigeration
2) Lighting and daylighting controls
3) Domestic hot water
4) Renewable energy systems
Access to Quality Transit: How Far From Rail and Bus?
Rail station: within 1/2 mile walking distance
Bus station: within 1/4 mile walking distance from 1 or more stops on 2 or more lines
Standards for Baselines for Water Use Reduction
1) Energy Policy Act 1992
2) Uniform Plumbing Code
3) International Plumbing Code
Which standard regulates low- emitting wet applied interior paints and coatings?
SCAQMD Rule #1113, CARB
Which standard regulates adhesives and sealants?
SCAQMD Rule #1168
Which standard regulates Composite Wood?
California Air Resource Board (CARB)
Which standard regulates Furniture?
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Business and Institutional Furniture Manufactures Association (BIFMA)
Which standard regulates indoor chemical and pollutant control in LEED?
1) ASHRAE 52.5 (MERV filters)
2) European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
Which ASHRAE standard regulates thermal comfort?
ASHRAE 55-2010, Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy
Which standard regulates Measurement and Verification in Tenant Design and Construction Guidelines?
International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol
What are strategies for Construction Activity Pollution Prevention?
Temporary and permanent seeding, mulching, silt fencing, earthen dikes, sediment traps, sediment basins
How is a brownfield defined (by what standards)?
Local, state, or national authority
How is a Green Vehicle defined?
Minimum score of a 45 on the American Council for Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Guide
What are the requirements for Building Lifecycle Impact Reduction?
Option 1: Historic Building Reuse
Option 2: Renovation of abandoned or
blighted building
Option 3: Building and Material Reuse
What is the requirement for Surrounding Density?
Combined density of 22,000 s/f per acre
Residential density 7DU/acre Non-residential -0.5 FAR
Light Pollution Reduction: What is the standard for lighting density?
Illuminating Engineering Society and International Dark Sky Association (IES/IDA)
What are the requirements for Heat Island Reduction?
(Area of Nonroof Measure) / (.5) +
(Area of High Reflectance Roof) / (.75) +
(Area of Vegetable Roof) / (.75)
Is greater Than or Equal to
(Total Site Paving Area) + (Total Room Area)
Required Recyclables for Materials and Resource Prerequisite
Paper, glass, cardboard, plastics, metals and e-waste.
Design Considerations for Recycling On-Site
1) Signage to discourage contamination
2) Designate recycling area that is appropriate size and easily accessible
3) Security for high value materials
4) Protection from the elements
In LEED, what is the baseline for toilet (water closet) water use?
1.6 gallons per flush (GPF)
In LEED, what is the baseline for urinal water use?
1.0 gallons per flush (GPF)
In LEED, what is the baseline for showerhead water use?
2.5 gallons per minute (GPM)