General Flashcards
What does LEED consider renewable energy?
1) Solar panels
2) Solar thermal
3) Wind
4) Wave/tidal
5) Low impact hydro-electric
6) Geothermal heat and electric
7) Some biofuels (agricultural crops/waste, landfill gas, untreated wood waste/residue)
What doesn’t LEED consider
renewable energy?
1) Passive solar
2) Treated wood
3) Combustion of municipal solid waste
4) Geo-exchange (Ground Source Heat Pumps)
5) forestry waste (other than mill residue)
What is SMACNA?
Sheet Metal Air Conditioning Contractors National Association
Standards for maintaining indoor air quality during construction and demolition.
ASHRAE Standards
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
ASHRAE 90.1: Energy and lighting
ASHRAE 62.1: Ventilation
ASHRAE 55: Thermal comfort
ASHRAE 52.2: Air filtration
Sensitive Land Protection: Which sites should NOT be developed?
1) Prime farmland
2) Floodplain: 1% or greater chance of flooding
3) Threatened endangered species habitats
4) Land within 100 feet of wetlands
5) Public parkland
6) Undeveloped land within 50 feet of a water body (Clean Water Act)
Which standards are referenced in EA Prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance?
1) ASHRAE 90.1
3) Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide
Which spaces are considered as unoccupied spaces?
An area designed for equipment, machinery, or storage rather than for human activities.
LEED for Homes must be verified by whom?
A Green Rater
Who manages the work of Green Raters?
Green Homes Certification Providers
What is the LEED project boundary?
Includes all land that is associated with the LEED project building, including all land disturbed for the purpose of undertaking the LEED project.
What is the project boundary?
Site area affected by construction, including parking and open space
What is the property boundary?
The project’s property line from the tax map
What is a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) budget?
The LEED VOC budget is the measurement of the allowed VOC concentration in the building’s
indoor air causes by Low Emitting Materials - Paints and Coatings and Adhesives and Sealants.
What is a baseline for green building?
The baseline is defined by the amount of energy or water the building would consume if it used conventional materials and design.
What is a Credit Interpretation Request?
Allows project teams to get technical or administrative guidance from the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on one credit
How much does a Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) cost?
$220 each
How long can a Credit Interpretation Request (CIR) be?
600 words
Who may submit a CIR?
Anyone on the project team with access to LEED online
What is Integrated process?
Emphasizes the importance of connection and communication among all the professionals and stakeholders in the project.
What are the benefits of Integrated Project Delivery?
1) Reduced construction time
2) Cost control
3) better communication
How often must LEED EBOM buildings recertify?
Every 5 years
Which type of LEED buildings require recertification?
LEED Existing Building Operations and Maintenance (EBOM)
What is environmental product declaration (EPD)?
A documentation that contains information about the life-cycle environmental impact of a product. EPDs are the summary of the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment).
What is the requirement for ID Credit: LEED Accredited Professional?
Include 1 LEED AP with appropriate Specialty credential as a principal participant of the project team
What are the two paths for earning an Innovation in Design credit?
1) Innovation in Design: Use a strategy not addressed in the rating system to achieve quantifiable environmental performance
2) Exemplary Performance: Achieve double the credit requirements or the next credit threshold
What must be submitted for an Innovation in Design Credit?
1) Intent of proposed credit
2) Proposed requirements and submittals for compliance
3) Design approach used to meet requirements
Green buildings can contribute to what percentage of water reduction?
What is the intent of commissioning in LEED?
To support the design, construction, and eventual operation of a project
What are the requirements for the commissioning authority (CxA)?
The CxA should have commissioning
experience and be unrelated to the
project design/construction
When is ENERGY STAR used in LEED?
ENERGY STAR is used in the LEED for Homes and Existing Buildings
ENERGY STAR is a program developed and administered by the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of
Energy. The label shows that a building uses less energy, are less expensive to operate, and emit fewer greenhouse gases than its peers.
What are the biggest energy users in buildings?
Lighting (20%) and space heating (38%) are the largest energy users in buildings.
What does the ISO 14000 Standard mean?
ISO 14000 Standards mean that a product is environmentally preferable because it contains recycled material.
Green buildings can contribute to what percentage reduction of solid waste?
Green buildings can contribute to a 70% reduction in solid waste.
How many points does a LEED project earn for having 1 or more LEED APs as principal project participants?
1 Innovation in Design point (regardless
of the number of LEED APs)
Why does USGBC have a Trademark Policy?
USGBC has a Trademark Policy to accurately and consistently convey USGBC’s messages and identity.
What must the LEED preliminary rating include?
1) Target LEED certification level
2) The completed LEED scorecard
3) The credits chosen to meet the certification level.
What is a pilot credit?
A credit being tested for the updated version of LEED and can be attempted for one point in Innovation in Design.
Who is the main point of contact with GBCI during the certification process?
LEED Project Administrator
What is the Floor Area Ratio?
The Floor Area Ratio is the ratio of the total floor area of the building to the lot size of the site. The higher the floor area ratio, the higher the development density.
What is the LEED Volume program?
The LEED Volume Program is designed for individuals who have a lot of buildings and want to implement LEED on a large scale.
What are LEED Interpretations?
LEED Interpretations are the USGBC’s rulings on formal inquiries (Credit Interpretation Requests, or CIRs) submitted by LEED project teams.
Who determines Regional Priority credits?
USGBC regional councils, chapters and affiliates. Based on Zip code of region affected.
What are the 5 main principles of the integration process?
1) System should work efficiently
2) Start during pre-design phase
3) Follow Through
4) Look beyond initial cost to long term savings
5) Include and collaborate
Who is responsible for the LEED Online website?