Strategic Plans Flashcards
What does a strategic plan enable the bank to do?
A strategic plan enables the institution to tailor its CRA
goals and objectives to address the needs of its community consistent with its business strategy, operational focus, and capacity and constraints.
What must and institution submit to the FDIC in order to be evaluated as a strategic plan bank?
The bank must develop and submit for approval by the FDIC a strategic plan for addressing its responsibilities with respect to CRA.
What are the required components of establishing and creating a strategic plan? (5)
- Setting a Public Review and comment period on the bank’s Plan
- Including in the plan defined assessment areas.
- Including in the plan measurable goals that determine which goals to meet and levels at which those goals must be set to justify the proposed ratings
- Establishing performance context
- the term of the plan including the effective date of the plan.
What must be included in the strategic plan with regard to the public review and comments?
- Copy of the public notice, and names where is was published for each AA covered by the plan.
- Verification that comments were solicited for a minimum of 30 days.
Does the bank need to include public comments in the strategic plan?
No, Public comments are not required to be included in the strategic plan. However, copies of all written comments received during the comment period and the bank’s responses to those comments must be submitted with the plan to the FDIC.
If after submission, the FDIC requires the bank to revise the plan, is the bank required to resubmit the revised plan for public review and comment?
No, changes need not be released again for public comment unless they significantly alter the content of the original submission.
In what different ways can a bank obtain public input on the strategic plan?
- Holding meetings with community groups and other interested parties.
- Seeking comments from customers through branch notifications and mailing statement stuffers to customers.
When reviewing a strategic plan submission, why does the FDIC review public comments, and the bank’s responses?(3)
The comments and responses help determine:
- if the bank considered input from the community
- The degree of support for the bank’s goals
- the appropriateness of the goals.
What is required to be included in the strategic plan regarding assessment area delineation?
- The bank must define AAs and list them in the plan
- Only whole geographies should be included (CTs, block numbering areas, or block groups)
What are the requirements for delineating an AA? (3)
- should consist of one or more MSA or one or more contiguous political subdivisions (counties, cities, towns)
- Should include geographies where it has its main office, branches, and deposit taking remote service ATMs and POS terminals.
- Should include surrounding geographies in which it has originated or purchased a substantial amount of its loan portfolio, including home mortgage, small business, small farm, and consumer loans.
What must an institution include regarding measurable goals in a strategic plan? (2)
- Which goals to include in the plan.
- Levels which these goals must be set to justify the proposed ratings.
What should banks refer to when determining the measurable goals portion of the strategic plan?
- CRA examination procedures
- CRA regulation to establish performance criteria for lending, investments, and services.
What criteria should examiners use to evaluate a strategic plans measurable goals? (5)
- Extent and breadth of lending or lending-related activities, including geographic and borrower distribution of loans.
- Extent of community development lending.
- Use of innovative or flexible lending practices.
- Amount, innovativeness, complexity and responsiveness of qualified investments.
- Availability and effectiveness of retail services and the extent and innovativeness of community development services.
What should each measurable goal aim to accomplish?
To help meet the credit needs of the AA, particularly needs of LMI geographies and individuals, through lending, investments, and services.
Does a strategic plan need to focus on any specific CRA activities?
Measurable goals should generally emphasize lending and lending related activities. However, a different emphasis may be appropriate provided it is clearly explained and substantiated based on the characteristics and needs of the AA and the bank’s capacity, product offerings, and business focus.
Ex: demonstrable intense loan competition in the AA, so bank concentrates its efforts on making qualified investments and CD services.
Can a strategic plan include affiliates or other depository institutions?
The plan can include affiliates as long as the name is includes and a description of how it is affiliated.
A joint plan for multiple depository institutions can be submitted as long as it includes measurable goals for each institution.
What must be included in a joint strategic plan?
strategic plan that covers multiple depository institutions
- Measurable goals for each bank
- address the credit needs of each bank’s AAs
- approval from the appropriate regulatory agency for each bank’s respective portion of the plan.
For multiple banks that operate under a joint strategic plan, how can CRA activities be allocated?
They can be allocated at their option, provided the same activities are not counted for more than one bank.