strategic leadership Flashcards
Effective Strategic Leadership shapes the formation of (1) and (2), which influence (3), that need both (4) and (5), which then yields (6)
1: Vision
2: Mission
3: Successful Strategic Actions
4: Formulation of Strategies
5:Implementation of Strategies
6: Strategic Competitiveness, Above-Average Returns
What is strategic leadership?
Ability to:
- anticipate
- envision
- maintain flexibility
- empower others to create strategic changes
What is strategic change?
Change resulting from selecting and implementing a firm’s strategies
What does strategic leadership involve?
- Managing through others
- Managing an entire organization rather than a functional subunit.
- Coping the rapid and intense changes associated with the global economy
Who is the main person on whom strategic leadership rests and some other important strategic leaders?
Main : CEO
- members of board
- top management team
- divisional general managers
Explain the importance and composition of top management team
The complex challenges facing most organizations require the
exercise of strategic leadership by a team of executives rather than
by a single individual.
➢ A top management team is composed of the individuals responsible for making certain
the firm uses the strategic management process, especially to select and implement
➢ Typically, the top management team includes the officers of the corporation and/or members of
the board of directors
What do top management teams help the CEO with?
- Avoid managerial hubris (overconfidence)
- Make better decisions
Firms need to structure the top management team to best utilize
the expertise of each member, how do they get this done?
➢ Organizing a team with different types of expertise and knowledge bases typically
creates a heterogeneous top management team.
➢ A heterogeneous top management team is composed of individuals with different functional
backgrounds, experience, and education.
When does firm performance tend to improve?
when the board of directors is involved
more directly in helping to shape the firm’s strategic direction.
When the CEO has a lot of power…
the board may be less
involved in decisions about strategy formulation and implementation.
How do CEOs increase their power?
- Appointing a number of sympathetic outside members to the board
- Having inside board members who are also on the Top Management team and report to the CEO
- Simultaneously serving as CEO and chair of the Board (This is Called CEO duality)
CEO duality:
- Occurs most commonly in larger firms
- Is under scrutiny and attack due to increased shareholder activism
- can lead to poor performance and slow responses to change
- however, research on CEO duality’s effect on performance remains inconclusive
- Can also lead to positive outcomes, such as when a CEO and board chair facilitates efforts to make decisions and take actions that are in the stakeholders’ interest
Name the key strategic leadership actions
- Determining strategic direction
- establishing balanced organizational controls
- Effectively managing the firm’s resource portfolio
- Sustaining an effective organizational culture
- Emphasizing ethical approaches
What are organizational controls?
Organizational controls are the formal, information-based procedures
used by managers to maintain or alter patterns in organizational
Organizational controls…
➢ Are necessary to help ensure that firms achieve their desired outcomes
➢ Provide the parameters for implementing strategies as well as the corrective actions to
take when implementation-related adjustments are required
Organizational controls help strategic leaders:
➢ Build credibility
➢ Demonstrate the value of strategies to the firm’s stakeholders
➢ Promote and support strategic change
What are the two types or organizational controls?
Describe financial control
➢ Focuses on short-term financial outcomes
➢ Often produces more short-term and risk-averse decisions
Describe strategic controls
- focuses on the content of the strategic actions rather than their outcome
- ➢ Encourages lower-level managers to make decisions that incorporate moderate and
acceptable levels of risk because leaders and managers throughout the firm share the
responsibility for the outcomes of those decisions and actions resulting from them
What is the challenge involving controls?
- The challenge for strategic leaders is to balance the use of strategic
and financial controls in order to improve the firm’s performance.
Name the four barriers to strategic implementation
- The vision barrier
-The management Barrier - The resource barrier
- The people barrier
What is the Balanced scorecard?
The BSC is a powerful organizing framework for implementing strategy that translates
an organization’s strategy into a set of objectives and measures and aligns the
organization to them through its planning and control processes
What is the underlying premise of the balanced scorecard?
An overemphasis on financial controls may promote behavior that sacrifices the firm’s
long-term, value-creating potential for short-term performance gains.
What does an effective balance between financial and strategic controls allow?
Flexible use of the core competencies within the parameters of the firm’s financial position
How to evaluate the financial perspective in a balanced scorecard?
- Cash flow
How to evaluate the customer perspective in a balanced scorecard?
- assessment of ability to anticipate customers’ needs
- effectiveness of customer service practices
- percentage of repeat business
- quality of communication with customers
How to evaluate the internal business processes perspective in a balanced scorecard?
- asset utilization improvements
- improvements in employee morale
- changes in turnover rates
How to evaluate the learning and growth perspective in a balanced scorecard?
- improvements in innovation ability
- number of new products compared to competitors
- increases in employee’s skills