Strategic Guidelines Flashcards
Trading Guideline 1
Capture or recapture to maintain material equally
Trading Guideline 2
- When materially ahead, trade down judiously to a won endgame
- Avoid trades when you are down materially
Trading Guideline 3
When suffering from a spatial disadvantage, judiously trade pieces to allow movement of other pieces or to relieve the pressure
Trading Guideline 4
Trade to aleviate a tactical build-up by your opponent
Trading Guideline 5
Capture to force an opponent’s piece/position into a Power Move, especially a King
Trading Guideline 6
Capture to remove the defender
Trading Guideline 7
When called for, trade to achieve the Bishop Pair
Trading Guideline 8
Trade your opponent’s more mobile and better placed pieces for your more poorly situated counterparts
Trading Guideline 9
All things being equal, don’t trade if it gives your opponent
- piece activity
- tempo
Trading Guideline 10
Sacrificial Captures that can lead to a serie of Power Moves
The 1st Posture
Tactic or Power Move
The 2nd Posture
A Tactic or Power Move superior to your opponent’s that gains initiative, control, ect
The 3rd Posture
Simultaneous Attack/Defense
An equal Tactic or Power Move that could have the potential to gain initiative, control (or any other unseen force, depending on the strength of your opponent)
The 4th Posture
Attack the Attacker
A simple counter-attack: No brilliant Tactic or Power Move to regain initiative or control in the game but enough to keep your opponent busy
(Could be combined with Posture 5 to gain some initiative, control, ect)
The 5th Posture
Active Defense
Creates some piece activity without loosing tempo
(Could be combined with Posture 4 to gain some initiative, control, ect)
The 6th Posture
Passive Defense
Looses a tempo and often piece activity –> last resort
Beware of the x-ray attack
The power of a piece extends to all squares in its path whether or not it is blocked by its own or enemy pieces
(Visualize and beware of future attack possibilities)
Strategic tip 1
Avoid defending pieces with the king or queen
Strategic tip 2
The advantage of the bishop pair
in open positions
Strategic tip 3
Follow Opening Principles if your opponent violates them
Examples how to handle an opponent’s opening violation
- an uncastled King
- an early moved Queen
- a twice moved piece
- an empty center (no pawns)
- counterattack a Premature Attack (if necessary defend first and castle)
- Power Move weaknesses
Strategic Tip 4
Always conduct a defensive and offensive Power Move evaluation before moving and consider the consequences of any capture, including sacrifices
Strategic Tip 5
King safety: at all times consider the safety of both kings
King safety Questions
- Is there a way to take advantage of pawn moves in front of the king?
- Are there enough (if any) defenders for the king?
Strategic Tip 6
If no opportunity to win material emerges, then seek to achieve a strategic goal
Strategic Tip 7
Identity, repair or defend weaknesses, which include pawn weaknesses, Power Move vulnaribilities and strategic weaknesses
Strategic Tip 8
If you have an advantagein one of the unseen forces, look for an attack or convert this advantage to another, which may then make an attack possible