Power Moves Flashcards
The 26 most important questions in chess.
What is a Power Move?
A threatening move before:
- a tactic
- gaining strategic advantage
What are the four perspectives that should be considered when looking for Power Moves?
- Can my opponent make a PM?
- Can my opponent prepare for a PM?
- Can I make a PM?
- Can I prepare for a PM?
PM 1
Defensive Perspective 1
Was his last move a preparation to check me on the following move?
Can I be checked if my opponent was to move now or after my move?
PM 1
Defensive Perspective 2
Can I be checked in two moves?
PM 1
Offensive Perspective 1
Can I check my opponent?
PM 1
Offensive Perspective 2
Can I Check him in 2 moves.
Prepare for check.
PM 2
Defensive Perspective 1
Attack the Queen
Was his last move a preparation to attack my Queen on the following move?
Can my Queen be attacked if my opponent was to move now or after my move?
PM 2
Defensive Perspective 2
Attack the Queen
Can my queen be attacked in two moves?
PM 2
Offensive Perspective 1
Attack the Queen
Can I attack his Queen?
PM 2
Offensive Perspective 2
Attack the Queen
Can I attack his Queen in two moves?
Make the preparation move.
PM 3
Defensive Perspective 1
Attacking Undefended Pieces
Which of my pieces are undefended?
Was his last move a preparation to attack one or more undefended pieces?
Which can be attacked if he was to move now or after my move?
PM 3
Defense Perspective 2
Attacking Undefended Pieces
Which of my pieces can be attacked in two moves?
PM 3
Offensive Perspective 1
Attacking Undefended Pieces
Which of his pieces are undefended?
Which undefended pieces can I attack?
PM 3
Offensive Perspective 2
Attacking Undefended Pieces
Which undefended pieces can I attack in two moves?
Prepare to attack.
PM 4
Defensive Perspective 1
Was his last move a preparation to pin a piece?
Can any of my pieces be pinned if my opponent was to move now or after my move?
PM 4
Defensive Perspective 2
Can any of my pieces be pinned in two moves?
PM 4
Offensive Perspective 1
Can I pin one of his pieces?
PM 4
Offensive Perspective 2
Can I prepare to pin him?
Pin in 2 moves.
PM 5
Defensive Perspective 1
Little Guys Harassing Big Guys
Was his last move a preparation to attack a higher rated piece with a lower one?
Could my higher value pieces be attacked by a lower rated enemy if he was to move now or after my move?
PM 5
Defensive Perspective 2
Little Guys Harassing Big Guys
Which of my bigger guys could be attacked by little guys in two moves?
PM 5
Offensive Perspective 1
Little Guys Harassing Big Guys
Could any of my little guys attack a big one guy?
PM 5
Offensive Perspective 2
Little Guys Harassing Big Guys
Could I harass a big guy in two moves? (Prepare a move to attack a higher rated piece with a lower rated one?)
PM 6
Defensive Perspective 1
Passed Pawns
Was his last move a preparation to make a past pawn?
Does my opponent have a passed pawn if he were to move now or after my move?
PM 6
Defensive Perspective 2
Passed Pawns
Can my opponent make a passed pawn in two moves?
PM 6
Offensive Perspective
Passed Pawns
Can I make a passed pawn?
PM 6
Offensive Perspective
Passed Pawns
Can I make a passed pawn in two moves?
Prepare a move to make a passed pawn.
What is the last question to ask after the 26 Power Moves?
Can any piece be captured, traded or sacrificed?
3 ways to use Power Moves
- To evaluate a position
- To think in ‘threats’.p
- To gain and maintain the initiative