Strategic Awareness & Staff Management Flashcards
What is our Mission?
To prevent crime and harm through exceptional policing
What are our Goals?
Safe homes safe roads safe communities
What is our Purpose?
To ensure everybody can BE SAFE & FEEL SAFE
What is our Function?
Keep the peace
Maintain public safety
Law enforcement
Crime prevention
Community support & reassurance
National security
Policing activities outside New Zealand
Emergency Management
The three pou in the strategy.
Pou Mataara Be first then do - our people and their mindset
Pou Mataaho Delivering the Services New Zealand Expect and Deserve - Effective initiatives and improved practice
Pou Hourua Focused Prevention Through Partnerships- Effective Partnerships
The deployment model gives us a mechanism for:
What is the CCI
In PHPF what are the 5 frameworks?
Performance Management
What is the F1 strategy
What is the F2, F3 & F4 strategy?
What is the F2, F3 & F4 strategy?
Our values?
Steps to PIP
- Initiate a PIP
- Meet with the employee to formulate a PIP for future implementation
- Finalise the PIP
- First formal review meeting
- Confirmation of the outcome
- Additional steps and final PIPS
Steps to PIP
- Initiate a PIP
- Meet with the employee to formulate a PIP for future implementation
- Finalise the PIP
- First formal review meeting
- Confirmation of the outcome
- Additional steps and final PIPS
Supervisors role in conflict of interests?
What actions are to be taken by supervisor in conflicts of interests?
When must a supervisor refer to a wellness advisor?
When must a supervisor refer to a wellness advisor?
Duty of care obligations?
Roles of supervisor in relation to Trauma support policy
Roles of supervisor in relation to Trauma support policy
Return to work policy
Supervisors are responsible for initiating and managing the rehabilitation of their employees.
As a supervisor you need to ensure specific guidelines around rehabilitation and return to and stay at work processes are followed when an employee takes time off because of an illness or injury.
Supervisors’ responsibility with work related injuries