Firearms Flashcards
Police aim with regards to firearms licence holders
Make conpliance as easy as possible
Assist those who are trying to comply
Encourage compliance though intervention
Use the full force of regulatory process
Decisions regarding Police Intervention will take into account the attitude towards compliance and be:?
Decisions regarding Police Intervention will take into account the attitude towards compliance and be:?
Factors for consideration in compliance intervention
Extent of harm or risk or risk of harm
Public interest
Attitude to compliance
When did S22H of the arms act come into force?
24 December 2020
What is section 66 of the arms act 1983
What is section 66 of the arms act 1983
What is section 66B of the arms act 1983
What is the penalty for 66B of the arms act?
What are the powers under section 18 of the search and surveillance act 2012?
What are the powers under section 18 of the search and surveillance act 2012?
F061 fire orders
In incidents involving discharge of a firearm caused by a police employee resulting in death or injury. What must the incident controller do?
Supervisor role after an unintentional disharge.
Notify the district police integrity and conduct manager
Instigate a review/ debrief of the facts surrounding the incident. Note: The scope and scale of the review will depend largely on the nature of the discharge and whether there was any potential for injury.
Send the firearm and any bullets and cartridge cases to the police armory for examination. Enclose a detailed report covering the circumstances or incident with items sent to police armory for examination.
A TOR must be completed when an employee is in possession of a firearm in these situations:
Presentation to another person except in training, aos / stg
Discharge anytime outside of training
Unintentional discharge except when in training where it is clearly unintentional and no injury is involved
Destruction of animals
Supervisors actions after the operational use of a taser:
Supervisors actions after the operational use of a taser:
Supervisor role after being notified of a taser operational show?
Supervisor after a taser unintentional discharge will?