Strata Management Flashcards
where did strata scheme originate?
New South Wales, Australia
Objective of Strata Scheme ( Condo policy)
- More intensive use of limited land resources
- Greenery & open spaces for recreation
- Proper maintenance of community amenities & facilities
A system of title which gives
- Supporting rights over common property
- Exclusive ownership of strata lot
Duality in ownership
- An undivided common interest in shared facilities, i.e. common property
- A separate individual interest in the airspace, i.e. strata lot
Benefits of Strata Scheme
❖ Reduced cost of ownership
❖ Upkeep and maintenance cost are shared with other owners
❖ Ease of disposal for subdivided lots
Types of Strata Properties
- Single use type
- Mixed use type
Legislation Governing Strata Properties
- Land Titles (Strata) Act (LTSA)
- Building Maintenance & Strata Management Act (BMSMA)
Land Titles (Strata) Act (LTSA) provides for
➢ Strata subdivision
➢ Collective sale
➢ Termination of strata scheme
➢ Under the purview of MinLaw
➢ Administered by SLA
Building Maintenance & Strata Management Act (BMSMA) provides for
➢ Self-governance, management, control & administration of common property
➢ Resolution of disputes by Strata Titles Board
➢ Under the purview of MND
➢ Administered by COB of BCA
Parties in BMSMA
- management corporation
- owner developer
- council
- subsidiary proprietor
- managing agent
what does proprietor(owner-developer) means?
Any person/organization intending to develop a building
Subsidiary Proprietor (SP) meaning
- A purchaser (may be an individual or a company) whom developer transferred ownership of a unit to
- kinda like a condo unit owner
Management Corporation Strata Title (MC or MCST) meaning
juridical entity with perpetual succession that is empowered by law to administer and oversee common property of a strata development
Management Council (Council) meaning
- represented body of members appointed from among SPs to manage the strata development.
- Up to a maximum of 14 members in the Council.
Managing Agent (MA) meaning
- professional service provider engaged by the MC to manage the strata development,
- normally on a year by year contractual basis
Share Value meaning
- figure that shows
- allocation of proportionate share
- allocated to the owner in each strata unit in development.
Strata Unit/Lot meaning
Air space defined by the three-dimensional area within enclosure walls of the lot, floor & ceiling
Common Property meaning
- Parts of land/building in the strata development which are not comprised in any lot.
- Parts being used or enjoyed by occupiers of two or more lots
Strata Titles Boards (STB)
- tribunals constituted under the BMSMA
- to mediate and hear applications
- between SPs and MCs, or between SPs
- in relation to disputes arising out of strata titled property
- and orders for collective sales of property under the Land Titles (Strata) Act
Commissioner of Buildings (COB)
essentially an enforcement officer designed to police the rules and regulations of the BMSMA and LT(S)A.
Self-Regulating Framework of The BMSMA
- Allow SPs to decide on how to manage the property
- All SPs have a right to take part & vote in decision-making process & vote on decisions
- MC enforce their own rules (called bylaws) & by-laws provided in the Act when managing the estate
- SPs have responsibilities (e.g. sharing costs of upkeep of common property)
- Specific obligations of MC are performed by the council or MA
- MC will perform its obligations imposed by the Act and Regulations
(e.g. hold annual meetings)
What are common properties?
- Not comprised in any strata lot in strata title plan
- Common to all SPs; tenants-in common
- Cannot sell off the common property independently
- dont serve individual strata lots
- serve the entire space
Shared value (SV)
Each strata lot is allotted share values (SV)
Significance of SV determines
- Amount of maintenance contributions
- voting rights
- share in common property
Who accept SV allocation?
- Commissioner of Building(COB) BEFORE sale of property
Can SV be changed
no, except for some instances
instances where SV can be changed
- error in entry
- value fraudulently assigned
- subdivision of a lot or an amalgamation of two or more lots
How is SV determined in Single Use Residential
50 & below = 5
51-100 = 6
101 - 150 = 7
151 - 200 = 8
201 - 250 = 9
251 - 300 = 12
+ 1 share for every 50m^2
formula for per share per month (single use resi)
Per share per month =
Management fund budget
Total Share Value
Single Use Non-Residential Development include
- Shops
- Offices
- Factories / Warehouses
Single Use Non-Residential SV
- determine the SV for the entire building
- SV for entire building must be in multiples of 10, e.g. 100, 1,000, 10,000…
Formula For SV in non-resi
SV in non- resi = (nfa of strata unit / total nfa of building) X SV allotted to building
how to calculate monthly maintenance contribution in non-resi
- monthly contribution per SV per month = annual budget / share allocated to building / 12
- monthly contribution per shop = monthly contribution per SV per month X said shop’s SV
Share Value In Mixed Development
- different user groups, e.g. shops / office / resiential, etc
- allocated based on weight factor & floor area
Proprietor(Owner-developer): Before MSCT, before Strata Title Plan is registered, before TOP
Developer manages & maintains before the formation of MC
proprietor: Before TOP: How to Establish & Manage Maintenance Fund
- Apply to COB to collect maintenance charges
- Quantum to be collected based on quotations (average of 2 years expenses)
- COB checks quotations & compare with similar developments before approving quantum
- No collection of maintenance is allowed until approval is given
proprietor: After TOP: Establish & Manage Maintenance Fund
Establish Maintenance fund under S(16) of BMSMA and open account with licensed bank to deposit maintenance charges
proprietor: Units sold before TOP & handed over at TOP, who pay maintenance fund?
Collect from SPs from the date the maintenance charges are due and payable
proprietor: Units sold before TOP and NOT yet handed over, who pay maintenance fund?
- Developer given a deferment period of 4 weeks after the date the TOP is issued to pay the maintenance charges
- from the date the Maintenance Fund is establish, which is late
proprietor: Unsold Units, who pay maintenance fund?
- Developer is given adeferment period of 4 weeks after the date the TOP is issued to pay the maintenance charges
- from the date the Maintenance Fund is established, whichever is later
proprietor: Accountability for Maintenance Fund: Maintenance fund accounting requirements
- Keep proper books of accounts for payments & receipts
- Appoint auditor for an annual audit & an audit within 4 months after the MC is constituted
- File certified true copy of audited accounts with COB, permit COB full access to accounts & records and make copies & furnish certified true copy of accounts, if required
- Allow inspection of audited Maintenance Fund accounts by Purchaser
- Within 28 days of audit completion: accounts made available for 2 weeks for inspection without payment of any fees
- At any other agreed time & place: permit inspection of accounts & other records after payment of a prescribed fee
proprietor: Accountability for Maintenance Fund: Money held by Developer in Trust
Deposited only with a licensed bank, no investment of Maintenance Fund monies allowed
proprietor: initial period after After MCST constitution to First AGM
- period from the day the MC is constituted to the day
when the 1st AGM is held - Or 12 months after the MC is constituted
- Developer plays the role of the MC
when proprietor close Developer’s established Maintenance Fund Bank Account, they need to appoint a
auditor to audit account after it is closed
when proprietor open new MCST account
- Transfer monies from Developer’s
Maintenance Fund account to MCST account - No deficit can be transferred into new MCST account
what happens when proprietor receive maintenance charges & deposit into MCST account
Keep proper books of accounts for convenient checking & auditing
what proprietor do when they play role of MCST as trustee &
observe restrictions of MCST in
Initial Period
a. Not to EXCEPT with COB’s approval
* make, alter or repeal by-laws
* grant easement or restrictive covenant
* execute transfer common property or give exclusive rights
* make contracts which confers rights and control beyond initial period
* borrow money or give securities
* appoint managing agent to hold office beyond initial period
b. Can
* Carry out alteration/erection of structure on common property via a Special Resolution
proprietor: Convene First AGM within how long
- Within 13 months after the date of constitution of the MC
- Not later than 8 weeks after the Developer receives a written request from SPs making up 10% of the total number of lots
What happen to developers who did not convene the first AGM
- Guilty of an offence
- Liable on conviction and fine not exceeding $5,000
- A further fine not exceeding $100 per day for continuing offence
if a Developer does not hold the First AGM as required (SP)
- Any SP or Mortgagee in Possession may apply to the COB to appoint a person to
convene the First AGM
if a Developer does not hold the First AGM as required (COB)
- Appoint person to convene First AGM within such time & place specified
- Include any ancillary or consequential instructions to the Appointed Person to facilitate the convening of the meeting
- Appoint person shall be deemed Chairperson of the MCST
If a Developer does not hold the First AGM as required (general)
Notice of Meeting may be given as specified and served to all eligible SPs with copy of Agenda
Proprietor: After First AGM on handing over to MCST
- Documents to be handed over within 2 weeks after convening of First AGM
- Prepare and place annual budget for approval starting from first day of the month
following First AGM
what is in the docs when proprietor hand over after first AGM
- All plans required to obtain TOP & CSC
- Any as-built drawings that indicate location of pipes, wire cable, etc. for passage or provision of services
- Contracts entered into by or on behalf of MCST
- Copy of strata title plan
- Name & address of contractor, sub-contractors & material suppliers
- Warranties, manuals, schematic drawings, operating instruction, manufacturer’s manual relating to prefabricated bathroom units & other information regarding the construction, installation, operation maintenance, repair & servicing of any common property
- Record to be prepared or retained by MCST
- Any other records as may be prescribed
Proprietor, After First AGM on handing over to MCST, other aspects:
- MCST may appoint independent building surveyor
- to conduct a condition survey of common property prior to handover (subject to getting an approval at a General Meeting
to incur this expense)
Management Corporation