Strangeworlds from Kelsey 2 Flashcards
Strangeworlds: Eating Dr. Stobbart’s Immersion-Caps would give you an insatiable urge to do what?
Take a bubble bath
Strangeworlds: What kind of candy does the shop worker say they use to break up roads?
Indescribable Badger Bits
Strangeworlds: Why can’t the people of Coral City get buzzberries anymore?
Nothing has been growing near Mount Fission; weather has been weird
Strangeworlds: Jonathan tells Flick that a rule of the society is that you can’t share its true natue with whom?
People who aren’t magically conscious
Strangeworlds: Which of Flick’s parents was an orphan?
Her dad
Strangeworlds: What does Jonathan notice that’s out of place when they travel to a forested world after Coral City?
No noises of birds, animals, or wind
Strangeworlds: Tam’s hair is described as looking like it was last washed when?
The day he was born
Strangeworlds: What color paint did Tam have streaked on his face?
Blue and black
Strangeworlds: What object did the kids in Tam’s forest say their most recent visitor had brought with him besides a suitcase?
A shooter (gun)
Strangeworlds: Tam and his gang of forever-children are what type of creature?
Strangeworlds: What is the first rule of interacting with the fae?
Don’t eat anything they offer you
Strangeworlds: What did Flick do with the food on her plate when she was at Tam’s house?
Sculpted her mashed potatoes into a snowman
Strangeworlds: What does Jonathan say would be the best option to get away from Tam’s gang?
To do it as part of a game
Strangeworlds: What does Flick do to distract Tam’s gang so she and Jonathan can get away?
Starts a food fight
Strangeworlds: Which picture on the stairway at Strangeworlds does Flick stop and stare at?
A picture of Jonathan’s dad as a kid
Strangeworlds: What happens if you try to live in a world you don’t belong to?
Your life-force drains away
Strangeworlds: Why did Jonathan visit the travel agency on the night he learned about traveling to other worlds?
He was locked out at home
Strangeworlds: When Jonathan fell asleep waiting for his parents to show up at the shop, what woke him up?
A scream
Strangeworlds: What was Jonathan’s one question for his dad when he first saw him come back through a suitcase to the travel agency?
“Where’s mom?”
Strangeworlds: What is on the patch Jonathan gave Flick when she joined the society?
A golden magnifying glass, with a lightning bolt in the center
Strangeworlds: What is Felicity’s middle name?
Strangeworlds: Which world does Jonathan suggest they make an overnight trip to?
The City of Five Lights
Strangeworlds: What does Jonathan say that the City of Five Lights is home to that they need to visit?
A Strangeworlds Society outpost
Strangeworlds: Where does Jonathan tell Flick he keeps the suitcases that don’t fit in the main area of the travel agency?
The Back Room
Strangeworlds: What gives an object its worth as currency in Five Lights?
The importance and significance it has to a living person
Strangeworlds: What is the name of the Strangeworlds outpost in Five Lights?
Quickspark’s Travel Emporium
Strangeworlds: Even though Flick had never been to this country, the City of Five Lights reminded her of what?
Spain; a Spanish city
Strangeworlds: What’s the process of storing magical energy called?
Strangeworlds: How can someone release bottled magic?
Smash the glass it’s stored in
Strangeworlds: How does the Thief, Hid, communicate with the Overseer?
Magical notebook
Strangeworlds: What is the name of the first class thief who has been watching for a traveler from Strangeworlds?
Strangeworlds: What name does the Overseer go by?
Strangeworlds: What is the name of the thief Flick catches picking her pocket?
Nicc De Vyce
Strangeworlds: What class of thief is Nicc?
3rd class
Strangeworlds: What is the name of the place that Jonathan wants to go to for lunch that Nicc says no longer exists?
The Marigold
Strangeworlds: What is the name of the inn Nicc suggests, on Cat-Scratch Street?
The Wilting Lily
Strangeworlds: What is the name of the inn keeper at The Wilting Lily who gives them their room for free as friends of Nicc?
Strangeworlds: What is the organization called that trains thieves and takes a cut of their profits to keep running?
The Order of Thieves (or The Order)
Strangeworlds: Jonathan tells Flick that even the Thieves have a code of conduct and should never steal what?
People and animals (anything alive)
Strangeworlds: Where was the first place Jonathan checked when his dad originally disappeared?
Five Lights
Strangeworlds: When Flick is looking at street food in Five Lights, what does the lady tell her is in the mix along with peas, rice, & peppers?
Jumping crickers
Strangeworlds: Jonathan tells Flick to think of keeping suitcases in other worlds as what?
A back door
Strangeworlds: What is the name of the street that the Quickspark’s outpost should be located on?
Spectral Lane (later referred to as Spectre Street)
Strangeworlds: What does Jonathan find on the floor at the ransacked Quickspark’s?
A receipt of theft