Strange Situation-types of attachment * Flashcards
Ainsworth :strange situation
• observe key attachment behaviours to assess quality of attachment to caregiver
• controlled, uses 2 way mirror, 7eps each 3 mins
1)baby encouraged to explore
2)stranger talks to caregiver, approaches baby
3) stranger and baby left together
4)caregiver returns, stranger leaves
5) caregiver leaves baby alone
6) stranger returns
7) caregiver returns
• proximity to mother, exploration/safe base, separation anxiety, stranger anxiety,reunion
• type A- insecure-avoidant attachment-66%
• Type B-secure attachment-22%
• Type C-insecure resistant attachment 12%
Secure attachment
explore regularly but will go back to caregiver reg. mod sep and strange anxiety + ease of comfort at reunion
Insecure avoidant
Little reaction when leaves and little contact upon return. Low stranger and sep anxiety. Little response to reunion
Insecure resistant
seek then reject social interaction. Sep=intense distress but resistant to comfort upon return. High stranger and sep anxiety
Support for validity
• strange situation is predictive of later development. ‘Secure’ =better life outcomes. ‘Insecure resistant’ =worse life outcome-bullying, mental health issues
• measures anxiety- unfamiliar environment
• Genetically influenced personality type is more influence than attachment. If this is measured it doesn’t purely measure attachment
Good reliability
• very good inter-rater reliabitity- agreement between observers.
• May be bc strict controlled conditions as easier to observe
• Agreement 94%
Test may be culture bound
• different meanings in other countries- developed in UK+US.
• takahashi- it does not work in Japan as babies are rarely sep from mom so high sep anxiety
At least one more type
• Main and Solomon identified 4th- disorganised attachment(type D)mix of resistant and avoidant
• unusual- neglect and abuse, most develop with psychological disorders