strand 3 Flashcards
intracellular signalling
- extracellular signal molecule activates membrane receptor
- intracel molecules transduced via pathway
- cellular response activated
1st messenger (extracellular) 2nd messenger (intracellular) transducers (membrane proteins)
high blood sugar response?
insulin release from pancreas (beta islets)
insulin> tissue for glucose conversion to glycogen
low blood sugar response
glucagon release from alpha islets in pancreas
glycogen > glucose
types of response
altered: ion transport/ metabolism/ gene expression/ cell shape/ movement/cell growth/ division
receptor locations
response speed?
cell surface (fast response)
intracellular/ nuclear (slow response)
cell surface receptor molecules
membrane crossing?
for hydrophilic signalling molecules
can’t cross membrane therefore must bind
variety of pathways
intracellular / nuclear receptor molecules
membrane crossing
hydrophobic molecules
cross PM via simple diffusion
txn factors
4 main receptor classes
ligand-gated ion channels (ionotropic)
G-protein coupled receptors (metabotropic)
enzyme-linked receptors
nuclear receptors
3 types of cell surface receptors
ligand gated ion
G protein coupled
ionotropic receptor examples
nicotinic ACh receptor
gabaA (gamma-amino butyric acid)
nicotinic ACh receptor
mediated ACh effect on muscle
ACh binding opens channel/ allows Na+/Ca+ entry
binds nicotine
GABAa receptor
activators? ion selection? role?
activated by GABA (CNS neurotransmitter)/ benzodiazepines
Cl- ion selectivity
role in CNS
inhibitory receptor
metabotropic receptor
indirect link w ion channels on PM via signal transduction
e.g. Muscarinic ACh receptor/ GABAb
role in cell function regulation
Muscarinic ACh receptor
favour muscarine over nicotine
activate potassium channels
no. transmembrane domains/ polypeptide chains of metabotropic
no. sub-units per polypeptide chain?
7 transmembrane domains
3 polypeptide chains (alpha beta and gamma)
alpha (16) beta (5) gamma (11)
metabotropic polypeptide structure
beta and gamma bind tightly to each other (Bgamma subunit)
alpha has guanine nucleotide site binding GTP/GDP
complexes in PM
alpha GTP/ GDP affinity for beta gamma sub-unit
alpha GTP> High affinity
alpha GDP> low affinity
G protein cycle
- adr binds beta-adrenoreceptor
- g protein interaction
- GTP/GDP exchange
- a sub-unit liberation
- AC activation
- adr unbinding/ GTP hydrolysis
what does cAMP activate
structure of protein activated?
PKA (protein kinase A)
2 polypeptide chains (C catalytic and R regulatory)
bound together when
PKA C and R polypeptide chain sub-units
2R and 2C form tetramer
R has 2 cAMP binding sites> allows sub-unit dissociation, activation and phosphorylation of other proteins
PKA function
catalyzes transfer of serine/ threonine res on substrate proteins
physio responses mediated by cAMP/PKA
kidney collecting duct
vascular smooth muscle
colonic eipthelium
termination of signal transduction
removal/ inactivation of: signal/receptor, signalling proteins, 2nd messengers
removal of second messengers
cAMP hydrolysed by phosphodiesterase/ unbound from R ^affin C
tetramer reassembly
PDE inhibition
caffeine prolongs cellular response
receptor desensitization example
beta adrenoceptor kinase
1. PKA phosphorylates BARK ^ activity
2. BARK phosphorylates beta adrenoceptor decreasing adrenaline affin and therefore response
PKA phosphorylates CREB and activates txn of target genes
G protein sequence
G > adenlyl cyclase> cAMP> activated PKA
types of G protein
dual control of adenlyl cyclase
alpha s stimulates AC
alpha i inhibits AC
a(s) GTP bound
beta adrenoreceptors
(vasopressin receptor)
A(2a/b)> adenosine receptors couple Gs
alpha 2 adrenoceptors
mu/ delta opioid receptors
A1/3 couple to Gi
cholera toxin target
where does this occur
alpha s sub-unit
causes ADP ribosylation/ prevents GTP hydrolysis
occurs in colon in PKA-dependent Cl- channels (CFTR)»_space; diarrhoea
pertussis toxin target
where does this occur?
locks alpha i into inactive config> no receptor activation/ inhib control of AC
in airway (whooping cough)
sub-units?? activating target?
how does it affect ACh
contains alpha(q11)
allow hormones/neurotrans to activate PLC
underlies autonomic ACh effects
Phospholipase C
amplifier enzyme
cleaves PIP2 (membrane phospholipid)
autonomic effects of ACh
H1 receptor responses (GI smooth muscle contraction)
due to ^Ca2+
PIP2 cleavage products
> IP3 + DAG
Inositol 1,4,5-phosphate + diacylglycerol
IP3 action
characteristic enabling action
water-soluble so travels through cytosol to stimulate Ca release from ER
DAG action
characteristic enabling action
hydrophobic therefore stays in membrane and recruits PKC
^Ca2+-dependent protein kinase
complex action?
Ca binding protein
each binds 4 Ca2+
Ca2+-CaM complex activates PDE/ CaM kinases
example of Gq coupled receptor
alpha 1 adrenoreceptor
^ intra free Ca2+ and activate CaMKs
causes vasoconstriction
Ca2+ dependent PKA
^cell response w phosphorylation ^PKC
mediates BARK densensitisation
regulates: cell shape/ proliferation/ txn factor activity
PKC mediates IPC
alpha 1 adrenoreceptor
vasoconstriction via Gq
muscarinic receptors
G protein involvement/ no. sub-types?
Gq/Gi coupled
ACh activated (metabotropic)
5 sub-types (1,3,5 Gq-coupled) (2,4 Gicoupled)
autonomic ACh effects
enzyme linked receptors examples
guanlyl cyclases
tyrosine/serine/threonine kinase
tyrosine phosphatase
tyrosine kinase assoc.
receptor guanlyl cyclase
2 guanlyl cyclase domains
convert GTP>cGMP
cGMP activates downstream kinases
guanlyl cyclase mechanism
- ANP binding (dimerisation/ activation)
- guan cyc generates cGMP
- other signalling molecules activated
e.g. response of vasodilation
beta 2 adrenoreceptors
via Gs>cAMP>PKA
serine/ threonine kinases
domains target proteins
serine/ threonine kinase mechanism
- 1st messenger binds tII receptor
- TI binds (ternary complex w TII/1st messenger)
- TII phosphorylates TI (activting TI kinase)
- TI phosph target proteins
e.g. response of cell proliferation
receptor tyrosine kinases
domains phosphorylate selves/ other proteins
receptor tyr kinase mechanism
- binds 2 insulin molecules (receptor dimerization)
- cytoplasmic tyr kinase phosp each other at tyr res (phosphotyrosine motifs)
- motifs recruit intra signalling molecules (response)
e.g. insulinmediated glu uptake
MAP kinase signalling pathway
MAP kinase pathway
- activated Ras protein phosphorylates MAP kinase *3
- 4 proteins produced (X,Y > activity change /txn reg A,B >gene exp change)
tyrosine kinase associated receptors
non-covalently association w cyto domains
tyrosine kinase associated receptor mechanism
- 1st messenger binds receptor> dimerization
- tyr phos on selves/ receptor (phosphotyrosine motifs)
- motifs recruit intra signal molecules
tyrosine phosphatase receptor
domains dephosphorylate target proteins
tyrosine phosphatase mechanism
- CD45 binds receptor
- target dephosph by tyr phosp
- downstream cell-signalling event regulation
GPCR sequence
- activate intra signal via G> conform change> intra^>signa,lling cascade
2nd messengfer system (cAMP/IP3/DAG)
no enzyme
RTK sequence
ligand binding> ^kinase activity> tyr phosph self/downswtream
SH2 domains/ Ras/ MAP kinase/ PI3
direct phosphorylation
enzymatic activ
circulating glucose concentration
types of islets of Langerhan
percentages of each/ products
alpha (15-20%) > glucagon
beta (65-80%)>insulin
gamma (3-10%)> somatostatin
inactive form?
polypeptide hormone processed in golgi
2 polypep chains held by disulfide bridges (A> 21aa B> 30aa)
pro-insulin is inactive form
pro-insulin activation
prohormone convertase 1/2 remove C chain of 33 aa
insulin storage
secretory granules of beta cells w pro-insulin/ c peptide
2 phases of glucose infusion against insulin production
- rapid transient response
- slower sustained response
- phase 1: insulin release from secretory granules
- phase 2: synthesis/
insulin circulation and degradation
circulated in free form
degraded by insulinase
degradation in liver/muscles/kidney
plasma half-life
~6 mins
C chain
assayed to indicate insulin secretion
insulin and glucose concentration relations
continuous glucose infusion
max insulin when [glu]>9mM
glucose transport into beta cell
beta cell express GLUT2 transport system
hormone insensitive therefore always active
glucose production of ATP/ADP
glucose phosphorylated to glucose-6-P (via glucokinase) / metabolized by glycolysis/ mito oxidation > ATP/ADP
in beta cell
what is concentration of ATP produced affected by?
circulating glucose conc
(also affects intracellular glucose conc)
beta cell channels
ATP-sensitive K+ channels
v-gated Ca2+ channels
ATP sensitive K+= drug target for diabetes
ATP-sensitive K+ channel
opening/ closing
open at normal [ATP]
close at high [ATP]
v-gated Ca2+ channels
close at normal Vm
depolarization opens v-gated Ca2+ channels / ^membrane permeability to Ca2+
cell membrane impermeable to Ca2+
normal glucose concentration sequence
normal [glu]> normal ATP> K+ open> Vm hyperpolarised> Ca2+channels close> no insulin secretion
high [glu] sequence
^[glu]> ^ATP>K+close> Vm depolarised> Ca2+ open> beta cell secretes insulin
insulin release from pancreas
into hepatic portal vein
liver exposed to insulin
portal circulation gut to liver
insulin receptor
2 sub-units (alpha/beta)
insulin binding ^ receptor dimerization/ activation
dimerization entails phosphorylation of each other at multiple tyrosine res
beta sub-units
960> substrate binding
1146/1150/1151> phosphorylation
1293/1294/136> atenuates kinase activity
1316/ 1322> ass. w growth signal
insulin receptor signalling
- insulin binding > dimerization
- IRS-1 phosphorylation> ^PI3K/ MAPK cascade
- PI3K > insulin cellular response
MAPK cascade> cell growth and survival
intracellular membrane in unstimulated cells
not PM
insulin activation of PI3K
> activating protein kinase B
evokes translocation of GLUT4 to PM
allows glucose uptake into hepatocyte
PKB action
phosphorylates/ inhibits GSK3> inhibits glycogen synthase
glyc synthase catalyzes glucose addition to glycogen chain
Where does glycogen synthase action occur
liver/ skeletal muscle
(and all cells but less so)
if glycogen stores are full > glucose> fatty acids in circulation for fat storage
brain’s only energy source
(no fatty acids)
action of hormone-deprived fat cell
low permeability to glucose
fatty acid release to fuel metabolic processes
hormone sensitive lipase breaks down fat
insulin supplies adipocyte action
high permeability to glucose > metabolised to glycerol and synthesised to fat
insulin inactivated lipase >
excess fatty acids
insulin promotion of protein synthesis
- ^ circulating amino acid conc ^ beta insulin release
- insulin receptors ^TORC1
- Protein synthesis regulation
insulin receptor>PI3K>TORC1> Protein synthesis
Target of Rapamycin complex 1
2nd PI3K-dependent kinase
what happens when amino acids are abundant
insulin stimulates protein incorporation to protein
glucagon structure
single pp chain
29 aa
hypoglycaemia > glucagon release
hyperglcaemia> glucagon suppression
no glucagon receptor on skeletal muscle cells
glucagon receptor
G-protein coupled receptor
7 transmembrane domains
couple to Gs
activate lipase
^cAMP/ PKA dependent pathway
adrenaline can also activate via beta adrenoreceptors
amino acid effect on insulin/ glucose
aa ^insulin/glucagon
^insulin > ^ aa uptake and decrease plasma glucose
^glucagon ^plasma glu
diabetes blood glucose concentration
> 7mM
T1 diabetes
insulin secretion failure
low [insulin] high [glucose]
sudden young onset
type 2 diabetes
insulin resistance
insulin in circulation but ^[glucose]
obesity assoc. later in life
T1 pathogenesis
autoimmune beta cell destruction via CD8 Cyto T
autoimmune beta cell destruction
CD8 reactive against insulin peptides/ MHC complexes
recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes
associated w HLA-DR3/DR4
hyperglycaemia effect on urinary system
^[glucose] in glomerular filtrate ^fluid osmolarity in tubuless
more water into PCT ^urine flow
decreases water reabsorption
hyperglycaemic acidotic coma
more fat broken down as no glucose for fuel
more fatty acid > lower pH
metabolic acidosis
prediction of glucose values
glycosylated Hb used to predict gluc values of past 6-8 weeks
fat deposit around injection site subject to ^[insulin]
negative effect of exogenous insulin injection
side effects of insulin therapy
unpredictable rate of insulin absorption
insulin forms used for therapy
animal insulin (Porcine/bovine)
human insulin
human insulin analogue
types of human insulin
soluble (rapid/ short-lived/ IV emergency)
isophane (forms ppt/ intermediate acting)
insulin Zn suspension (forms ppt/ long-lasting)
insulin analogues
lispro (Lys28> Pro29/ rapid/ short)
glargine and detemir (long/ micro-ppt at physio pH at subcut/ slow absorption)
targets autoimmune reaction in diabetes 1
beta compensate for peripheral resistance > exhausted and decrease secretion
free fatty acids
> insulin resistance in muscle/liver
- transformed in 2nd messeger DAG
- DAG> PKC> IRS-1 Phosphorylation on ser
- insulin receptor pathway changed
(released by adipocytes)
adiponectin (anti-hyperglycaemic)
activate AMPK/IRS1/2
^insulin sensitivity/ glucose uptake
enzyme promoting liver lypolysis
PPAR gamma
nuclear receptor > adipocyte differentiation
^secretion of anti-hyperglycaemic adipokines
in liver/ muscle
via adipocytes
adipocytes> IL-6/IL-1
attracts macrophages to fat deposits
diabetes T2 therapy
diet/ exercise to prevent
medication (thiazolidinediones/ metformin/ sulphonylureas)
insulin (when fully developed)
selective beta 3 agonists
alpha 2 adrenoreceptor antagonists
GLP-1 receptor antagonists
SGLT-2 inhibitors
PPAR gamma agonist
^expression/ secretion of anti-hyperglycaemic adipokines
sensitizing cells
decreases glucose liver release
AMPK activation
^liver lipolysis/insulin receptor signalling
bind to sulphonylurea receptors on beta membranes
block K+ beta channels depolarize
Ca2+ open / allow insulin secretion via exo
selective beta 3 agonists
b 3 adrenoreceptors control fat cell lipolysis
alpha 2 adrenoreceptor antagonists
^insulin secretion
GLP-1 receptor agonists
glucagon-like peptide
^insulin secretion from beta
pro-survival effect on beta
SGLT-2 inhibitors
^glu excretion in urine
long term T2 Diabetes complications
macrovascular disease (med/l bv damage)
microvascular disease (small bv damage)
caused by ROS/AGEs generation
macrovascular disease results
coronary artery disease
cerebrovascular disease
peripheral vascular disease
microvascular disease results
ROS generation
generated by FFA/ glucose increase
>micro/macrovascular complications
AGEs generation
AGE cross-linking to proteins/ receptor binding (RAGE/ AGE-R1)
RAGE> ROS generation/inflam/metab defect
AGE-R1> AGE clearance and ROS decrease
AGE collagen cross-linking lead to vessel damage
endothelium basal membrane thickening/ LDL trap/ IgG
inflam/ complement/oxidation
NFkappaB pathway sequence
effector, signalling pathway and response
- TNF receptor
- IkappaB kinase comple
- NF kappa B txn factors
what activates NF-kappa B complex
DNA damage
physical stress
environmental challenges
responses to NF kappa B pathway
gene expression
programmed death
immune response
2 types of NF-kappa-B signalling pathways
canonical NF kappa beta pathway
- TNF receptor stimulated
- IKK complex activated
- p50/p65 enter nucleus and ^ txn of target genes
e.g. inflam programme
IKK Complex activation
in canonical
- beta phosphorylates IkBalpha inhibitor
(p50/65 kept in cytoplasm) - IkBalpha proteasome targetted
Complex = IKK alpha beta gamma
IKK complex
alpha / beta > catalytic activity
gamma> regulatory
non-canonical NFkappaB pathway
LTbetaR example
- NIK kinase phosphorylates IKK alpha
- IKK alpha phosphorylates p100> p52 (NFkB active dimer)
Rel homology domain
encodes DNA binding/ dimerisation functions of NFkB
- proteolytically processed to p50/52
- ankyrin repeats in C-terminal
- (function as IkappaB inhibitors!!@!!!!)
non-conserved txn activation domains
Cancer associated inducers of aberrant NF-kappa B activity
cytokines/ injection/ microflora
oncogene activation
carcinogens/ tumour promoters
stress RO1 inducers
genetic alteration
carcinogen/ tumour promoters
cancer therapies
tumor promoting functions of aberrant NFkB activity
tumours expressing aberrantly active NFkB have altered NF-kB proteins
normal = cytoplasmic and controlled
disease= uncontrolled and nuclear
p53 structure
N-terminal domain (trans act./ proline rich)
core domain (seq spec DNA binding)
C-terminal domain (tetramerization/ reg non spec DNA binding)
P53 inducers
nutrient deficiency
oncogenic signalling
oxidative stress
physio processes
P53 inactivator
degraded when proteasome degrades
results of p53-casued cell cycle arrest
DNA repair
metabolic switch
cell differentiation
programmed cell death
programmed cell death > apoptosis/ necrosis/ ferroptosis/ necroptosis
between non-canonical NFkB and P53 pathways
p53 can inhibit p52 target genes
p52 can repress some p53 target genes/ co-regulate p53 target genes
NFkB in cancer cells
- can become tumor promoter
- loss of tumor suppressor/ reg genes> aberranty activation
senescence regulation
regarding cross-talk between non-canonical NFkB and p53
p53 activates p21
p52/RelB/BCl3 ass. senescence p53 dependent
induces senescence growth arrest
blocks pRB E2F pathway for cell prolife
expression induced upon CD40L stimulation of primary B cell lymphocytic Leukaemia cells
can work as oncogene