Storytelling - Maria, Helen, Cassandra & Ashlyn Flashcards


How is Winton able to reflect on his experiences through storytelling in ‘Havoc: A life in accidents’?


Winton’s storytelling reflects on his experiences regarding trauma, vulnerability and acceptance. Therefore, he expresses how it has influenced his decisions and behaviour as an individual. He is able to retrospect and allow students to understand the ability to reflect upon our experiences and how it is a vital aspect of human quality.

E.G. “That scene has puzzled me all my life - haunted me, in a way. It was decades before I understood why’d I’d been so afraid…i was being cast back into an older fear, and an accident 3 year earlier. My father had been taken away from me once before” (PG 35) - colloquial language
emotive language, reflective tone
- It evokes the pathos appeal

E.G. “I came to suspect that you don’t just relive these sudden moment in your head, and in your sense - memories you repeat them in fresh events, as if in ensnared in a pattern” (pg 44) caesura
- His ability to be introspective allows readers to understand his pattern of behaviour as he developed awareness and insight through growth and maturity.

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