Storytelling 3-3 Flashcards
I knew about that man yesterday
Supe de ese hombre ayer
You had my book last night
Tuviste mi libro anoche
She said yesterday that he came
Ella dijo ayer que el vino
I was able to do it last night
Pude hacerlo anoche
I wanted it last night
Lo quise anoche
I came yesterday
Vine ayer
They came last night
Vinieron anoche
I put it on the table last night
Lo puse sobre la mesa anoche
Dalo por hecho
Consider it done
I did that yesterday
Lo hice ayer
They did that last night
Ellos hicieron eso anoche
Lo hiciste
You did it
Le puse algo azucar en mi te
I put some sugar in my tea
I put some cookies on the table
Puse unas galletas sobre la mesa
Cuzarse los cables
To flip or lose it
Because your angry
Or get confused