Stop & Search Flashcards
Describe stop and search as stipulated by Section 1 of PACE 1984 Stop and Search
A police constable may detain any person or vehicle or anything which is in or on a vehicle, in any place to which the public has access
If he or she has reasonable grounds for suspecting that stolen or prohibited articles, prohibited fireworks or bladed or sharply pointed articles will be found
Any such article found during a search may be seized
Describe what is meant by detain as stipulated by Section 1 of PACE 1984 Stop and Search
to hold people temporarily to carry out a procedure.
If detention for searchin is not lawful you may be in breach of article 5 on the european convention on human rights (right to liberty and security).
Describe what is meant by Vehicle as stipulated by Section 1 of PACE 1984 Stop and Search
A means of conveyance, usually with wheels, for transporting people, goods etc such as a car, cart, truck, carriage, sledge etc.
Any means of carriage or transport (includes vessels, aircraft and hovercraft)
Describe what is meant by any place to which the public have access as stipulated by Section 1 of PACE 1984 Stop and Search
Any public place or place which the public have permission to be there through payment or otherwise Includes places to which only a section of the public would have access.
You can never search a person under section 1 place in a dwelling.
Describe what is meant by stolen items as stipulated by Section 1 of PACE 1984 Stop and Search
Any item obtained dishonestly from another.
Describe what is meant by Prohibited articles as stipulated by Section 1 of PACE 1984 Stop and Search
Any offensive weapon - made, adapted, intended
For use as a weapon or causing injury or for use in the course of or in connection with
Describe what is meant by articles with a blade or point as stipulated by Section 1 of PACE 1984 Stop and Search
‘Bladed’ – includes any kind of bladed article, for example a kitchen knife, scissors, a craft knife, a pocket knife or any other article which has been given a cutting edge or blade.
‘Sharply pointed’ – includes any kind of sharply pointed article, for example a needle, geometry compasses, or any other article which has been given a sharp point
Describe what is meant by Prohibited fireworks as stipulated by Section 1 of PACE 1984 Stop and Search
Any firework which a person possesses in contravention of a prohibition imposed by firework regulations.
Describe what is meant by reasonable grounds as stipulated by Section 1 of PACE 1984 Stop and Search
Know -
You see it yourself – there is no doubt it has taken place.
Believe -
In this instance you are on patrol on a side street of the main shopping area. You hear a smash of glass from around the corner. You turn the corner and see a man standing in front of a broken shop window. Inside the shop is a large brick.
Suspect -
You hear a smash of glass from around the corner. You turn the corner and see a man running away. You see a broken shop window and inside the shop is a large brick. You walk along the street and find the man you saw running away hiding behind some bins.
Describe the pneumonic SHACKS
S: Seen
H: Heard
A: Actions
C: Conversations
K: Knowledge
S: Smell
Smell alone will not give a constable reasonable grounds for a search
Explain the information that must be provided prior to a stop and search taking place
Code A of PACE:
G: Grounds
O: Objective
W: Warrant card
I: Identity of officer
S: Station
E: Entitlement to copy of search record
L: Legal power used
Y: You are detained for the purpose of a search
Describe the limitations of a search when conducting one in both a public and private place.
- Searches under section 1 of PACE may only be done on public land or a place in which the public have access
- Schools are deemed private
- In a school you can search for controlled drugs under section 23 missuse of drugs act 1971.
- Can search for an offensive weapon on a person in a school under section 139b criminal justice act 1988.
Identify what constitutes, “reasonable grounds”.
Reasonable grounds: use JPLANE + SHACKS
J: Justified
P: Proportionate
L: Lawful
A: Accountable
N: Necessary
E: Ethical
S: Seen
H: Heard
A: Actions
C: Conversations
K: Knowledge
S: Smell
Identify how conscious/unconscious bias can impact on a stop and search.
Bias can make your brain take mental shortcuts in situations such as a stop and search, instead of following a step by step process. It will impact the effectivity of your decision making process.
Explain how to deal with a young person during a search and identify any vulnerabilities.
Communication - If children are present during a search appropriate communication should be used
Additional Resources - The presence of young people may affect the dynamics of the search requiring an officer to request assistance from their colleagues
Health and Safety - consider vulnerability of young persons during the search
Minimise embarrassment that a person being searched may experience.
Outline the procedure to be carried out post search including the recording of information.
Once the search is complete the officer MUST make a record of the searchThe subject MUSTbe provided with a receipt of the search
Outline other search powers as stipulated by S60/60AA of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 and S47A of the Terrorism Act 2000
Section 60AA of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 provides powers to require the removal of disguises at public order events where a section 60 authorisation is in force or an authorisation is given under this section.
S47A Terrorism Act 2000 provides powers to S & S in a specified
location if a senior police officer reasonably suspects that an act
of terrorism will take place & reasonably considers that
authorisation is necessary to prevent such an act
PACE code c - intimate searches
State how a stop and search is fair and effective
When the search is justified, lawful and stands up to public scrutiny (JPLANE)