Stop And Search Flashcards
What does PACE stand for?
Police And Criminal Evidence Act
What year was PACE?
What is PACE s1
Police have the right to detain and search people and vehicles in public places if they have reasonable grounds for suspecting the person stopped has stolen goods, offensive weapons or prohibited articles
Does searching for drugs come under PACE? If not what act does to come under?
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
Can you be searched in your Garden?
If not when are there exceptions?
1.) It appears your not the owner
2.) They do not have permission to be there
What is PACE s78
Evidence maybe inadmissible if unfairly obtained
What does SOAP stand for?
Stolen goods
Offensive weapons
Articles for cheap l/burglary
Pointed or bladed items
What is Paragraph 2.2 Code A
Can’t stop and search on appearance, ethnicity or previous convictions. Unless you’re wearing gang clothing/tag
What S60 CJ & PO Act 1994
Where a senior officer can authorise a stop and search (if they believe a serious crime is about to happen)
What is PACE s2 & 3
What Safeguards exist for Stop and Search
- ) Police must give their name, station, and grounds for the search (Osman v DPP 1999)
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