Stomach Channel Flashcards
Functions of the Stomach Fu?
Control the ‘rotting and ripening’ of food. Controls descending. Act as the first stage in digestion of fluids.
Stomach Fu disease manifestations?
i. disorders of appetite and digestion
ii. distention and pain in the epigastrium due to failure of the Stomach qi to descend, or
iii. belching, nausea or vomiting due to rebellious ascent of Stomach qi.
Foot Yangming channel clinical uses (with respect to Qi and Blood)?
Used to regulate qi and blood in the lower limb and to treat atrophy disorder and painful obstruction, hemiplegia and pain of all kinds.
Points of the Stomach channel are among the most important for…? (with respect to it’s Yangming designation)
Clearing excess of yang in the form of febrile heat, or heat which rises to disturb the Heart and spirit.
Primary actions and indications of the ST channel?
• treating all disorders of the yangming channel in the head including the eyes, face and cheeks, forehead,
nose, lips, gums and teeth.
• treating disorders of the ear.
• treating disorders of the throat.
• regulating the function of the intestines.
• treating disorders of the upper, middle and lower jiao, especially the Lung, Heart, chest, epigastrium, Stomach, Spleen, uterus and Bladder.
• tonifying qi, blood, yin and yang.
• treating both acute and chronic disorders of the breast.
• treating disturbance of the spirit, especially mania-depression.
ST 1…
• Directly below pupil, between bone and eyeball
• Major point for eyes.
• Microsystem: Eye acupuncture- South
• Angle needle 45-degrees down, while gently pressing eyeball. Remove gently and slowly to reduce bruising; maintain pressure on cotton ball afterwards.
ST 2…
• Directly below pupil, on groove in middle of zygoma/cheekbone.
• For sinus.
• Treats parasites in both classically and in TCM.
• Use thinner gauge needle on face.
ST 4…
• Directly below pupil, next to corners of mouth; usually in crease.
• Excellent for mouth sores / oral herpes
• Needle affected side, with LI 4
• Comfortably needled
ST 6 & 7…
• In middle of masseter muscle, at either end
• ST 6 - 1 finger-breadth anterior and superior to the angle of the jaw
• ST 7 - just below zygomatic arch.
• Have patient clench jaw to locate
• Both are primary points for treating jaw, ear, tooth and gum conditions
• #1 for toothache - angle towards affected tooth, on affected side
• With LI 4 or 3
• Comfortably needled
ST 8…
LOCATION: • In major hollow near corner of hairline; 0.5 cun within hairline; junction of anterior and temporal hairlines; on line from Du 24 through GB 15. NOTES: • Uppermost point of ST channel: • Releases yang, wind, heat • Alleviates headache & eye disorders • Treats damp, phlegm • Microsystem: lower jiao of anterior hairline zones.
ST 9… name & translation
- Ren Ying / Human Welcome (Prognosis) *
• Between carotid artery and trachea, level with laryngeal prominence
• Pulse point for diagnosing all of yang.
• Sky Window point: - Treats head/body relationships by re-establishing harmony in qi dynamic
- Hypertension, Thyroid
ST 12…
• In deep hollow behind midpoint of clavicle, level with sides of neck
• Junction of all yang primary channels, (-) UB
• Descends yang/heat out of head & chest
• Headache, hypertension
• Acupressure much easier and recommended here, due to proximity of lung
ST 13…
• On the inferior border of the clavicle, directly below ST 12, level with edge of neck
• For “psychic trauma of any degree”
• With KI 6
• Reference: Ming Dynasty classic-
Zhen Jiu Da Cheng/ Acu-Moxa Great Compendium
ST 18…
• Males: 1 rib space below the nipple (ST 17), in the 5th intercostal space
• Females: at the ‘root of the breast’, 4 cun lateral to the midline
• Cardiac pulse visible on left
• ‘Point of Maximum Intensity’ in cardiology
• Great Luo of Stomach (its sole point)
- Treats pseudo-heart attack symptoms: chest oppression, hypertension
- with other conventional points: GB 21, PC 6, ST 36 etc.
- Left side only
ST 21…
LOCATION: • In middle of rectus abdominis, level with Ren 12 (the ST Mu point), 4 cun above navel • Both points are at significant change in muscle tissue (a horizontal line) when fingers slide lightly across area Notes: • Mnemonic- 21-12 • Major point for ST • Bleeding ulcers • Stops diarrhea