stomach Flashcards
Forrest Classification for endoscopic findings
active, non pulsating bleeding
Forrest Classification for endoscopic findings
active, pulsating bleeding
Forrest Classification for endoscopic findings
Adherent clot
Grade IIB
Forrest Classification for endoscopic findings
Non bleeding visible vessel
Grade IIA
Forrest Classification for endoscopic findings
Black dot
Grade IIC
Forrest Classification for endoscopic findings
No signs of recent bleeding
Grade IIIC
ULcer relieved by eating food
marked abdominal guarding with rebound tenderness
board-like rigidity
what consists bismuth triple therapy
bismuth 2 tabs BID
Metronidazole 250mg TID
Tetracycline 500mg qid
gold standard for tx of ulcer
quadruple therapy
what consists quadruple therapy
Bismuth 2 tabs QID
Metronidazole 250mg TID
Tetracycline 500mg qid
PPI Triple therapy
PPI bid
Amox 1g BID
Clarithromycin 500mg bid
caused by the destruction of the pyloric sphincter causing abrupt delivery of hyperosmolar load to the small intestines
dumping syndrome
due to hyperinsulinemia with reactive hypoglycemia
late dumping
2-3 hrs after eating
peripheral and splanchnic vasodilatation leading to shock-like symptoms
early dumping
15-30 mins after eating
inflamed, beefy red, friable gastric mucosa by endoscopy
bile/ alkaline reflux gastritis
tx of bile reflux gastritis
frequent meals
sx tx: long limb 45cm roux en y hastrojejunostomy
results from functional obstruction due to disruption of normal propagation of pacesetter potentials in the roux limb from the proximal duodenum
altered motility in the gastric remnant
roux stasis syndrome
chronic abdominal pain
vomiting aggravated by eating
roux stasis syndrome
dx roux stasis syndrome
upper GI series- delayed gastric emptying
tx roux stasis
pro motility drugs
near total or total gastrectomy
caused by acute bowel kink, volvulus or internal herniation
duodenal stump blowout from progressive afferent limb dilatation
afferent loop syndrome
results from intermittent obstruction of the efferent limb
obstructions are due to internal herniation of the distal intestines behind the efferent limb
efferent loop syndrome
uncontrolled secretion of gastrin by pancreatic/ duodenal neuroendocrine tumor
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
most common pancreatic tumor in patients with MEN I
MC location of Ulcers in ZES
Proximal duodenum
mc causes of gastric adenoCA
H pylori
autoimmune gastritis
describes tumors based on microscopic configuration and growth pattern
Lauren classification
type of adenoCA
Well differentiated gland structure
slow growth
intestinal type
type of adenoCA
no glands and poorly differentiated
small cells grow into the surrounding gastric wall
diffuse type
mc location of diffuse type adenoCA
mc location of intestinal type adenoCA
Distal stomach
characterized as the extensive or complete infiltartion of the entire stomach
linitis plastica
can detect aoccult metastasis
endoscopic utz
sx tx for tumors in distal 75% of the stomach
pylorus +2cm of proximal duodenum
greater and lesser omentum
radical subtotal gastrectomy
billroth II
ROUX EN Y gastroduodenostomy
sx tx for all lesions in the mid body or fundus
linitis plastica
Menetrier disease; gastric remnant carcinoma, multiple diffuse gastric polyps
radical total gastrectomy
gastrectomy plus resection of n1 and n2 nodes
gastrectomy plus resection of n1 and n3 nodes
gastrectomy plus complete dissection of n1 nodes
gastrectomy plus INcomplete dissection of n1 nodes
Paraaortic nodes
Nodes in the hepatoduodenal ligament, retropancreatic region, celiac plexus, SMA
Perigastric nodes along greater and lesser curvature
MC type of gastric lymphoma
non hodgkin
b cell type- arise from MALT
Non MALT type of Primary gastric lymphoma
high grade lymphoma
tx of high grade type lymphoma
inactivation of p53 tumor supressor gene; expression of the replication error phenotype, c-myc proto oncogene mutation
arise from the interstitial cells of cajal
doughnut sign
Prognostic factors of GIST
Tumor size; mitotic count
GIST mode of metastasis
tumor markers of GIST
c KIT (CD 117) and CD 34
sx treatment GIST
Wedge resection with negative margins
tx for unresectable, metastatic GIST
Imatinib (Gleevec)
MC type of GIST
Epithelial cell stroma
2nd- spindle type
arise from gastric ECL cells
usually assoc with hepatic metastasis
gastric carcinoids
type of gastric carcinoid
type a chronic atrophic gastritis, w/ or w/o pernicious anemia
type of gastric carcinoid
Assoc with ZES and patients with MEN 1
Type 2
type of gastric carcinoid
sporadic form/ neuroendocrine carcinoma
mc in men
usually SOLITARY
Type 3
localizing test for gastric carcinoid
somatostatin analogue- indium octreotide
tx for gastric carcinoid
debulking sx plus somatostatin
associated with protein losing enteropathy and hypochlorydia
large rugal folds that spare the antrum
hypertrophic gastropathy (menetrier disease)
diffuse hyperplasia of surface mucus-secreting cells and decrease parietal cells
hypertrophic gastropathy (menetrier disease)
dilated mucosal blood vessels in the DISTAL stomach
Watermelon stomach ( gastric antral vascular ectasia)
dilated mucosal blood vessels in the PROXIMAL stomach
portal gastropathy
Elderly women with chronic GI loss
assoc autoimmune Connective tissue d/o
Watermelon stomach ( gastric antral vascular ectasia)
TX Watermelon stomach ( gastric antral vascular ectasia)
Endoscopic antrectomy
unusually large submucosal artery
congenital AV malformation
dieulafoy lesion
endoscopic finding of pulsating blood from a normal appearing gastric mucosa
dieulafoy lesion
TX dieulafoy lesion
Endoscopic hemostasis; angiographic embolization oversew or resection
regurgitation of feedings
projectile non bilous emesis
OLIVE SHAPED mass in RU epigastrium
pyloric stenosis
tx pyloric stenosis
Fredet Ramstedt pyloromyotomy