Stomach Flashcards
Stomach 45
Li Dui - Running Point
On the lateral side of the second toe, 1 fen proximal and lateral to the corner of the nail.
Jing Well Point
Metal Point therefore Sedation Point
Point of Departure of Stomach Tendino-muscular meridian
Sends Qi to the Spleen Meridian
Root of Yang Ming
Has an influence on the Stomach Divergent Meridian
Stomach 44
Nei Ting - Inner Courtyard
Between the second and third toes, 0.5cun proximal to the margin of the web.
Ying Spring Point
Water Point
Acts on all fluids of the body
Stomach 43
Xian Gu - Sinking Valley
In a depression distal to the junction of the second and third metatarsal bones.
Shu Stream Point
Wood Point
Stomach 42
Chong Yang - Rushing Yang
On the highest point of the dorsum of the foot, on a line between ST-41 and ST-43, lateral to the dorsalis pedis artery (can be roughly midway between ST-43 and ST-41)
Yuan Source Point therefore receives a vessel from Sp-4
Point of exit
By receiving Spleen Qi, it tonifies the Stomach meridian therefore the Internal Duct of the Three Heater
Point of Exit
Stomach 41
Jie Xi - Dispersing Stream
On the transverse malleolus crease of the dorsum of the foot, midway between the tendons of muscles extensor hallucis longus (Foot in the middle press big toe into hand - first one from medial Tibialis Anterior) and extensor digitorum longus (evert foot and pull toes forward - lateral tendon)
Jing River Point
Fire Point therefore Tonification Point
Tonifies Kidney Yin
Stomach 40
Feng Long - Abundant Bulge
8 cun below the knee crease, two fingers’ breadth lateral to the tibial crest.
Luo Point therefore sends a vessel to SP-3
Stomach 39
Xia Ju Xu - Lower Great Void
9 cun below the knee crease, one fingers’ breadth lateral to the tibial crest.
Lower He Sea Point of the Small Intestine
Sea of Blood Lower Point
Sends Qi up
Affects the Internal Duct of the Three Heater therefore tonifies the Kidneys.
Stomach 38
Tiao Kou - Narrow Opening
8 cun below the knee crease, one fingers’ breadth lateral to the tibial crest.
Stomach 37
Shang Ju Xu - Upper Great Void
6 cun below the knee crease, one fingers’ breadth lateral to the tibial crest.
Lower He Sea Point of the Colon
Sea of Blood Lower Point
Draws Qi down
Affects the Internal Duct of the Three Heater therefore tonifies Kidneys
Stomach 36
Zu San Li - Leg Three Miles
3 cun below the knee crease, one fingers’ breadth lateral to the tibial crest. (Check by putting flat hand below inferior border of the patella - 4 fingers = 3 cun or L shaped hand thumb along superior border of patella and index along tibial crest middle finger should be at ST-36)
He Sea Point
Earth Point therefore Horary Point
Sea of Nourishment Lower Point
Command Point for Upper and Middle Abdomen
Tonifies KI Yin
Stomach 35
Du Bi - Calf Nose
In the depression lateral and inferior to the patella crest.
Stomach 34
Liang Qiu - Beam Mound
4 cun above the knee crease, on a line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the lateral border of the patella (patella is 2 cun - little and index fingers 1/2 on 1/2 off the superior and inferior borders, then move bottom finger to superior border to ger 4 cun - if the knee crease is slightly lower than the inferior border of the patella then adjust at the inferior border of the patella)
Xi Cleft Point therefore regulates Qi and Blood in the Stomach meridian
Reflex Point
Stomach 33
Yin Shi - Yin Market
5 cun above the knee crease, between the muscles of rectus femoris and vastus lateralis, on a line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the lateral border of the patella
Stomach 32
Fu Tu - Crouching Rabbit
8 cun above the knee crease, on a line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the lateral border of the patella.
Point of Departure of the Stomach Divergent Meridian
Stomach 31
Bi Guan - Thigh Gate / Barrier
In a depression level with the inferior border of the symphysis pubis, lateral to the sartorius muscle, on a line from the anterior superior iliac spine to the lateral border of the patella (Flexing the thigh will help locating this point)
•Regulates Qi in the legs
Stomach 30
Qi Chong - Rushing Qi
2 cun lateral to Ren-2
Sea of Nourishment Upper point
Important point of Chong Mai
Lower Meeting Point of Stomach and Spleen Divergent meridians
Arrival of the branch from ST-12 (Internal vessel)
Meets the Gall Bladder meridian
Stomach 29
Gui Lai - Return
2 cun lateral to Ren-3
Stomach 28
Shui Dao - Water Path / Way
2 cun lateral to Ren-4
The Stomach communicates with the Kidneys via Dai Mai
Regulates Body Fluids (as per point name)
Stomach 27
Da Ju - Big and Huge
2 cun lateral to Ren-5
•Meets the five zang
Stomach 26
Wai Ling - Outer Mound
2 cun lateral to Ren-7
Stomach 25
Tian Shu - Celestial Pivot
2 cun lateral to Ren-8
Mu Point of the Colon
Receives a vessel from Chong Mai
Meets the Liver meridian
Tonifies Yin in general
Conveys Qi and body fluids to Yang Ming and Spleen
Stomach 24
Hua Rou Men - Slippery Flesh Gate
2 cun lateral to Ren-9
•Has an effect on Stomach and Small Intestine
Stomach 23
Tai Yi - Great / Supreme Unity
2 cun lateral to Ren-10
Stomach 22
Guan Men - Pass Gate / Barrier
2 cun lateral to Ren-11
Stomach 21
Liang Men - Beam Gate
2 cun lateral to Ren-12
•Promotes the function of Stomach and Spleen
Stomach 20
Cheng Man - Receiving / Containing Fullness
2 cun lateral to Ren-13
•Promotes the function of Stomach and Spleen
Stomach 19
Bu Rong - Not Contained
2 cun lateral to Ren-14
Stomach 18
Ru Gen - Breast Root
In the fifth intercostal space, just superior to the sixth rib, 4 cun lateral to the midline.
Stomach 17
Ru Zhong - Breast Centre
In the centre of the nipple
Stomach 16
Ying Chuang - Breast Window
In the third intercostal space, just superior to the fourth rib, 4 cun lateral to the midline.
Stomach 15
Wu Yi - Room Screen
In the second intercostal space, just superior to the third rib, 4 cun lateral to the midline.
Stomach 14
Ku Fang - Storehouse / Storeroom
In the first intercostal space, just superior to the second rib, 4 cun lateral to the midline.
Stomach 13
Qi Hu - Qi Door
Inferior to the clavicle, directly below ST-12, 4 cun lateral to the midline.
Branches from Small Intestine, Colon, Three Heater and Stomach meridians which then travel to the interior
Small Intestine, Colon, Three Heater and Stomach Divergent Meridians surface here to join the main meridians and go to the head.
Stomach 12
Que Pen - Empty Basin
Superior to the clavicle, at the midpoint of the supra-clavicular fossa, 4 cun lateral to the midline.
Point of Yin Qiao Mai
Meeting of the Three Leg Yang Tendino muscular meridians.
Meeting of Stomach, Gall Bladder, Colon, Three Heater and Small Intestine meridians (all the Yang except Bladder)
Lower Meeting point of Lung and Colon Divergent Meridians
Branch to Pylorus, which then travels to ST-30
•Takes Qi down
Stomach 11
Qi She - Abode of Qi
Superior to the sternal extremity of the clavicle, in a depression midway between the two heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Stomach 10
Shui Tu - Water Prominence
On the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, midway between ST-9 and ST-11.
Stomach 9
Ren Ying - Man’s Welcome
Level with the Laryngeal prominence, following the natural neck line, on the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid
Window of Sky Point.
Sea of Qi Lower Point
•Brings deep pulses to the surface
Stomach 01
Cheng Qi - Receiving / Containing Tears
Directly below the centre of the pupil of the eye, on the superior border of the lower orbit.
Point of Yang Qiao Mai
Meets Ren Mai
Point of Entry
Stomach 02
Si Bai - Four Whites
Directly below the centre of the pupil of the eye, in the depression of the infra-orbital foramen.
Stomach 03
Ju Liao - Huge Bone Hole
Directly below the centre of the pupil of the eye, level with the lower border of the ala nasi
Meets Colon Meridian
Point of Yang Qiao Mai
Stomach 04 -
Di Chang - Earth Granary
Directly below the centre of the pupil of the eye, lateral to the corner of the mouth.
Point of Yang Qiao Mai
Meets Ren Mai and Colon Meridian
Tonifies Kidney Yin
Stomach 05
Da Ying - Big Welcome
With the teeth clenched tightly, the point is in a groove on the external edge of the mandible, approximately 1.5 cun anterior to the angle of the mandible.
Branch ascends to ST-8
Branch descends to the neck to eventually reach ST-12
Branch to Colon meridian, which then travels to the teeth.
Stomach 06
Jia Che - Jaw Bone
With the teeth clenched tightly, the point is in the bulk of the masseter muscle, one finger’s breadth anterior and superior to the angle of the mandible.
Stomach 07
Xia Guan - Below The Joint / Gate / Barrier
Between the mandibular notch and the lower border of the zygoma. (Inferior to the zygoma arch and anterior to the mandibular notch)
Stomach 08
Tou Wei - Head Binding
0.5cun inside the corner of the natural hair line, 4.5 cun lateral to the midline of the head (posterior to where the artery can be palpated)
Fruit of Yang Ming
Meets the Gall Bladder meridian