Stomach Flashcards
What is the location of Stomach 1?
Directly below the pupil, between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge
Stomach 1 is a point on the yang qiao mai, serving as an entry point intersecting with the stomach and ren.
What are the indications for Stomach 1?
Anything eye
How is Stomach 1 punctured?
Push the eyeball upward with the left thumb and puncture perpendicularly and slowly 0.5 to 1.0 inch along the infraorbital ridge
What is the location of Stomach 7?
At the lower border of the zygomatic arch in the depression anterior to the condyloid process of the mandible with the mouth closed
What are the indications for Stomach 7?
- Deafness
- Tinnitus
- Jaw pain
- Motor impairment of the jaw
What is the method for puncturing Stomach 7?
Puncture perpendicularly 0.3 to 0.5 inch; moxibustion is applicable
What is Stomach 17 known for?
It is in the fourth intercostal space in the center of the nipple and serves only as a landmark for locating points on the chest and abdomen! DONT NEEDLE
What are the indications for Stomach 25?
- Abdominal pain and distention
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Dysentery
- Irregular menstruation
- Edema
What point is the front Mu of the LI
ST 25
What is the location of Stomach 25?
2 cun lateral to the center of the umbilicus
What is the significance of Stomach 30?
It is a point of the chong mai, four sea point of nourishment
What are the indications for Stomach 36?
- Gastric pain
- Vomiting
- Hiccups
- Abdominal constipation
- Borborygmus
- Diarrhea
- Dysentery
- Constipation
- Mastitis
- Enteritis
- Aching of the knee joint and leg
- Beriberi
- Edema
- Cough
- Asthma
- Emaciation due to general deficiency
- Indigestion
- Apoplexy
- Hemiplegia
- Dizziness
- Insomnia
- Mania
What is the location of Stomach 36?
3 cun below dubi (st 35), one finger-breadth from the anterior crest of the tibia in m. tibialis anterior
What is the role of Stomach 40?
It is a luo-connecting point, empirical point for phlegm
What are the indications of ST 37
He sea of LI
* constipation
* Diarrhea
What are the indications for Stomach 42?
- Yuan source, tonify stomach
- Pain of the upper teeth
- Redness and swelling of the dorsum of the foot
- Facial paralysis
- Muscular atrophy
- Motor impairment of the foot
Indications for ST 38
Contralateral shoulder pain
Indications of ST39
Lower He sea of SI
* SI issues
What is the location of Stomach 44?
Proximal to the web margin between the second and third toes in the depression distal and lateral to the second metatarsodigital joint
What are the actions of Stomach 44?
- Ying spring
- Clears heat
- Eliminates fullness
- Regulates Qi
- Promotes digestion
- Eliminates wind from the face
- Resolves damp-heat
- Calms the mind
What is the location of Stomach 45?
On the lateral side of the 2nd toe, 0.1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
What are the indications for Stomach 45?
- Jing well
- Facial swelling
- Deviation of the mouth
- Epistaxis
- Toothache
- Sore throat and hoarse voice
- Abdominal distention
- Coldness in the leg and foot
- Febrile diseases
- Dream-disturbed sleep
- Mania