Stockham & Scott Chapter 9 Electrolytes AKG Flashcards
H20 followed sodium via osmotic pressure, but which membranes of the nephron are impermeable to water?
Distal nephron tubules (unless you have ADH)
Ascending limb of loop of Henle is impermeable to water
How does hypokalemia alter Na? What about hyperkalemia?
Hypokalemia will decrease exchangable (free) potassium, requiring plasma Na concentrations to decrease by allowing Na to enter the cells - this is needed to maintain electroneutrality.
Hyperkalemia does not cause hypernatremia however becuase marked hyperkalemia is life threatening and hypernatremia stimulates thirst centers and intake of water reduces mangitude of change.
What are the three factors that alter aldosterone secretion? Which ones are the two main factors?
- Hyperkalemia
- Blood volume
- Hyponatremia
First 2 are main factors
Where is ADH formed? Where is it stored?
Formed in the hypothalamus
Stored in the pituitary gland
Angiotensin II promotes sodium resorption in the _____ of the kidney, while aldosterone promotes active sodium resorption in the _____ of the kidney.
Angiotensin II –> proximal tubules
Aldosterone –> CTs
Plasma sodium concentrations are controlled mainly by 2 main mechanisms:
- Regulation of blood volume - detected by kidney juxtaglomerular cells and carotid sinus baroreceptors (RAS –> angiotensin II and aldo; ADH)
- Regulation of osmolality –> detected by hypothalamus –> (thirst centers and ADH secretion)
There is an aldosterone-independent Na-Cl cotransporter that will increase NaCl resoprtion when there is increased Na delivery to the ditsal nephron. Which drug binds to Cl receptor and BLOCK the co-transporter.
Thiazide diuretics
For measuring sodium:
- serum vs plasma
serum preferred
Which is okay to use: NaEDTA or NaHeparin?
Na-Heparin becuase there is not enough sodium to cause a clinically significant change
What is “aldosterone escape”?
Although aldosterone increases Na and water retention, patients with hyperaldosteronism will subsequently increase urinary sodium extretion (aka natriuresis) d/t effects of hypervolemia (increased renal perfusion pressure, decreased proximal sodium reabsoprtion and increased Na delivery to the distal nephron) - this increased delivery of sodium overrides the enhanced aldosterone sodium reabsoprtion. Volume expansion increases ANP, which also promotes natriuesis. Together, these events prevent edema formation.
What is the difference between direct potentiometry and indirect potentiometry when measuring [Na+]?
Both use an ion selective electrode to measure electrical potential.
Direct potentiometry measures electrical potential in a NONdiluted sample, and Na activity is only measured in the aqueous (H2O) phase.
Indirect potentiometry measures electrical potential in a DILUTED sample.
Lipids and proteins will falsely decrease Na using indirect potentiometry.
____ and ____ will falsely ______ sodium measurement using indirect potentiometry.
Lipids; proteins; decrease
What can lead to spurious hypernatremia when measuring sodium?
Sample evaporation
List the differentials for hypernatremia caused by a water deficit (hypertonic dehydration)?
Think “free water” loss:
- Insensible loss (panting, hyperventilation, fever)
- Defective ADH activity (central + nephrogenic DI)
Inadequate water intake:
- Water deprivation
- Defective thirst response (brain injury, hypodypsic hypernatremia in miniature schnauzers)
Free water loss >> Na loss
- Osmotic diuresis (glucosuria from DM or dextrose administration; synthetic colloid administration)
- Osmotic sequestration in GIT (ruminal acidosis - build up of lactate; paintball toxicosis - glycerol and sorbital; phosphate enemas)
Which molecules are responsible for osmotic pull of water in GIT in painball toxicosis?
Glycerol & Sorbitol
How does ruminal acidosis lead to osmotic pull into GIT?
Proliferation of lactate producing bacteria - build up of lactate and other molecules - creates hyperosmolar environment/osmotic gradient for water to enter and get sequestered into the GIT
List the differentials for hypernatremia caused by an excess of sodium?
- Excess sodium with H2O restriction (salt poisoning, hypertonic saline, sodium-bicarbonate administration)
- Decreased renal excretion of sodium (hyperaldosteronism - rare since aldosterone escape will mitigate hypernatremia if you have normal ADH activity and normal water intake + ANP which promotes natriuesis)
- Spurious hypernatremia due to sample evaporation (in vitro)
- Unknown mechanisms:
- Severe exercise in greyhounds
List disorders that lead to net retention of isotonic fluids to hypotnic fluids (usually normonatremic, sometimes mildly hyponatremic) leading to edema or transudate formation
- Hepatic cirrhosis
- Nephrotic syndrome
Explain the mechanism of edema/transudate formation in CHF:
↓ CO → ↓ BV → RAS + SNS activation → Na & Cl resorption → plasma hyperosmolality → ADH + thirst response → hypervolemia → increased venous hydrolic pressure → edema/trasnudative effusion
Hypoalbuminemia plays a primary role in causing edema/transudative effusions in patients with hepatic cirrhosis. T/F
False - hypertension/increased hydraulic pressure in the liver (‘underfilling theory’) plays a primary roll in the formation of edema and transudative effusions; hypoalbuminemia (decreased oncotic pressure) only plays a secondary role
Nephrotic syndrome develops secondary to damage of what part of the kidney? Give differentials that could cause it.
Glomerular damage
Secondary glomerulopathies (e.g., sequelae of systemic of glomerular hypertension in animals with late stage CKD; venous thrombuss formation)
Primary glomerulopathies (e.g., immune-mediated complex deposition incited by neoplasia, rickettsial diseases, SLE, HWD, adenovirus, or idiopathic; chronic infection - FeLV, FIV; amyloidosis)
What is nephrotic syndrome?
A protein-losing nephropathy that leads to abdominal transudation. Other characteristics of nephrotic syndrome include: hypoalbuminemia, proteinuria, hypercholesterolemia, and edema/transudative effusion
List the differentials for hyponatremia caused by expanded ECF volume without edema:
- Inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH) - secondary to drugs, and neuro, pulmonary and thyroid disease
- Excessive Na+ poor fluids (dextrose, hypotonic saline)
- Primary polydypsia - uncommon b/c normal renal function would regulate and excrete excess water
List the differentials for hyponatremia that are caused by net sodium loss (‘dilutional hyponatremia’)
- Hypoadrenocorticism
- Ketonuria (pulls sodium into renal tubules to maintain electroneutrality)
- Na-wasting npehrapties (most common in horses)
- Third-space loss with repeated removal of effusions and drinking water
These ddx may be result in net isotonic fluid loss and cause normonatremic dehydration, or may cause dilutional hyponatremia if followed by unrestricted access to water:
- GI loss (vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, sequestration, canine whipworm, bovine hemorrhagic diarrhea)
- Renal loss (defective tubular function, osmotic diuresis, diuretic agents)
- Skin loss (sweating in horses)
List the differentials that cause hyponatremia due to fluid or Na shifts between ICF and ECF, and from intravascular to extravascular spaces
- Shifting of water from ICF → ECF
- Occurs during increased plasma osmolality (hyperglycemia or mannitol administration) → H2O shift to ECF → dilutes Na
- Shifting of Na from ECF → ICF
- Acute damage to cell membranes (muscle trauma) allowed Na to follow concentration gradient INTO the cells. Other expected changes: hypovolemia, ↓ Ca2+, ↑K+, ↑ Ph
- Potassium depletion (results in Na to enter cells to maintain electroneutrality; K depletion also causes Cl to leave cell and decrease intracellular osmolality, moving water out of cells and diluting circulating Na)
- Shifting of Na from IV to EV space
- Uroperitoneum (urine is NaCl poor → NaCl diffuses into abdominal cavity from circulation; see decreases in Na and Cl wihtin 1-2 days of onset, and see marked changes after 4 days of onset
What are the clinico-pathologic changes that occur after acute damage to cell membranes/muscle trauma?
- Hypovolemia
- Hyponatremia
- Hypocalcemia
- Hyperkalemia
- Hyperphosphatemia